Today was good. We went to the park and had lunch and then walked the zoo. Isaac was really cute and Oliver loved watching everything, it was fun. After dinner Isaac had pooped in the potty so that filled his jar up so we went to get him a prize. Red Balloon was closed so we went to the book table to he picked out a train. Last night I finished my quilt, well I still need to put a white border around but I thought I would put a picture on anyway. I really like it and I think that I am going to keep it. I still need a back for it. Well I am excited for Mom and Dad to come up, we will have fun doing the roof.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
The count down to finish begins
Tomorrow we are taking off for Logan to work on the roof. I am so excited to go up and play for the week. I guess it is more work for the week but it will be nice to be outside and moving. I am excited that Isaac pooped in the toilet. He is growing up so fast. Robin that is OK. We can go another night. Karen I am so glad that they changed the belt on your car. That is good. I thought we would take off around 10:00. I have to get pills ready and all that stuff before we go. Someone ran into the fence in on the front of the apartment. Someone was telling us all about it. They were high on drugs and speeding. Everyone have a great Sunday. Pray that everything goes well. LOVE MOM
Sorry I didn't make it to dinner mom,thanks for asking me though. Today was chill I worked on my wind up doll key holder. I attached the picture. I need to figure out on how to attach it to my costume now. Walter got me panda for dinner that was fun. He showed up late so we missed going to a movie but dinner was fun. Good luck on the roof stuff Well have a good night
Well I went and got my oil changed this morning. They also noticed that one of my belts had a bunch of cracks in it so I had them replace it also. It seemed like it took forever to get done but it is finished now. While I was waiting I walked over to Smith's. I got some beef fajitas and had them for lunch. I also got my dishes done today. Well I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye
Friday, October 3, 2014
I am glad it is the weekend. We met up with Karen for dinner. Gary picked up Grandma and we all went to Park City. It was a really nice time. It was chilly in Park City. Karen is going to have to get her winter clothes out for sure. Work was good and I am looking forward to a whole week off. We are just going to get ready for the week tomorrow. Love mom
Gold Man
This evening we were folding laundry and Isaac was trying on all my jewelry and he was calling himself goldman. It was really cute, I attached a picture. Today was good. This morning we walked to story time which was fun. The only problem was that the pink and white candy machine was broken. Isaac had to hold back the tears. We made a cute rainbow caterpillar out of toilet paper rolls when Oliver was taking his nap, Isaac really liked it. This afternoon we went to the jump zone and that was fun. Isaac likes to jump and Oliver liked to watch all the kids. The dumpster came this morning for the roof so we are ready. It is pretty big. I hope that everyone had a good Friday and a good weekend.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Got to love insurance
Robin, I am so glad that you have insurance. YEAH you made it. I think that was random also that you saw Mike. We are going to take Grandma Bodily to Park City tomorrow night and have dinner with Karen. We thought that would be fun. That picture of Isaac makes him look so grown up. He is growing up so fast. I can't believe it. I really like Oliver's haircut. I had to get some magnets for work on the way home so we stopped and got some and Shopko was there and I got me a new shirt. Everything was on clearance. It was fun. We did do the last batch of apples tonight. They are drying right now. Everyone have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
Hair Cut
Oliver's hair has been looking kind of grungy so I gave him a trim this afternoon and it looks better. The weather was nice today we went on a walk this morning. Isaac didn't want to take the stroller so it was so going but nice to look at everything. Isaac wanted to go to the mall so we went and had lunch their. It was fun. I wanted to see the new store and walk around the Halloween store also. Casey mowed the lawn today and it looks really nice. That is really funny that you ran into Mike at the store Robin. That is really random. I hope that you are feeling better Mom and I hope that you aren't frozen Karen.
Well my day was good. I am glad that it is Friday tomorrow. I am excited to meet up with mom, dad, and grandma tomorrow for dinner. I am excited for the roof adventure next week. The weather at least looks like it is going to be nice. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.
Oh so close
That's a funny picture Karen I like it. Today was good it's a holiday in china so we are doing some projects because we don't have anyone to email. I cut some fabric samples and worked on inventory for defective gowns. I got my new insurance card so I went to walgreens to update my insurance card I just have to change with my doctors office, but while at walgreens I saw mike (Kelsey's mike) he said the baby is doing good and they are in the new apartment, so that was random. Well not to much else have a good night
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Youngest Whale
Today was good, just normal for us also. Isaac had preschool and had fun. He wrote the letter D pretty good, I attached a picture. Also he learned a song called slipper fish. He has been talking about it for a while and today he was singing it so I was able to figure out what it was. It is a cute song. At one part it some humongous whale but Isaac singes it youngest whale, it is cute. Casey made the best tamales today. They were really good. While he was cooking we went in the front yard and watched cars. They weather was bad this morning but was really nice this afternoon, it felt good to be outside. After dinner we went and visited Randy which is always fun. I am excited for next week.
I pulled out tickle me Elmo while Isaac was at school, Oliver was not impressed.
Just a normal day
It is starting to calm down at my office and it is so nice. Nothing to great just a nice day. I still have a headache and dad thinks it might be the new building smells. It doesn't seem to bother me while I am there but ya never know. I like your saying Karen that does fit Robin perfectly. I don't have much else to report either. Looking forward to next week. So far the weather is going to be perfect. LOVE MOM
Well we made it halfway thru the week. It was a lot quieter today at. It was nice. We got cupcakes at work today also. They were yummy. Robin your tights look awesome. I am way impressed. Well I really don't have much else to report so I will sign off. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
P.S. Robin I saw this and thought of you
P.S. Robin I saw this and thought of you
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Rainy days
I love the picture of Oliver driving. You have two car boys. That is too cute. Robin I love your decorations. That is cute. I need to be more creative like that. Karen, I am glad you survived the end of the month. That was a lot of sales they had. That has to be good. We went to the doctors today for dad a check up. Just same old same old. See you in 4 months. I feel asleep after dinner. It felt nice. I am excited for next week. The weather is looking good. LOVE MOM
Today was good. We had game day at work we played telistrations it was fun. I also decorated my desk at work I posted a picture. I'm glad you liked the tights. It's not like the picture but I think it will work. Tonight I met up with walter. We went to Lowe's to look at stuff for wind up doll stuff. We didn't find anything cool. So we went to Wendy's and had dinner. It was fun. Well have a good wednesday.
I got free pizza today at work. They wanted to thank everyone for their hard work during the end of the month craziness. I have been helping shipping bag and box pumps. It was tough work. Thankfully today was the last day of the month. It poured rain here this afternoon. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
We made tamales this afternoon and they didn't turn out. I made a mistake on the masa I think. We are going to try it again when Casey gets back from scouts. It was rainy again today. I am missing going outside. We didn't go to story time, Oliver had fallen asleep so we skipped it. I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun, they time went too fast. Then we made tamales. I love your nylons Robin. I didn't think it would work that well. I am really impressed, good job they look amazing. You should deign a bunch and sell them.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Do I have to
I think I starting to settle in to work because I had to talk my self into work. I just wanted to be A bumb today. I think it's colder so I m hibernating, but all is well. I'm glad Kelsey had her baby that is exciting. I don't have a lot to report I did laundry, and pulled some Halloween decorations to decorate my desk.
Way to go
Yeah for Casey. I am so amazed at how talented he is. I truly believe he can fix anything. Tell him congratulations. Karen, I can't believe how cold it has gotten. We have been opening up our windows and have gotten down to 75. I can't imagine 39 degrees. I think you are going to appreciate your weather clock. It will confirm you are cold. Our apple peeler came today. It wasn't a very good one but we were able to get it to work and got a whole batch of apples drying. I am excited about that one. We have enough for one more batch. That will be nice. Work was good. It was a normal day and it felt nice. I think we are on our way to a calmer time. We went grocery shopping and got food. That is always nice. Robin I really like your facebook blog. That is neat to read. I texted Teresa and Kelsey had her baby. 7 lbs 10 oz 21 inches long. She sent me a picture but I can't figure out how to send it to you guys. She is cute. I don't have any more details than that. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
It Passed
Casey's car passed inspection today so he is good to go. It will be nice to have another car, yea. Other than that nothing too exciting happened today. Isaac had preschool and had fun. It was cold and rainy today we didn't go outside. It was clear for a while so Issac and Casey jumped for a minute. Isaac has been in real underwear since Wednesday and is rocking them. He went to sunbeams and preschool and did really good. I am proud of him. Everyone stay warm.
The heat is on
Well I had to turn on my heat. It was really cold in my house. I went to Walmart after work and got my prescriptions. I forgot to get chocolate though. I may have to go get some sometime. Other than that it has been a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Quiet day
It wasn't as rainy today but this evening we really got hammered also. We slept in and went to church and then came home and took a nap and then just vegged. It was a nice day. I needed that. I am glad everyone had a good day. I am looking forward to a week in Logan. I know it is going to be a lot of work but it will be fun to just hang out. I did get a $10.00 coupon for Christopher Banks. I think tomorrow, I am going to see if I can buy me a new shirt with it. Have a great end of September. I love October. It is such a fun month. I think we should do a corn maze on Saturday when everyone is up there. LOVE MOM
Sorry I didn't blog I forgot. Last night me and Walter had fall celebration. We did it last year but we made root beer and steaks, we bought pumpkins again but were so full we just watched movies and didn't finish our pumpkins.. we watched the Addams family it's in netflix now, I hadn't seen that in a while, then to day I meet up with Walter again at his parents house, on my way back home it started to pour rain. By the time I got to my apartment I was soaked, now I'm just going to relax and enjoy the sound of rain, have a good night
It was rainy this weekend. Yesterday morning when Isaac looked outside he said "Stop raining rain, Scooter (Casey) and me can't jump on the trampoline". It was funny. We went shopping at Sam's and had lunch their which was fun. Church went good today and the boys did really well. On lady said that she likes to sit behind us at church because we keep he entertained. This afternoon it cleared out and was sunny so we went on a walk around the block which was nice. I made a roast for dinner and it tasted good. I think that this week we are going to make a million tamales again. They are so expensive at the store I thought we should just make them again. Wish us luck.
Yesterday Isaac was driving a truck and me and Oliver were his trailers.
Well my weekend has been good. I found another rattle under my couch. So my total is up to two now. I will bring them up to your house next time I come up Rachel. It has been raining off and on all day today. It also hailed for awhile also. Well I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...