Saturday, February 20, 2010

Once again in Logan

Dad and Me and Grandma drove back in the jeep tonight because we were able to get rid of all the of furniture. There was no where to sleep or sit. Everyone came and helped today and it was wonderful. Jen and Bryan and Scott and Sarah came and they cleaned out the whole kitchen and then we tackled the bedroom. Then Jeff and James came and took the computer table and helped carry all the furniture to the neighbor across the street. James took the truck home. Everything is either thrown out, given away or here in Logan. It feels really nice. I got a hold of the guy that is buying it and he said he could meet either Tuesday or Thursday. Exciting times. Well it feels really nice to be home. It was a lot of work but I am glad we are done. Next weekend will be my weekend to get laundry done. Robin was so good and cleaned the hall closet and the computer room. It looks so nice here. Grandma had a long day and went to bed at 9:00. She has been a really good trooper about everything. Karen I am glad you got your charger. We will someday be able to watch the lightening thief even if it is my netflixs. LOVE MOM

Sold out

Well I went to go and see Percy Jackson: Lightening thief but it was sold out. Oh well. I did get my pizza though. Thanks for the charger I got it. It has been rainy here most of the day. I like the rain. I did get to the bank and grocery shopping. I am going to be good and do laundry later also. I hope that things are going good in SLC. Robin you are a great designated blogger. Well have a good night. BYE

Friday, February 19, 2010

One for the team

well I think I am designated blogger tonight. we all made it to salt lake safe. I drove down mom was tired from the open house. We went to taco time and it was pretty nasty. but we made it out alive. I think tomorrow we are going to play by ear we are mostly going to get grandma packed and ready to do a final move. alot of her furniture was already out so it will be easy. anyway I sent your charger through the mail karen it should be there tomorrow by 3:00 pm. so hopefully it will be there. well have a nice relaxing saturday.



Thank for eveyones support in mailing my charger back. Well work was good. It looks really cloudy here today. it is suppose to be rainy here all weekend. That is okay though because I can use the time to straighten my apartment up. I hope that you guys had a good trip to SLC. Have a fun weekend. I think that I might go see a movie and then get pizza. I know I am just wild and crazy. I hope that you had a good open house mom, I bet it was busy. Well have a good one. BYE

Thursday, February 18, 2010

ric rac

Well today we did those message boards for sewing night I posted a picture of it. :) other then that I have no other pictures to post. I just cleaned most of the day. well I am posting late so I am going to head for bed. tgif.


charging is in the mail

Karen, Robin said she would mail your charger in the morning. It is in an envelope and ready to go. I hope you get it soon. We had a really nice sewing night. I even finished mine and it is cute. Robin is going to post pictures, I think. We are leaving for SLC after work tomorrow. Rachel is going with us. I hope all goes well. We are going to stay until Sunday morning and then heading back home. Should be a wild one. Love you guys.


No Charge

Well I apparently left my cell phone charger in Logan so my phone is going to die at anytime now. Opps! Thanks for mailing it back to me Mom. I thought I had packed it. Well work was good. Nothing too exciting to report there. I hope that everyone has a good time at sewing night. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It will be nice not to have to travel any where. Good luck with your waiting job stuff Robin. Just hang in there it will all work out eventually. Well have a good night. BYE

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well I went with mom and grandma on all there outings. I think grandma had a good time getting pampered. I went to kelly's today I filled out a bunch of paper work. Now I just have to play the waiting game. I LOVE finding jobs. i think It should be a career of mine. :) anywho I got my car back un squeaky. well that is the big news with me. We are going to SLC on friday and do the slc weekly runs. have a great thursday.


Hump Day

We took Grandma to get her nails and toes clipped tonight and then went to dollar cuts and got her hair shampooed and styled. She looks really nice. We took her to Bed, Bath and Beyond and got a toothbrush holder for the her toothbrush. It was nice to get out. We came home and watched Princess Bride and I know it is a shock but I fell asleep. I always do that. Work was crazy busy and I am far behind but I will continue to work and hopefully get caught back up. Not much else going on . We are going to sew tomorrow so that will be fun. Karen dad didn't get your resume. You might want to resend it to him. LOVE MOM

I almost forgot to blog

I was laying in bed and I remembered that I didn't blog so I got up and now I am blogging. I had a good day. Work went fast and then I went visiting teaching, ate some cup of noodle soup. I am sewing with Mom tomorrow so I wont be back to Clifton until Sunday. The snow is starting to melt and it is getting muddy. All the snow fell off the stables so I can't get in the front way and the goats have climb over a small hill to get out, maybe the horse will pack it down for them. Well have a good night.


Well i am glad that everyone is doing good. I hope that Grandma feels better soon. One of the engineers at work has strep so i hope that I don't get it. It seems like there are a lot of colds and stuff going around. I guess just take more vitamin C. My day was good. Nothing too exciting. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Love ya guys BYE

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Well my computer didn't process the video so well. I will watch it tomorrow. :) Well today I went to kelly's for temp work. I am going to go in tomorrow to finish the paper work. I forgot my passport. I decided to fix the squeak in my car. but that turned into an ordeal. It was the water pump instead of the belt. so I told them to fix it and I will have it tomorrow. It was kinda fun though I got to chat with some old men while I was waiting. They made me laugh with there old man jokes. :) have a great day


your are famous

Karen I watched the movie and that is wonderful. You were the best part I might add. That is Dick Norse that is the voice for the movie. Just and FYI. We had a good night tonight. Grandma didn't feel very good so we ordered pizza and she thought that tasted good. We watched Evan Almighty. I like that movie. Tomorrow night we are going to go get her nails cut and her toe nails cut. That will be nice. They are bugging her. Hump day already. LOVE MOM

Nice Movie

Karen, I really liked your RAM company movie. You looked really pretty and looked reall smart. You have a great desk, it was good to see where you work. Thanks for showing us it. You did a realy good job and you were in it a lot. I am impressed. Your cubicle is alot better than mine. I don't have much giong on, I only did one block tonight. I watched a little of Lost, I didn't get to watch all of it. The goats are doing good and loosing some weight and hair, they are ready for spring. I hope that everyone has a good evening.



Well things are good here in St. George. Work was good, it got a little slow in the afternoon, but still good. I am sorry that the movie link I sent, but if you go to and go to the about link there is the movie link thru there. Rachel your quilt looks good. I am glad that you had a handrail up for Grandma that is a great idea. Well I hope that wasn't too crazy for you mom. I hate playing catch up. Well have a good week BYE

day off

well i technically don't have a job but I just pretended that I had the day off. so I just relaxed it was nice. the hand rail I think will be nice it was quite a project. but we got it all up. well have a great one


Monday, February 15, 2010


Dad and Robin put a handrail on the stairs tonight. It is really nice. That will help Grandma get up and down better. We had a good time tonight with everyone. Vickie's boyfriend is really nice. I am glad you are enjoying the Big Bang Theory Karen. They are funny. Rachel your quilt is amazing. You are so gifted. It was nice to have a day off. I am still not ready to go back yet but I guess I just need to go. I know I am going to be way behind on everything. It makes it harder to go back. Well have a good tuesday. LOVE MOM

I made it safe

I had a good day. I got caught up at work which was nice. We all went out to dinner with Vickie and Steve and it was really fun. They brought Mom and Grandma some flowers that were really pretty, it was really nice of them. I don't have much else going on. Here is a picture of the quilt I am working on. This is bag three. It is coming along really well.


Well I wish that I got a 3 hour nap too. Oh well there is always this weekend. I am glad that you got a nap though mom. Congrats on the church calling Robin. Just think of it this way at least it is not Relief Society President. I am watching the Big Bang Theory it is really funny. Thanks for lending them to me. I got all caught up at work so now my desk is all cleared off. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

safe again

I am glad everyone made it home safe and sound. I have to say you guys are the best. Thanks for all your support. It has been nice to be home again. I took a three hour nap today and that felt so nice. I was really tired. I am glad I have tomorrow off. I am not ready to go back to work yet. It gives me some more time to get organized.


Happy Valentines day

Well I am glad that karen made it home safe. It was fun to have everyone home. I think next visit should be on a happier note. Today at church I got a calling I am visiting teacher supervisor. I hope it will be a good calling. other then that life is pretty simple. have a great week this week


Back in St. George

Well I made it back to St. George. The drive wasn't too bad. The weather was good and so was the traffic. I hope that Rachel had a good date night with Casey. I really don't have too much to report I just wanted to check in. I hope that everyone has a great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...