Saturday, April 22, 2017


Today was good. I slept in and then i went and did makeup. It actually went prettyl fast. They said they would post the video in the next couple of days. Im glad everyone had a good Saturday



My day was good as well. I went down to Salt Lake and me, mom, and dad went shooting. It was fun. Then we went to costco. Then we picked grandma up and wet to lunch. We went to Walmart after. Then she got tired and we took her home. She needed help with lundry, so we helped. Mom dropped me back at my car, so I could go hone and she and dad stayed for a bit longer. I cut meat tonight to make more beef jerky tomorrow because i ran out of the stuff i made at easter. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Saturday in SLC

Karen came down this morning and we went shooting.  It was a lot of fun.  We rented a 22 for dad so we all got turns.  It has been a while since we did that.  We called grandma and took her to lunch at El Matadors.  It tasted really good.  We went to Walmart afterwards and then came back.  She needed some help with her laundry so I took Karen back to our house so she could go home and we stayed and helped.  We haven't been out there for awhile and she needed some things done.  Dad did down load some movies on to Vudoo.  Karen bought all three night in the museums and then we bought a movie called A monster comes.  All I can say is have tissues with you on that one.  It is a tear jerker.  Robin I hope you had fun with your zombies.  Rachel that looks like a lot of fun. Tell Casey again, how much we appreciate all his hard work.  Enjoy Sunday because the rest of the week is suppose to be really rainy.  LOVE MOM


We had a fun day and we got a lot done.  Casey was able to finish up with the old engine and is going to send it back Monday.  He also Mowed the lawn, tiled some of the garden and changed the oil in the cars.  He was working really hard all day.  I took the kids to the zoo this morning, they had a stem activity day and we had so much fun.  They had fun activities for the kids and it was fun to walk around and see the animals.  I took a million pictures, sorry.  Isaac slipped in the mud so afterwards we went and played at the park so he could dry off which was fun.  We can home and had a late lunch and put Ruthie to sleep.  Then I took the boys to lowes to get some paint for the bathroom downstairs and then we went grocery shopping.  Then we played outside for the rest of the day except Oliver who was tired so he watched a show.  It was a fun day.


I swear this is my old goat Tobias,  it looked just like him.

Isaac was sad we were mowing the lawn and cutting his beautiful flowers so we took a picture so he could remember them.

The engine getting loaded

Friday, April 21, 2017


Today was good. I was really glad its friday. Rachel for the board its something i will have to make so i can do any colors. I was thinking a grey background and making the elephant pink. :) mom i do work Tomorrow. I am doing makeup for a music video. Im not getting paid alot but it will be a day thing. Well have a good Saturday



My day has been good. I have stayed late at work most of the week so I got to leave early today. So I went and got a new pair of jeans and then went grocery shopping. Nothing too exciting but it was good to get done. I am excited to go shooting tomorrow,  mom. Have a great Saturday everyone.  Bye


Today was Jenn's last day at work.  She bought me a cute necklace.  We took her out to lunch and it was a lot of fun.  I am going to miss her a lot.  I hope the new girl is good.  She will start Monday.  Our taxes came today.  I see a TV in our future.  Rachel, I am good to go to the quilt fair on Saturday.  That will be a lot of fun.  Do you want to come down Friday night so we can get there early to get our bags?  I always just love going their.  I looked at the classes as well and they have a binding class that you don't have to do any hand sewing that I thought Rachel might find interesting.  There was also a crochet class that I thought maybe Karen might like to take as well.  I didn't see that mystery quilt one.  I will have to research that further.  So many good choices.  Karen is going to come down in the morning and we are going to go shooting.  Robin do you work tomorrow?  Everyone have a really nice weekend.  The weather is suppose to be beautiful.  LOVE MOM

Fun Friday

Karen, I keep forgetting to say I loved your picture.  You should definitely keep drawing, you have a talent.  Robin I like that string art that is really cute, do they have a grey background.  If not I think it would be great how it is and I can pay you for it.  I was looking at my calendar and I am volunteering in Isaac's class on Friday May 5 so we better just stick with Saturday for the quilt show if that works OK, sorry.  They class schedule came out for Quilts ect and they do have a mystery quilt again I think July 22.  You can sign up next weekend.  The have a class for the quilt book Robin bought me but it is on Wednesday nights but it looks so fun.  Today was really calm.  Oliver woke up early this morning which sucked.  I had Randy watch the kids while I volunteered in Isaac's class.  I turned on a show for Oliver and he did fine.  It was fun to go to Isaac's class, I haven't gone for a while.  After lunch we did beads and played play-dough.  Then Ruthie and Oliver took a nap and Isaac was playing so I did some hand sewing which was really nice and relaxing.  Casey worked overtime and picked up Isaac on the way home.  We went to dinner to the black pearl and that was fun.  I hope that everyone gets some rest tomorrow.  Here is a fun thing, Oliver has picked up dam it, it is funny but we are trying to say darn it instead.


Thursday, April 20, 2017


Im glad tomorrow is friday. Work was busy today. I went to scheels after work to by some sandals. The traffic was terrible and it was a bad choice. But i got some sandals so i guess it ended well. I got home right before it started to pour rain.

Sorry the vinyl was hard to put up.
Sometimes it doesnt stick well  I had an idea for Ruth's wall. I saw this cute string art. I wasnt sure if you liked it Rachel, and then i could put "ruth" with white vinyl on the board. I put a picture of the board i liked.
I hope everyone has a good friday


My day was good as well. I got stuck late at work again. So far that has been every day this week. I do get to leave early tomorrow now though. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Nice day

I had a good day as well.  Work was quiet and I seemed to get a lot done.  That was nice.  I had a headache and was kind of dizzy but I think it was just the storm coming in.  I hope it goes away soon.  Tomorrow is Jenn's last day and we are going out to lunch.  I think that will be fun.  We didn't have anything to do after work so we came home and I cooked dinner.  That felt nice.  I love watching the rain from my window at work.  Not much else to report.  Robin, I love you picture of you makeup.  That was so you.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


I always start the blog the same way but we had a good day.  I am going to try to walk in the morning but it was cold this morning and Oliver wanted to go home so we didn't go far.  So we went to Joann's and walked around which was nice.  Henry was sick today so I picked up Isaac from school and that was nice.  We were downstairs and came up and it was sunny and nice so we played outside for a bit before marital arts and then it started to rain again.  Casey has been working overtime so he stays late and then picks up Isaac on the way home which is nice.  I put up Oliver's name on the wall, thanks Robin, it is cute and he loves it.  It was a bugger to put up though so I didn't do a great job.  I also have finished ironing a million tiny half square triangles, it too forever.  I am glad that I am done with that part.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Today went well.  This morning after I dropped Isaac off we were going to walk with Jenn but she forgot.  We were down by her house so we just stopped and talked for a bit.  The walk down their were a ton of puddles and the kids loved that and played for a long time and got wet.  Casey had a dentist appointment this afternoon so we picked him up and went to Clifton to visit.  It was fun and the kids loved playing with the baby kittens they had.  Oliver loved them and was carrying them all over.  Isaac said he didn't know little kittens existed, he was impressed.  They have cows and goats and we looked at them.  We took them to Preston for dinner and they were so slow and the kids were hungry so it was stressful.  Overall it was a good day.



My day was good as well. It rained for a little bit this morning, but it cleared out. I finished mowing my lawn also. I got called into a meeting at 3 and it went until 530. So that was a bit longer than I usually stay, but I get to leave early on Friday now. I hope everyone had a great day bye.

Hump day

We made it over the hump day.  Work was good.  I always feel like I am behind but that is just the way it is going to be.  We went and got a gift card for Jenn who has been helping me the last couple of months.  We went to the Loft because that is where she likes to shop.  They had this shirt on clearance for 12 dollars and they gave it to me for 1/2 off.  I feel like I scored on that one.  I went to Harmons to get brownies for staff meeting tomorrow and all they had were these little brownies that were 8 dollars.  I bought them because I was tired and wanted to go home.  They better be dang good.  There is something about 4/20 and brownies.  I will have to research that one.  I talked with RAchel and we are just going to have a quiet weekend this weekend.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy at work. I didnt have to work tonight though so that was nice. I went to panda for dinner. Not much else it was a chill night. Have a good one

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


I took off Saturday and Sunday for quilt show but I can yt? Take off Friday of needed. Good job on you drawing Karen. It rained all night here. Work was good, nothing to crazy. Hope everyone has a good night



It rained off and on all day and then really came down this evening.  Ruthie looked really cute in the outfit that you got her Robin, thanks.  I took the little kids to shopko to walk around and we got some egg dye, just so we could do it again.  The kids are loving to playing with their new toys and it kept them busy all day.  We were doing Isaac's homework and Ruthie brought me her coat and my coat so we went outside but it started to rain.  The kids loved it and stayed out their and I just sat in a dry place, it was funny.  Casey had scouts and I had young women, we did camp stuff tonight and it went good.  I am not sure about the quilt show on Friday, we would have to bring the kids with us if we did that.  What days did you take off Robin?  This weekend that could work, maybe I could come with and we could come back on Sunday.  I will think about it.



Well it is wet here tonight. My day was good. Work is moving right along. Art class has been fun. Thanks mom and dad for the fun present. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.

Here is my drawing and the picture I used. It isn't perfect but I think it is pretty good.

Rainy night

The rain came while we were in art class.  It really came down.  We had a really fun time at art class.  We went to dinner at a new place called Cubby's and it was good then we drew our shoes tonight.  We had to make one long drawing and never lift our pencil up.  Dad and Karen finished their faces they were drawing last week and they both are amazing.  Karen finished her and it is really good.  Work was good.  I wore my new outfit to work and that was fun.  Everyone be safe in the storm.  Casey was talking about us taking the kids one weekend.  I was thinking of taking them up to Kamas and playing.  What do you think of that?  Karen was also wondering if we were taking Friday off to go to the quilt show instead of going on Saturday.  I wasn't sure what everyone's thought on that was.  LOVE MOM

Monday, April 17, 2017


Well my day was good. I helped assemble stuff for most of the day, so it went by fast. Then at three it was decided to have a conference call at 415. So I  didn't leave work until five. Then i came home ate a quick dinner and mowed my lawn. I only got the front and a little of the back before I had to recharge the battery. So I will have to finish it later. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow.


Today was good, the kids I watch on Monday their Mom was sick so I didn't have them today.  We went grocery shopping and played which was nice.  This afternoon we finished the y wing fighter, Isaac is getting so good at doing them.  He took it outside and battled.  It rained off and on today but we still were able to go outside.  Max and Kimi gave a broken car to Kelly so Casey went with them and towed it to Randy's house.  They found what was wrong and they are going to order parts and it should be up and running.  The kids were really good today and have been really kind.  Thanks again for the fun Easter, we are spoiled.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...