Saturday, April 2, 2016

Nice day

robin I am glad you got some rest. You got hit hard with this cold. I hope you feel better soon. I love the picture. Karen nice Star Wars collection. That looks cool,  those sausages were really good. I hope they still had some.  We had a nice day. We slept in late and then went to Logan. We were going to baby animal day but it was so crowded went we drove by we just goofed around and played in the back yard Casey is replacing the timing belt in the van. Have a nice Sunday. Love mom


Well my day has been good. I went to Costco today and got some more of those sausages we had at Easter. Then I stopped at Walmart. I decided that a lego sounded fun. I have been eyeing the melliunal falcon so i decided that if they had one there i would get it. So I now have one. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

May cause drowsiness

Sorry I didn't blog last night. The cough medicine the doctor gave me said may cause drowsiness. And I think my body took that as a challenge. I was out and didn't wake up till the morning. Anyway I still feel pretty crappy but it take time for the anti biotic to work so I'm just riding the wave. On Friday we did a work activity we painted for an hour. I didn't finish mine so I took it home and finished it. It was fun to paint again I might get a couple canvas and paint for fun. Well not much else with me I slept all day today and I had to work at scheels at night so it's pretty chill


Friday, April 1, 2016

No Foolies

Well I didn't fool anyone today. It was the monthly luncheon, but I didn't win anything. It was good though. It was nice to see the sun today. I had almost forgot what it looked like. I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Bye

I was fooled

Isaac called me and told me the tent broke and they could never go camping again.  I fell for it.  I didn't even think about April fools. He got me.  I really was at the Lego store when he called.  He thought I was tricking him.  I was good.  We are going to baby animal days tomorrow.  We went to the mall to get me a shirt and Christopher Banks went out of business.  Is that bad or what.  I didn't get a shirt.  Have a great weekend.  It was so pretty today.  It is conference weekend so it might snow.  You never know  LOVE MOM

Fooled You

Today was a good day, they weather was really nice and we went on two walks.  One in the morning and then one when Casey got home, it was really nice.  The lady came and picked up the two quilts today and paid me for them which was awesome, hello quilt show.  Isaac had a fun time with April Fools.  I wrapped up his arm and was told Casey that he fell and was hurt.  Then we took turns making up stories and saying April Fools.  It was fun and Isaac had a blast with it, he may turn out to be a writer or something.  We ordered sushi for dinner and it tasted really good.  Casey changed the oil in the cars tonight also, he is really good.  Baby animal days is tomorrow and Mom and Dad are coming up, it should be fun.  I hope that you are feeling better Robin, I am glad that you went to the doctor.


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Weird weather

We had weird weather also.  It would snow then be sunshine then rain all day long.  Robin, I am so glad you went to the doctor.  That is a lot of medicine.  I need to go to that doctor.  All I got was a bunch of orders for Xrays.  I am so glad it is April.  It should start warming up.  March is always so stormy.  Not much else going on with me.  I am so glad that it is Friday.  You know Robin you are allowed to just call in sick.  They do give you leave for that.  A whole day off would be good for you.  Have a wonderful Friday.  LOVE MOM

Good bye March

Everyone slept better last night which was nice.  It was cold and rainy/snowy this morning so we just took it easy.  We went to the mall for lunch and ran around their for a while.  It was fun to get out and they can run which is fun.  It was raining when we left and by the time Oliver was asleep for his nap it was so sunny and warm.  We waited for Casey outside and then it started to hail, it was weird weather.  After dinner it cleared up enough to play outside for a while.  Everyone have a good Aprils fools day.  I can't believe it is April already.



Well my cold is still around. I thought maybe it was allergies so I took some allergy medicine. It didn't even touch my symptoms. So I broke down and went to insta care. He gave me an antibiotic,nasal spray, cough syrup and a stronger muesenex. So I think whatever I have won't make it through all that. I just have to work at maggie tomorrow so I can rest up tomorrow night. Other than that nothing exciting. Hope everyone has a good friday

Almost Friday

Well my day was good. Work is still moving along. It was cold and snowy here most of the day. I miss the sun. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It was nice to talk with you tonight mom. I hope everyone is recovering from thier various illnesses. Have a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


I hope the boys aren't getting sick. I'm sorry if they get a cold. I'm still way stuffy. Walter said if I'm still sick saturday I have to go to the doctor. So I'm hoping it will go away tonight. I worked at scheels tonight so nothing to exciting. I can't believe it's April already. So crazy. Have a good night



Today was cold and snowy in the morning but was pretty nice in the afternoon.  The boys didn't sleep well at all last night.  I am not sure what was wrong, they both have stuffy noses so that might be some of it.  I hope that it goes better tonight.  We went grocery shopping this morning and the kids are so good it makes it do able with three.  After Oliver's nap we went on a walk around the short block and it felt nice to get outside for a while.  After dinner Casey and Ruth went to lowes and got wheels for the sliding glass door.  Then Casey replaced them, it didn't help much but Casey has a couple more things to try.  The boys just wanted to sit on their bean bags and play games and the kindle.  It was a nice evening.  This week is flying by, it was nice to play on Monday.


End of the March

I can't believe that March is over with tomorrow.  Usually March is the slowest month.  It went by so fast.  Not much going on with me.  We did go grocery shopping and that was fun.  I am going out to dinner tomorrow with the girls and Jeff.  The weather was so weird today.  Snow and then sunshine and then snow.  It did clear off this evening.  Everyone have a great end of March and think of a good April fools joke.  LOVE MOM


Well it was still cold and wet here today. Work was good though. Me, Andy, and Courtney got burgers from the drug store for lunch. We called it in and picked it up so we didn't have to wait. It tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Today was good. Work went by fast which was nice. Then me and Walter went to the cowboy grub with his folks.since we missed easter with them. By the end I started to feel crappy again. So I came home and just relaxed have a good one



It was such weird weather today it was sunshine, cloudy and snowing all at the same time.  It was interesting to watch.  Work was good busy but I think they found a person in administration so that will help a ton.  We went and got drugs after work and then came home.  I am with Karen it is just too quiet.  I am ready to play again.  Thanks so much for the pictures.  I love them.  Robin, I hope you are starting to feel better.  You looked so miserable on Sunday.  It did feel like Monday to me also.  On Thursday we are having a sibling night.  WE can't call it girls night any more because Jeff comes with us.  WE are going to the South Towne Mall.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for having us this weekend Karen, I love your house.  It was like Christmas morning here, Isaac was so excited about the treats you sent home, he went through it all.  They also liked their Easter stuff a lot better and had fun going through that.  We had to make more cupcakes today since we left them at Karen's house.  I had no white thread here so when Casey got home we went and got some more honey so he could make bread and some thread.  The left overs tasted so good, thank you for them.  We had roast beef tacos and they were delicious.  Here are a million pictures, thanks for the fun time.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...