Monday, January 28, 2013

Up and down

Today had its ups and downs.  I went grocery shopping this morning and I got stuck in the driveway.  The neighbors in Jay's house came over and helped me, they were very nice.  Isaac refused to take a nap today.  I tired for two hours but he never would sleep.  Ho also got up really early again.  I am hoping he takes one tomorrow since I sew with Jenn.  I made baked ziti for dinner and it was really good, everyone liked it.  Which is good because we will be eating it all week.  I think I need to start halfing the recipes.  After everyone went to bed I was able to sew two more blocks on my sampler quilt.  These went so much better and it made me feel better about things, they look harder than the ones I struggles with.  I have attached pictures of all that I have made.  Sorry if that is boring.  Everyone stay safe and have a good day tomorrow.


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