Saturday, June 14, 2014
Random day
What a fun day, Karen found a couch she loved and bought it. She bought all three pieces. It was really fun. I really love it also. It will be beautiful in her theatre room. Dad has been wanting to make fruit cake really bad so we went and bought some rum and then went to Winco to get everything else. It will be interesting to see if it turns out. He has wanted to do this for months and months. He is feeling better today. I think he is over the worst of it. We are going to go meet Grandma Bodily for breakfast tomorrow. Teresa's dad died last night. There isn't going to be any services. Grandma said they are cremating him and then that is all. I thought you would like to know. Maybe we will stop by their house tomorrow and give them a plant. That would be nice. LOVE MOM
Well since it is Father's day tomorrow, I went down to SLC and took mom and dad out to lunch. We went to Ashley's furniture. They wanted to charge me 150 dollars to ship that sectional and everything to Kamas. It was 1500 without the shipping charge. The strange thing was if I bought a 999.99 mattress they would deliver the matters for free. But spending more than that on the couch stuff I couldn't get free shipping. It was odd. So me and mom went to the Ashley's by IKEA and they gave me free shipping for the same stuff I was going to by at the other place. So I bought it there. They can't deliver it until the 16th of July so I have a month wait now. Oh well what can you do. I am going to put it in my second living room or theater room as soon people call it. It won't have a tv or anything yet, but there will be seating at least. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Yard Work
I figured out where Isaac got his dance moves. He was dancing exactly like Gru on the minion show. It made me laugh. Congratulations on your new couch Karen, I am super excited for you. That will be really nice. When you buy your huge big screen tv I would like to be there. We had a good day. We did yard work. We moved the plants from the side of the house and planted grass seed there. It already looks a ton better. I think it will be good. There were a million Iris, I didn't realize that there were so many. It filled the space where the tulips are. Casey also fixed on the sprinklers that was broken, it was a bigger job than we thought. Mandy and Laurie ordered cupcakes for Randy and Casey for fathers day so we picked them up today. Randy was up in Idaho today and Calleen is visiting us tomorrow so it will probably be tomorrow night before we can bring them over to him. We did have a couple this afternoon and had candles on them. I hope that everyone got some rest today and has a good day tomorrow.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Just move it
That is cute about Isaac. His balance has to be better not on his toes. I am glad you went to summerfest. Someone said it was on this weekend and I was going to tell you that in the blog. Orange tacos are the best. Dad was feeling better tonight so we walked Walmart. We bought the Lone Ranger movie. It was an OK show. Robin I am good with you cleaning your house. We were going to take Grandma Bodily to put flags on the grave but Annette is coming out so she is going to do it. I am going to sleep in tomorrow morning. Not much else to report. I think dad is getting better. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
We had a much better day. Isaac was really happy today. We just took it easy this morning. When Casey was about to get home we went to the trampoline park for a while so Casey could get a nap in. It was really fun and Isaac had a fun time playing and jumping with all the kids. It is Summerfest this weekend so we went there and were going to have dinner but nothing looked great and Isaac really really wanted a orange chip taco so we went to taco bell for dinner. Summerfest was crowded and we didn't stay too long. We just made a loop. It reminded me when Isaac was little and Mom and Dad came up and Isaac just ran and ran. It was funny. We watched the minion show when we got home. When the credits were rolling Isaac was back by the train table just dancing. He is devolving new moves and it is so cute. I don't know if his toe walking getting better is helping him move his body better but he sure is trying new stuff out and it is cute. I hope that Dad is feeling better, that is rough. Everyone have a good weeekend and have fun.
Made it
I am so glad that tomorrow is Saturday. I think that I am going to stay home thanks for the offer mom. I am going to clean my place, it is long over due. Work was good today and I starts cleaning my kitchen it was good. Not to much else with me have a good night
Well my day was good. It was Friday, payday, and death by chocolate day. My morning was pretty busy. It slowed down a bit in the afternoon though. It is super windy tonight. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Bye
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Robin, good luck with that job. It sounds like a really neat thing to do. Karen good luck with death by chocolate. I could enjoy that one. Rachel I love Christmas in June. Nothing better in my mind. Today was good. It has slowed down a lot and I am loving it. Dad is still not feeling very well. I am not sure what is going on with him. I think maybe just a combination of allergies, kidney stones and salads he shouldn't have eaten on Saturday. I hope he gets better soon. He is miserable. Have a great Friday the 13th. We are going to take Grandma Bodily to Grandpa's grave on Saturday and put flags on it. Karen is going to come down for lunch. Robin if you want to hook up let us know. LOVE MOM
Almost there
I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It is also Friday the 13th, which means it is Death by chocolate day at work Yum! I went grocery shopping after work. So i have food again. Yea! Other than that i don't have anything else to report. Have a great Friday everyone. Bye
So I saw this job online and it was through a temp agency and then they hire you full time. It's for working in a prosethetics lab. I applied last night and went in today to fill out more paper work. I didn't think I would even be considered because I don't have any medical background but I thought I would try, I am going in tomorrow to watch a safety video with the temp agency. I am trying to do everything they have so I look like I care, I will keep you posted on if I hear anything. That was most of my day was trying to send in resumes and portfolios, my wrist hurts today to it just feels stiff. I am glad you guys are having Christmas, just don't bring snow with it I've been enjoying the sun :) I've decided Saturday I am going to clean sweep my apt. I need to d clutter. Have a Good Friday
Happy Christmas
Isaac has been really into Christmas yesterday and today. We have the Christmas tree set up in the other room and we had to put a couple ornaments on it. I wrapped up Casey's father day's present and Mom's birthday present and put them under the tree. We had a better day. We went to the story time at the zoo and it was crazy. There were too many kids and you couldn't even hear the story. We left early and played at the park right next to the building. A lot of the kids went there afterwards and Isaac had a fun time playing with them. Our neighbor was their and a lady from down the street so it was fun to talk to them. Their as another Oliver that was 4 months old and he was twice the size of our Oliver, he was pretty chunky. Isaac wanted to eat lunch on a picnic table so we ran to Mcdonald's and brought it back to eat. It was a fun afternoon. Usually Friday's are a fun day since Casey doesn't have to work but tomorrow he is working overtime so it will just be a normal day. I hope that everyone has a good day and stay safe.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
I think Isaac is doing better. He slept all night which was good. I kept him on Tylenol today and he did better, he just need a lot of TLC. We even jumped on the trampoline this morning. We went on a walk tonight and he rode his bike. He did really well and looked really cute. He got tired half way through and had a major meltdown. I never know how to handle correctly. We all made it out in one piece I guess. No much going on. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.
He has been sleeping with his sunbeam book
Hump Day
We made it through the half of the week. I was tired today. I didn't sleep very good last night. Two Dr. Peppers Robin you are going to be up all night. It was a quiet day and that is good. Dad is feeling a little better but still not great. We just rested tonight and I fell asleep on the couch. I am off to bed. I hope Isaac is feeling better. LOVE MOM
I don't know what my mind was up to today but I was not focusing all day. I kept running into things. Dropping everything and putting graphics on upside down. I hope it turns on tomorrow. But other then that it was a good day. I went to Taco Bell and ordered a new dr pepper slushie and she gave me a normal dr, pepper so I just went with it because they are special sometimes. But then she opened the window and told me she gave me the wrong drink and let me keep the normal dr pepper and then gave me a slushie dr. Pepper. I felt pretty lucky, you have to take the little things in life. Hope you had a good Wednesday
Well we have made it halfway thru the week. Yea. My day has been good. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. I hope that Isaac and Dad are feeling better. It is windy here tonight. I keep hoping that it will rain sometime, but no luck so far. Well have a good one. Bye
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Lights on but no ones home
Sorry I didn't blog last night my internet was down. The lights were flashing but no devices would sync. It was frustrating but it's working now. My garbage disposal was also broken but the guys came and fixed it today. They also finished painting our outside doors so that is a relief. Walter is going to an event with the sca he is leaving tomorrow. I am going to work on my mask that I promised a photographer. It will be nice to get ahead on projects. Well not to much else wih me. Sorry life was crazy Rachel. Sometimes it hits in one day and it doesn't stop. I hope Isaac feels better soon. Have a good one
Poor guy
I am so sorry that Isaac isn't feeling well. They can be a handful when they aren't feeling a hundred percent. I hope he gets feeling better soon. Dad was feeling better today he passed some more kidney stones. I hope Isaace gets feeling better soon. I went and got my hair cut this evening. It was getting so long. It feels so much better. I am glad you got your lawn mowed. We are going to have to change the date for our hudo. Robin is celebrating her year anniversary on the 21st and Isaac has a birthday party. Karen suggested making it on the 4th of July. What do you think of that idea. I think we can not make a big deal and just hang out when we can. It was a nice day at work. It was so quiet. I got some work done. I am getting caught back up. I like that. Oliver is getting big. His eyes looked brown in his picture. He is so cute. If you need me to come up and help out with Isaac give me a call. LOVE MOM
Today wasn't the greatest day. Isaac woke up early again and was grouchy. He didn't want to go to story time and that really frustrated me. He took a nap this afternoon and woke up with a little fever which made me feel bad since he wasn't feeling good all day I guess. We gave him some Tylenol and he felt a lot better and even ate something. Poor guy. I also burned dinner. On the plus side Oliver is really sweet and is really fun. He is talking a lot and grabbing things. I think that tomorrow will be better.
And the beat goes on
Well my day was good. Work was pretty busy, it went by pretty fast. After work I had to mow my lawn. But I had to go get some gas for my mower first. So I ran to the gas station after work and then I mowed my lawn. Then I did my laundry. I am on a roll. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, June 9, 2014
My mind is going wild
I will think of somethings that we can do. Right now we are still tired from the weekend. Dad isn't feeling great. I think a lot will depend on how he is feeling. Something will pop in my brain and then we will have a plan. Work was crazy busy. I just seem to run all the time. I think I was tired because I moved slow. It was so pretty outside today. I am glad you got to go to the park Rachel. I am sorry that Isaac woke up so early. That is so early. He is a suns up kind of child. I hope Oliver slept in a little bit longer. Not much else to report. I went grocery shopping also. I am set for the week now. Have a great Tuesday. I do love all the pictures Karen and Rachel posted. They make my day. LOVE MOM
Early Mornings
Karen, I don't know if we are going to come down next weekend. I am not sure. I don't have any great ideas either. Does anything sound nice to Dad? We had a pretty good day. Isaac woke up at 6 and was grouchy this morning. We did go on a walk to the park and he was upset because there was no kids there. He took a nap after lunch and then we went grocery shopping. After dinner we went up to Randy's house but he was fishing so we went over to the park. It was a lot of fun and it felt so nice to be outside. I am glad that everyone had a good Sunday. I hope that Dad starts to feel better.
Well my Monday was good. Work stayed pretty busy so it went by pretty fast. Does anyone have any good ideas of what to do for Father's day this weekend? Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, June 8, 2014
I was tired to. Today was good Walter came over around lunch time, he bought a new laptop it nice. He's been setting it up all day. He bought the new hobbit movie the other day so while he set up his laptop we watched it. But I slept through the whole thing. He said it was good. Then we went to the grocery store and got some steaks. And I made those for dinner. Not to much else with me, thanks for the fun time this weekend have a good week,
Tired Grandma and Grandpa
I think we really played yesterday. We are all tired. Dad said he felt like he was getting a cold also. I hope Karen and Dad aren't getting one. It is proably just allergies. He did pass his kidney stone tonight so I think that will help a lot. I sure had a good time yesterday. It was hard to see everyone go also. I am glad it is just the beginning of summer. So many good times ahead of us. Dad wasn't feeling very well today so we just rested. I did get laundry done. Rachel thanks for using that food storage. I hate to see it go to waste. I am so glad it is of use. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
Tired girl
I was tired today also. I did get a bruise on my arm mom, but it isn't a bad one. My head feels stuffed up today. Either it was the allergies from being outside yesterday or I am getting a cold. Either way it kind of sucks. Oh well. Thanks mom, dad, and Robin for you help in my yard. And thanks everyone for the nice Saturday. It was fun hanging put. Well I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
Tired Boy
Isaac was tired today and had a major meltdown in the middle of sacrament meeting. It was very embarrassing. I did wear my new shirt that Grandma got my and it looked really nice. That was sweet of her. I am going to send her a thank you note. Isaac did go to primary really well and his teacher said that he did really well. After church Isaac wouldn't take a nap and was kind of grouchy but we made it through. Casey fixed the silverware drawer, it broke on Friday. It took him most of the day, he did a good job. He also made black beans and bread. He was on a roll today. Isaac has been drinking a ton of hot chocolate and he wanted some today but we were out. So I made a mix myself. Thanks to Mom and Dad's food storage we had all the ingredients. It tastes really good and made a ton of it. I don't think we will buy it anymore. Just make our own, it is a lot cheaper. Well thanks again for the fun time yesterday. It was good to see everyone, it was hard to leave. I hope that everyone has a good week, don't work too hard.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...