Monday, August 15, 2022


 Thanks guys.  My first day went really well and I think it will be a good job.  I didn't have to go in today until 9:30 for orientation so I was able to walk Tony.  Orientation was good.  He went over all the stuff then took me on a tour and introduced me to everyone.  Then we installed all the apps I needed.  Then I went to my department which is product development.  They had a pot luck for lunch which was fun.  Then I learn about task program they use and did a tutorial.  Then I got to use the embroidery machine and make a mug rug.  I haven't finished yet but will do that tomorrow.  I have my own desk with two embroidery machines and then a ipad for a computer.  I worked later than I normally would which was fine.  The kids had a good day with Casey.  We mowed the lawn when I got home and had dinner.  Thanks for all the support guys.  Love you.

Love Rachel 

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