Saturday, August 20, 2022


 We went to Lehi and met up with Robin and Jeremy and.luna. we helped with moving stuff around for grover and then went to lunch. We left and came up to Kamas.  We worked on the window. It is just anout do e. It sure poured rain in Lehi. It was nice. We are spending the night in Kamas and then meeting Rachel's crowd at lagoon. Just let us know when you leave and we will the same time. It should be the perfect day. 


 I woke up early and went to a high class in Smithfield.  It was a lot of fun and I am going to try to do that every Saturday.   Tiffany sent Oliver a half birthday card that was amazing.  She drew an amazing picture of Tony.  We are going to frame it and put it in Oliver's room. When everyone got up Casey loaded up the trailer with the apricot tree wood and we drove up to Clifton.  We had a good time visiting Calleen.  We came back in the afternoon and went over to Randy's house.  He made a fire and we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.   I hope you guys are doing good.  I have a meeting tomorrow until until noon tomorrow and then we will head down to Lagoon if that works for everyone.

Love Rachel

Friday, August 19, 2022


 I was glad it was Friday also. Work was quiet and we just came home after work so it has been a quiet evening. We didn't get much rain. Robin I am sorry you don't feel good. Allergies are.coming also. Rachel that is fun you got paid one whole day. You made it a full week. I am with Rachel I wish they gave Jeremy the job today. We are going tomorrow if Robin feels up to lunch and then going to Kamas to spend the night. I think we are playing with the Logan crowd on Sunday. Love mom


 I am glad that the weekend is here. I hope you get feeling better soon Robin. If you need a nap just give me a call and I will babysit Luna for you:). Work is staying busy so it went by pretty quick. After work I went to the store because blts sounded good. So I got stuff to make it tomorrow.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 I am sorry you are sick Robin.  I really hope Jeremy gets that job also.  That sucks he has to wait all weekend.  Today was.good.  Ruth wasn't as emotional today.  The kids all love their teachers and we're really happy.  On Friday's they get off an hour early so they have to walk home and they did really well.  Isaac made the kids some noodles for a snack which was cute.  Work was good.  I finished a pillow too.  Then I worked on monogram letters that are needed for a photo shoot.  I didn't bunch of tutorials on Asana.  The before I left they started showing me how to quilt with clear blue tiles.  After work we went to Walmart to get a prize for the kids with money from Mom and Dad.  Isaac is saving his.  Oliver got a new video game and Ruth got some cute little animals.  I got paid for my first day since it was the last day of the pay period.  We thought we could go out to eat.  The kids had a hard time and were really emotional.  They eventually decided on Olive garden.  It wasn't great but we ended up having a fun time.  Tomorrow we are going to Idaho to visit Calleen.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


I am getting a cold. I woke up with a raspy voice and runny nose. I got Luna to daycare and noticed I didn't make her bottles so I ran home and got them. I was an hour late to work. I made it through work alright. I am just tired and stuffy. Jeramy had a 3rd interview at the shipping place. He said it went really well and was so excited. Hopefully he hears back on Monday if he got it or not. I hope he gets it.


Thursday, August 18, 2022


 Tiredness must be going around. I thought I hit the snooze button and I didn't because it was 8 before I woke up. Crazy. They had a cook off and the food good. I got a recipe for corn salsa and am going to make it for our next party. We met up with the gumm gang for dinner and that was fun to talk. It is suppose to cool down tomorrow. That will be nice. I heard the are closing.i80 at kimball.junction. I will investigate that. Rachel I am glad you like your job. 1st grade is tough. All day is hard. Might need a snack in the car for her. Robin I am glad you got to go to dinner. I love you all mom


 Today was good.  The morning went well for the kids and they all made it to school and they had a good day.  Work went well.  I had meetings this morning.  They have new Christmas houses and we worked on writing the instructions more clearly.  Then the afternoon I worked on a pillow.  I picked the kids up from school and Ruth was so upset.  She was mad at everyone.  I said we could make her favorite dinner.  So we took Isaac to violin lessons and we're going to the store but she lost it again so just me and Oliver went.  She did better after dinner.  Me and Casey went running and it was hot but felt good to go.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


I was so tired this morning. It was hard to get into the swing of things. We went out to dinner at one man band. Thanks mom for the dinner. Then Luna had a fit so we came home and had a bath then went to bed. I think she is tired too. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. 


 I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good here. Work was on the quiet side today so I just worked on my to do list. Then I came home and was just lazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 Work was good. It is nice to not be behind. They are having a cook off tomorrow so I made pineapple bread pudding. I hope it tastes good. Rachel that is fun you get free stuff  you and Robin are banking. Good luck with school tomorrow. Wow summer went fast. Why is grover moving. Things are so expensive right now. I hope they find a place. It is hard being pregnant and moving. Love mom


 The kids start school tomorrow and I think we are ready.  They are dreading it but I think once they go they will enjoy being back.  Today was good.  Their was a hummingbird trapped in our office area this morning.  We turned off all the light and after an hour he flew through a crack back to the warehouse area.  We had a department meeting this morning.  I made embroidered a premade bag and put the embroidery on the wrong direction which was dumb.  Then I worked on new product and how to document it all and edit the pages.  I can't take pictures of that stuff because it hasn't been released yet.  They have give aways so I got a embroidery pattern for Robin and thread.  After I got home we went through the kids backpacks and got their stuff sorted.  We walked to the park after dinner.  It is so hot but felt good to get out.  Casey has been working on the deck this week and really liking that.  He is going back to the office tomorrow.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


We had a fire alarm drill at work. That was the.most excitement we have had in a while. Jeramys interview went well and he liked the place alot. So we will see if he gets it or not. Jeramys friends found out the need to move. So we told them.they can store some.things at our house since we have loads of room. So they ce over and the kids had fun playing in the bubbles. Luna loved it. I need to turn it on more.



 I was tired today for some reason. I made it through the day though. Work was good. Just the usual there. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 Today was good but busy.  I made it through my second day at work.  It is a great place to work and everyone is really nice.  We have meetings every morning to see where everyone is one their projects and what they need.  I sewed a lot today and learned a lot.  I get to keep the samples I make and I attached a picture.  Tomorrow I am learning how to use their premade bags and how to use the Bernina.  The kids had a good time with Casey.  I took the kids to the jump zone when I got home but to was really hot.  We went to back to school night and the school was so hot.  The kids are going to die.  Their teachers all seem really nice and I think they will have a great year.  I walked this evening instead of the morning and that worked really well.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 Work was good. I left a few minutes early and met dad and Karen at the zoo. It was fun to walk around. It was hot but I love seeing the animals. We had sprite floats with ice cream instead of sherbert and they were good. I know we are wild and crazy. I am glad your job is working out Rachel. Robin I am sorry Luna isn't 100 percent. It makes for.long days. You should call in sick and take a nap. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


Luna woke up super early and wouldn't go back down. So she was tired at daycare. They called me and we're worried that something was off. I think she was just tired and more teeth are coming in. She was her wild self tonight. We went on a walk and then put her to bed. Jeramy had a job interview tomorrow. 



 My day was good. I worked half a day. I came home and threw some laundry in the washer and then went to the foot doctor. She just trimmed the callous off the wart again and put more silver nitrate on it. Hope it works this time. I go back in another month. Then I picked up dad and we met mom at the zoo. We walked around and had dinner there. It was fun. I came home and finished my laundry. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 15, 2022


 It was work as usual. I didn't get behind so that is always nice. I am so glad your job went well. I think you are going to love it.  Robin I hope Luna sleeps better tonight. That is hard. I hate coughs. Karen good.luck with your warts. I hope she can get rid of them. We did go to winco after work to get sherbert for sherbert floats and they didn't have any. It was.pretty dramatic. Rachel  I tried dayquil today and it helped my head. I am so glad you said something. I never even thought of taking some. I even had some. I am hoping it does the trick. Everyone have a nice day. Love mom


 Thanks guys.  My first day went really well and I think it will be a good job.  I didn't have to go in today until 9:30 for orientation so I was able to walk Tony.  Orientation was good.  He went over all the stuff then took me on a tour and introduced me to everyone.  Then we installed all the apps I needed.  Then I went to my department which is product development.  They had a pot luck for lunch which was fun.  Then I learn about task program they use and did a tutorial.  Then I got to use the embroidery machine and make a mug rug.  I haven't finished yet but will do that tomorrow.  I have my own desk with two embroidery machines and then a ipad for a computer.  I worked later than I normally would which was fine.  The kids had a good day with Casey.  We mowed the lawn when I got home and had dinner.  Thanks for all the support guys.  Love you.

Love Rachel 


Luna didn't sleep very well last night so I was really tired today. Hopefully she sleeps better tonight. A vendor took us to lunch at thanksgiving point today. It was fun. Then I tried to finish what I could before the end of the day. I hope your job went well Rachel the first day is always the most overwhelming.



 I hope your first day of work went well Rachel. My day was good. I had trouble sleeping last night though so I was tired today, but I made it through work. Tomorrow I go back to the foot doctor to look at my planter wart. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, August 14, 2022


 Thanks so much for the fun time yesterday. Dad said he had such a good day. It was so nice e to be together. We went to Kamas today and that was nice. We got the window all dry walled. Karen is good at that. Rachel I am excited for your first day. We are amazing. We aren't far us you need us. Robin I hope you got some rest. That meal was amazing. We had tacos out of your meat. It is so good. I love you all. Robin let us know if you need anything. Good luck with work. Love mom


 Thanks for the fun time yesterday.  I love you guys.  Your are the best.  I wish we lived closer.  Thanks for all the leftovers also.  We had them for dinner and it was really good.  I start my job tomorrow and it will be good to get going and stop worrying about it.  Casey is working from home the next three days.  Today was good.  Church was really good but the kids were tired.  I had a meeting that went long.  Casey worked today.  We went in a bike ride this evening.  Ruth didn't want to go so Casey stayed with her.  Then the ended up going but we missed them.  Me and the boys rode our bikes around the park and then took a long way home.  They are riding really well and we had a fun time.  They go pretty fast.  Thanks again.  

Love Rachel


 I had a good day. I met mom and dad in Park City for lunch. We also went to Walmart and got me a helmet for my hoverboard. Then we came back to my place and worked on my window some more. After dinner they took off and I have just been watching hulu. I hope everyone had a great day.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...