Thursday, December 20, 2018


Today was good.  We gave out the teacher gifts today and everyone liked them.  Oliver had school and an Christmas Elf came to their class which was fun.  They made a ice cream cone Christmas tree and it fell over so he was sad.  After school Isaac went and played with his best friend and they had a fun time.  Mom made it up and we are excited to have her.  I finished my quilt and I made a phone holder so Ruthie could have her unicorn back and she was excited about that.  Everyone have a good Friday.


Safe and sound

I made it to Logan safe and sound. My vacation has begun. If we go to this is the place do we want to go to salt lake for lunch and dinner and then go to kamas. Just a thought. I will get tickets tomorrow. It is nice to have 5 days off. Have a great Friday.

I'm done

Today was my last day. I was so excited. I even left early. I was thinking about going to Christmas candle light at this is the place. I looks like fun. I went to gardner village with the gumm gang. It was fun it was warmer so it wasn't to bad to walk around. Everyone have a good friday!


I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am so ready for the holiday. My day was good. Class has been going good and work is busy as well. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

New Plan?

I had a nice day.  I only worked 1/2 day and then took dad to a new doctor.  I liked her.  I think we will keep going to her and see how it goes.  Afterwards we drove up to Park City and got some Olive Oil at the place we like.  It went out of business at Gateway.  We then hooked up with Karen and we are ready to party!!!!! I made lasagna when I got home and stroke potatoes.  I also wrapped all the rest of the presents.  I think I am so ready for Christmas. It feels so good.  I am going to Logan tomorrow night.  I think I am going to leave after dinner.  Spare the ride up in rush hour traffic if that is OK?  I am pretty excited to play.  There is a hitch in our plans.  Karen checked on the ice castles and they aren't opened yet.  Robin what else would you like to do for your birthday party?  We had planned to go out to dinner and then go to the castles so I am not sure what else to do.  I am open for suggestions.  I am glad that Jenkins is feeling better.  I like that blanket.  That was a good idea.  LOVE YA MOM


That is a cute poster Robin, that took a lot of thought.  I love things like that.  That was a good idea to take the kids through your work Karen, good job.  Isaac didn't sleep well last night and was wondering around and ended up sleeping with us so we were tired today.  This morning was my workout classes Christmas party so it was two hours long.  I left and took Oliver to school and then went back.  They had Santa come and Ruthie sat on his lap.  It threw off my schedule though so I had to hurry and do the things I usually do while Oliver is at school.  Casey brought home sandwiches for lunch which was fun.  I had pictures and memorabilia in Casey's chester drawers and he needed the space so we went and bought some plastic bins to put them all in.  It was fun to go through it all.  We walked to get Isaac and I forgot to bring his scooter so when we got home him and Imogen rode up and down the block. They had fun.  Casey worked late and then had scouts so we just played trains and Isaac made a paper airplane.  It turned out really good and he loves the book.  This week is flying by.  It has been warmer and we are loving it.  Ruth wouldn't wear her coat on our walk today.



I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. My day was good. For class today we did a tour of work so that turned out good. Work was good also. Then after work I met mom and dad for dinner and then we got supplies for the Christmas break. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

So close

Today was good. When I was at lunch the girls put a poster board on my desk with my 2019 rants. It was cute. I came home and just relaxed. Jenkins has been really cuddly. He will sit on my lap for hours and sleep. I got a new blanket for my couch. It's made for pets so its water proof in case they pee or barf it won't absorb into the couch. I like it because it matches my couch color. I'm so glad tomorrow is my friday. I'm so ready to not work lol


Tuesday, December 18, 2018


I am glad that you guys had a better day.  Isaac had his seat moved and he is happy.  The celebrated his birthday today and he was excited about that.  Casey went and had lunch with him to make sure he was ok.  After I dropped Oliver off at school me and Ruthie went to Joanns to get some needles, I broke my last one.  Then we went to story time.  She is a lot happier going and sings all the songs and sits on the carpet.  We walked to picked up Isaac which feels good to get out and walk.  All our arms are sore from the dancing game so we didn't play a ton.  Imogene came over and they played for a little bit.  Love you guys and I hope that tomorrow goes well.  I can't believe it is almost Christmas.  It came so fast.


Is it Christmas Yet?

Work was OK.  I just worked. I am ready to play.  Robin 5 days off sounds like heaven.  I am glad that Jenkins is doing better. I was worried.  Karen that is such a cute decoration.  I am glad your class went better.  We remembered to pick up Robin's picture today.  I have totally spaced that out for days.  We went to Cubby's because it was close and it tasted so good.  I was starving.  We went and got drugs and then went to Winco.  We were ambitious.  I even wrapped Robin's birthday presents,  Now I just need to get Christmas wrapped.  Tomorrow I am working 1/2 day because dad has a doctor's appointment with a new doctor and we are going to go check her out.  We are meeting Karen after work to get groceries for the big weekend.  When I went to Winco, I bought candy for the sugar cookies so all we need now is knives to spread the frosting.  Everyone have a good hump day.  I hope that Isaac had a better day at school.  LOVE MOM


Today was better. Jenkins was behaving. I still gated him in but he didn't pee at all so the potty training took a step back. I was so unmotivated tonight so I just vegged. Jenkins has been really cuddly so it also makes it hard to move. He keeps sitting in my lap and wont move. It's cute. I'm ready for my 5 day week off work.



My day was good. My class was back to being nice so that was good. Tomorrow they are going on a tour of white knight so that should be easy. I went to the store and got stuff to make those oreo with cream cheese covered in chocolate things that Robin makes. I am going to bring them into work on Friday for our work party. I also get to help judge the ugly sweater contest. My neighbor across the street has the funniest Christmas decoration up. I have put a picture below. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 17, 2018

Dance the night away

I am sorry guys, it was a rough day.  I hope that everyone has a better day tomorrow.  Robin, you pictures are really good, thank you.  Isaac didn't want to go to school today and told me that the kid that sits next to him isn't nice.  So I walked in with him and told his teacher and they are going to move him and he will have a new seat tomorrow.  Also at school one of his friend wrote a note and said that he was sad that he spent to much time with Ty so Isaac is going to tell him that they are still friend.  Second grade drama I guess.  I was late to working out and I had to leave early but I went and that was good.  We did the dancing game a lot today and it is fun.  The kids are cute.  We walked to get Isaac and he rode his scooter home.  He had a blast riding it and it worked really well.  Thank you guys again for giving Isaac a fun birthday, he is so happy.  Love you guys.


I was going to have the kids paint the drawers with me but Oliver wanted it for his rock collection so we put it in his room.  He loves it.


So I forgot that I was suppose to go to work early and was 1/2 hour late.  It made for a long day but I made it through.  Maybe there is a bad moon out there.  I am glad that Isaac told you that the kid was being mean to him.  I hope his days at school go better now.  Robin, I am so sorry that Jenkins was being bad.  I think that was a good idea to gate him in.  He just can't whine like that all the time.  He needs to learn he can't do that.  No sleep will wear you out.  I hope he does better soon.  Karen that makes me so made that the kids were mouthy to you.  After I talked with you that you were making steaks, I got ours out and cooked it.  It did taste really good.  Well I hope Tuesday goes better for us.  LOVE MOM


There must have been something in the air today. There were 2 kids in my class that were being obnoxious this morning also. Hopefully they will knocked it off and be better tomorrow. Other than that my day was good. After work I grilled the steaks that we got at Costco. They tasted good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


This morning was rough me and Jenkins were fighting. He woke me up at 4 so I let him out and he peed and pooped. Then I went back to sleep and 30 minutes later he woke me up again I told him no but he kept whining so i took him out again. I went back to bed he he was whining again. And my patience was at an end. I had an idea last night to crate him in the living room so he could lay on the couch. So I figured to just set it up so at 4:30a. I took the fence thing I bought him inside and just rigged it up a bit so he couldn't get out of the living room. I put down 4 pee pads and my grass mat in the living room. The I went back to sleep. I then woke up to painful cries. So I figured he tried to escape and got hurt. So I ran out in the living room and he was on the top of my couch trying to jump off to the other side :/. I was so mad I yelled at him and told him to get down now. So he just laid on the couch the rest of the morning and looked offended that I spoiled his plan..and I found more poop on my carpet.ugh  So I put the crate together in front of the window away from the couch so he couldn't jump up. I left him in his crate while I was at work. He finally peed on my.grass pad so that was a win. We bonded after work and all was well. But I was so tired at work so it was a long day.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...