Saturday, November 21, 2015


Today was nice. I slept for the majority of the day. Then I worked at scheels at night. It was nice to relax a bit. Tomorrow I have the day off to. I'm really excited. I hopefully will finish unpacking the rest of my stuff and do some crafts. I was looking online at sales. Joanns is selling simplicity patterns again. For 99 cents starting tues. So I might go and pick some out. I like alot at Walmart, but they open at 6 on thursday so I'm not sure what they will have left over. What time are we doing thanksgiving? We aren't doing thanksgiving with Walters family. So I'm free all day


Friday, November 20, 2015


Thanks for coming up tomorrow, it will be fun.  The church gave us stuff for thanks giving tonight.  Casey wants to make both turkeys so we will have enough left overs for everyone.  We had a good day.  The boys still have a bit of a cold but seem to be doing good.  Casey went in late to work so we saw him a bit this morning which was nice.  We went to story time and then went to Walmart to get Isaac a lego.  He had a ton more money than I thought, you guys are spoiling him.  He got a huge race car.  It was fun to build it this afternoon.  We just played this evening and it was nice.  Well drive safe tomorrow and thanks again.


Over the river and through the woods

Tomorrow we are headed up to Logan to get Thanksgiving dinner all bought.  I am way excited.  I love turkey dinner.  Karen is coming with us and bringing her turkey.  Not much else going on with us.  WE went to Sam's for drugs and they had what I wanted to get Isaac and it even came with the watch.  Vtech movie.  so we got it.  I am super excited.  I hope it will be fun.  Hope everyone had a great day.  LOVE MOM


Well my Friday was good. We didn't get any snow so that was nice. Work is going good. I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving. Time is just flying by. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Odds

Congratulations Robin, that is awesome.  You should put that on your resume, setting up a fund raiser that big is a good skill to have.  Thanks for having us last night, it was fun.  Isaac didn't sleep well last night so he ended up sleeping with me.  It has been one or the other not sleeping and they are wearing me out.  Oliver woke up early which was good so we could get ready for the visiting teaching breakfast and get their on time.  I was worried about it and I am glad that it is over.  Isaac had school and they made some cute turkeys.  We had to put together the lego as soon as he got home and that was fun.  Oliver took a good nap but woke up really grouchy.  He has a bad cough now also.  Casey is on his way home but works in Logan tomorrow but he will be home for dinner which is nice.  I have been asked to demonstrate a block at the next quilt group meeting and it has taking me three nights to get it finished.  I kept messing up and I wanted it to look good since I am showing people but I think I got it tonight.  I am the worst sewer lately.  Well everyone have a good Friday and don't work too hard.



Robin you definitely  got the better end of that trade.  You will enjoy that forever.  It is beautiful.  I am glad everyone made it home safe and sound last night.  I sure had a fun time.  Thanks Robin for letting us come.  Not much going on with us.  We just chilled tonight.  I think we both aren't feeling hundred percent.  That is neat you got a turkey Karen for free.  I am excited to eat it.  I love turkey dinner.  Everyone have a great Friday.  Just think next week at this time we will be spending our black Friday money.  :)  LOVE MOM

and the beat goes on

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good here. I got a free turkey at work today. I told mom we can use it for thanksgiving. It is for 15.49 pounds. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.

Beat it

Today was good. I am way tired. I had to work scheels tonight. Last night the girl.that won the big ticket picture really wanted the red doll so I switched her. I wanted the picture more. The doll is worth 50.00 and the picture is a couple hundred and way more pretty. So I was happy to trade :). Walters going to help me hang it up. Thank you again for coming. We were able to raise 7,000. Which is matched so it's really 14,000. So that was fun. Have a great friday. November is flying by. One more week till shopping day!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thank you!

Thank you again for coming. I hope you had fun. I am sorry I couldn't hang out more with you guys. Everyone travel safe and have a good thursday


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Thank you guys for coming. Don't get to crazy if the weather is bad or if it's overwhelming. I am so glad it's almost over its been a crazy couple weeks. I am doing tattoos tomorrow but I will be around. :) I will meet you at the valley fair mall. Let me know if you need anything. Everything is starting around 5:30-6:30 if you want to play games. 6:30 is the reaping and movie is at 7. Love you guys


Runny Nose

I have a runny nose also.  I hope we aren't getting sick.  I am excited for everyone to play tomorrow night.  Do you guys want to meet at the Valley Fair Mall?  Julie isn't coming tomorrow night.  So if Casey wants to come I have a ticket for him.  Everyone drive safe.  I hope it doesn't snow.  Not much going on with me.  Shawnie and her mom came for lunch today.  Melanie sure likes you Rachel.  She says she loves to be with you in your quilting guild and wants to hang out more.  I thought you would like that.  Not much else going on with me.  Everyone drive safe.  I am excited to play tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

We are coming

I have decided we are coming down tomorrow pending a major disaster.  I looks like it is just going to rain.  So we will see everyone tomorrow around 5, is that the right time?  Oliver did not sleep well last night and he woke up with a runny nose.  He also would not take a nap which is not normal for him.  This morning we went grocery shopping and the boys were really good at the store which was nice.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and the boys watched a movie for a while and then they came up and played their kindles.  It went well I think.  We just played at home the rest of the day and made cookies.  The boys had a lot of energy this evening.  Here are some pictures from the weekend and today.  Thanks for everything and I will see you guys tomorrow.




Well the week is moving along. Things are going good. I am excited for your event tomorrow Robin. I just hope it doesn't snow too bad. Well I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, November 16, 2015

Too cute

Rachel those pictures are darling.  She is a beauty.  I am just getting so excited for her to make her appearance.  I can't believe how clear the pictures are.  I am so glad that she is perfect.  Robin those dresses are so cute.  Man everyone really went all out didn't they.  That had to be a lot of fun.  Karen, I hope you aren't snowed in.  It is so cold.  It has been really windy here all night.  I made it through work, I was late getting there.  I need to get moving better in the morning.  Casey is going to sleep here tonight.  I washed all the sheets yesterday so he will have a clean bed.  I hope he sleeps OK.  Not much else going on with us.  I am looking forward to the movie on Wednesday.  LOVE MOM

Chubby Cheeks

Your work in crazy Robin, those are awesome dresses.  That sounds fun.  I love Ruth's name also, thanks for doing that. Karen I hope that you don't get too much snow up their.  We had a busy day today and it went by fast.  I had an ultrasound this morning and it went well.  She is only measuring one week ahead and her fluid levels are looking a lot better.  She is now in the 67% instead of the 80% and is in the normal range.  I attached the pictures they gave us.  He said that is her knee by her face, she is balled up.  When I saw the doctor I was measuring at 36 and I am supposed to be 32 so he thinks maybe my stomach is just stretched.  He said that they may do another ultrasound if I am still measuring big next month but Ruth was looking good.  Casey and the boys came with me to the ultrasound then Casey took Isaac to school and then came back.  Calleen called when we were leaving and she had a meeting at the library and wanted to visit so she came over and visited after we got home until Isaac came home.  It is Randy's birthday so we took him out to lunch, he wanted to go to Taco Time.  Isaac didn't want to come home so Casey left for SLC and I went home to give Oliver a nap.  I was able to sew the bean bag chairs which was really fun.  I finished one and have to put the zipper in the last two.  Isaac never wanted to come home so I went up their when Oliver woke up and we went to dinner at Papa Kelsey's for his birthday.  We got home at 8 and I put the boys to bed.  Isaac wasn't home all day long or all weekend for the matter.  He likes having undivided attention I think.  Well thanks for everything and everyone try to stay warm.



Today was fun. We had our "fashion" parade. The fishing district won. Everyone did a great job. I was impressed. I put some pictures below. I just took a screen shot of my computer screen so it might be blurry. Then tomorrow is Peeta day so we are seeking bread. I am making almond bread. Walter came over for dinner and help me with my dryer. I made chicken enchaladas with that  rotessory chicken from the store it was so good. I also started on ruth ' wall vinyl. I just took a picture of my computer screen of what I was working on. I have to work at scheels tomorrow so nothing to exciting. Have a good night



Well my day has been good. It did snow here for a little while this afternoon. Work is moving along. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. I did return the cotton candy machine so that is nice to have out of my trunk. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Big Busy Day

Isaac had a sleep over last night and it was a lot of fun.  He is so dang cute.  He made the cutest necklace for his mom.  We called grandma Bodily and she wanted to go to Logan to take Isaac home so we went to Logan and had lunch.  We played with the kids while Rachel went and taught her lesson.  Isaac was so cute.  He asked grandma why her name was Bodily and how that wasn't a very nice name.  We said her name was Margaret and he said that was a beautiful name and she is Grandma Margaret.  I thought that was so cute.  We went back to SLC and grandma wanted to go to Walmart so we stopped at Centerville and walked around and by that time it was 6:00 so we stopped at Del Taco and had dinner.  She said it was such a fun day.  I think she is liking having Isaac with us on Sundays. Well everyone be safe in the snow.  It really was a beautiful day for a drive.  Good luck with your ultrasound tomorrow Rachel.  LOVE MOM

White monday

Today was good. I was very unproductive. I starting working on the boys quilts but I felt so tired. So I took a nap for a bit. The bit turned into a few hours. Then I went over to enochs family's for sunday dinner. Tomorrow its suppose to snow 1-3 inchs. Everyone drive safe. Have a good monday



Well my day has been good. I got my laundry done which is nice. I had a lot to do. It was really windy here today. I guess the storm is blowing in. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...