Wednesday, December 19, 2018

New Plan?

I had a nice day.  I only worked 1/2 day and then took dad to a new doctor.  I liked her.  I think we will keep going to her and see how it goes.  Afterwards we drove up to Park City and got some Olive Oil at the place we like.  It went out of business at Gateway.  We then hooked up with Karen and we are ready to party!!!!! I made lasagna when I got home and stroke potatoes.  I also wrapped all the rest of the presents.  I think I am so ready for Christmas. It feels so good.  I am going to Logan tomorrow night.  I think I am going to leave after dinner.  Spare the ride up in rush hour traffic if that is OK?  I am pretty excited to play.  There is a hitch in our plans.  Karen checked on the ice castles and they aren't opened yet.  Robin what else would you like to do for your birthday party?  We had planned to go out to dinner and then go to the castles so I am not sure what else to do.  I am open for suggestions.  I am glad that Jenkins is feeling better.  I like that blanket.  That was a good idea.  LOVE YA MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...