Rachel that ironing board cover is amazing. You can iron up a storm now. Your old cover was really worn out. You are so talented. We had a nice evening. We went to Costco and walked around. It was fun. We played pinochle when we got home. Me and dad won both games. We are going to go get Karen's blood drawn and then we will pick Robin up and be on our way. We should be up there before lunch. It was nice day. It is so nice to be outside again. Dad isn't coming, he is going to work. I am excited to come and play. Isaac is eating so well. He is growing up too fast.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Iron Board Cover
We had a good day today. The weather was so nice. We went on a walk this afternoon and we had a really nice time. Isaac pooped on our walk so we went home to change him and he wanted to go right back out and walk again. My ironing board cover has been falling apart, it has holes in it so I decided to make a new one. I love how it turned out and it was pretty easy to do and was pretty cheap. I put two layers of batting in it and it made the bottom a little bunchy but you can't see it so it doesn't really even matter. I will have to be more careful next time. I attached before and after pictures. I hope that you guys had fun shopping tonight. Drive safe tomorrow. We are excited to see you. I also attached a picture of Isaac eating his cereal by himself.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Goodbye January
I am so looking forward to a new month. January has been a long month. I am excited for this weekend. Robin you can borrow my sewing machine if you need it. You can also borrow the serger if you need that. I had a good day at work. I got a lot done. It was so nice. I got all my forms published. Now I just need to get them on the website. Moving right a long. My mass transit was much better today. I think it was just January. It was such a pretty day today. It is starting to get a little light when I catch the bus in the morning and I am coming home in the light. That has to help. We will play this weekend. Rachel are we coming up or are you coming down. LOVE MOM
Sorry I didn't I didn't blog last night. I love your fire painting Robin. That is neat. It is amazing what you can learn on you tube and the internet. Their are so many tutorials. Today was a good day. Casey was asked to work late so me and Isaac went to Chick Fillet for dinner. They have a play land there and Isaac had a really fun time. There were a couple kids his age and he was playing with them and climbing the stairs and went down the slide by himself. I was really proud of him. It was fun to see him playing. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. I am excited to see everyone this weekend.
So close
LAst day! I am so glad that january is over :) I am so excited for feb. Today was so warm and nice. Some of the snow even melted. I didn't do much tonight mostly homework. I can't find where I put my sewing machine plug so I am on the look for that. Not to much else with. Me have a great night
Almost there
Well we are almost to the weekend. Yea! Things are going good here in Kamas. It didn't snow today so that was nice. I didn't have to shovel. Yea! I hope that your mass transit woes get better mom. Have a great one BYE
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Mass Transit
I have decided that this week is my adventure in mass transit. Monday the guy got hit by a train and we were all rerouted. Today the transit cop comes on some poor lady from the University couldn't find her card so he takes her off the bus and just as he gets off some guys barfs all over the car. Then I get off traxs and the bus driver is a crazy women and almost hits a car. I guess it will let me not have dull moments. Everyone said the guy was really drunk. Work was crazy busy and I worked a 1/2 hour over so I get off a little early on Friday. That means I won't be too late for when you come down Karen. The valley looked so pretty on the way home from work. It was starting to clear out a little bit. Boy it snowed all day here. I am sorry you aren't feeling well Robin. Poor thing. Not much else to report. Have a nice Thursday and last day of January. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE MOM
off day
today was ok. I didn't feel very good so I didn't do anything after work but sleep. I guess it was nice to get some rest but I liked the energy streak I was having. Nothing else to exciting with me. I am glad that this week is almost over. Friday its finally Feb. YEah!!! no more January for us. Its the hardest 4 weeks to go through.
Well my day has been good. I did have to shovel before and after work, but it wasn't too much so it went pretty quick. Work was a little slow until the last hour and then it got busy. I went grocery shopping after work so now I have food in my house. Robin I think it looks like one of those outer space pictures. It look pretty but I would have guessed outer space and not flames. Sorry I will know better next time. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
flame retarded
I made it through today. I don't know why but I just did not want to work. it was boring. but I made it out alive. then I came home and decided to play with my airbrushes. It was fun. I tried to do flames, it was not as easy as it looks on the youtube tutorials but I made an effort. I think I am going to keep practicing form youtube maybe I will get some skills. I posted a picture its not amazing but its fire esk. I would love for the guy to do my taxes. I will try and focus and get it done. I am awful at paperwork. and I am free this saturday so I can do whatever. and I believe that is all have a great wensday!!
No Party
Everyone at work is sick and with the bad weather they decided to cancel the party we were having. We went to dinner and then came home. The roads weren't bad at all coming home. It did snow all day but it was warm enough to melt. We have a leak in our door jam and the carpet is a mess in our entry hall. Dad called the tax guy and he is going to do our taxes. I will try and get mine organized this next couple of weeks so we can get them in early. I know Karen and Robin want them done. Do you want the tax guy to do your taxes Rachel? Karen is coming down on Friday night and then we are either going to Logan or Rachel is coming down. Do you want to play with us Robin? I am glad that you class is going good. You are going to have to find a new project for you Karen. I am sure you can think of something fun. We made it half way through the week. It is suppose to be almost 40 on Saturday. Heat wave. I just love that curtain rod idea for your quilts. That is so nice to be able to display them. They are just beautiful.
It snowed here most of the day also. We only got an inch or two. The wind was bad so when I got off work and started shoveling it was blowing snow everywhere. Today seemed like a long day. Work was slow so that was probably the reason. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE
Isaac took a nap today. It was so nice. I was able to sew with Jenn and I got a lot done, it was great. It snowed most of the day but it wasn't really heavy and we only got an inch or two. The sun came out about 4 and it was a pretty day. We went to story time this morning and not a lot of people came because of the snow. We went to shopko this afternoon to walk around and I bought a curtain rod to hang up all my wall hangings in the upstairs living room. It looks really nice. I also got out my valentines blanket. Don't mind the mess in the pictures and it looks like I need to iron the wall hanging. I hope that everyone had a safe day and a good night.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Up and down
Today had its ups and downs. I went grocery shopping this morning and I got stuck in the driveway. The neighbors in Jay's house came over and helped me, they were very nice. Isaac refused to take a nap today. I tired for two hours but he never would sleep. Ho also got up really early again. I am hoping he takes one tomorrow since I sew with Jenn. I made baked ziti for dinner and it was really good, everyone liked it. Which is good because we will be eating it all week. I think I need to start halfing the recipes. After everyone went to bed I was able to sew two more blocks on my sampler quilt. These went so much better and it made me feel better about things, they look harder than the ones I struggles with. I have attached pictures of all that I have made. Sorry if that is boring. Everyone stay safe and have a good day tomorrow.
Oh What a Ride
It was an interesting commute this morning. I got as far as 21st street it took almost an hour to get there and then we had to get off. We were suppose to get a bus to 13th but just as I got in line for the bus the trax started running again. I felt bad when I found out what happened. Someone got run over. The person that comes in before me was a 1/2 hour later than me. She really got in the worse of it. The ride home was really nice, so uneventful. Work was quiet today and I got a lot done. That felt so nice. I haven't had a quiet day in a long time. I could use a couple of those. We just couch potatoed tonight. Be careful out there, there is suppose to be another storm coming in. Tomorrow night we are having a work party. I hope the weather isn't too bad.
I'm better at procrastinating
today was good. i worked then I had class. I forgot to get some thing printed for class so i had to hurry and do that and eat in an hour. I think I am more productive when I have no time to do things. WHen I have time I put it off till later. I came home and my apartment smelt like it died. I think my garbage had time to rippen. so I cleaned the kitchen. hopefully the smell will leave soon. well have a great tues. stay safe in the bi-polar weather.
Well I shoveled snow this morning before work and got my driveway all done. Then after work I finished my sidewalks. Right now I am doing laundry. I feel very productive today. It was nice having my garge door close. I think it saved me 5 minutes this morning. Well Robin there are just 4 days until the weekend now. Well have a great one. BYE
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Thanks for the fun weekend. I'm glad that casey made it safe in the snow i was worried. it snowed so much. I don't want it to be monday already but only 5 more days till the next weekend :) be safe in the snow!!
It was a good weekend
I had a really nice weekend also. I love your table runner Rachel. That is really cute. It will make your house feel ready for Valentines day. I am glad you garbage disposal is doing good. I had a really nice time yesterday working in the house. If felt nice to move. I am really stiff today but I needed to move around. I am getting out of shape. I made chili to go to Matt's and Melissa's house this evening and the storm was too bad to go. I have a lot of chili. We are set for lunches for a long time. We made it to church today and that felt so nice. We even went to all three sessions. Everyone be careful in the morning getting to work. Thanks for posting the pictures. LOVE MOM
Good Weekend
We had a good weekend. We went sledding yesterday morning at Old Main and then walked around. It was so fun and we had a good time. Casey then went down to SLC to work. I picked up the last instructions for the mystery valentine quilt and I finished it last night. I really like it. I don't know where to put it so I just put it on the kitchen counter for now, it looks cute. Isaac wanted to go to bed early last night so I sewed for three hours. It was fun. We went to church today and Isaac did pretty good. He is getting better at interacting with people. It was really bad weather today. Casey made it home safe but it took him a while. We were shoveling the walks today and Isaac was helping. I attached a picture, I also put a picture of him playing trains, he looked so grown up. I am glad that you got a lot done at Karen's house. That is fun. I love how the room turned out. Sorry I didn't help I will paint the next room you need.
Well I don't have too much to report. Sorry I didn't blog last night. I was tired. Thanks everyone for all your help yesterday. My sink and disposal are still in working order. There are no leaks that I can see so that is good. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...