Saturday, July 30, 2016


We went to the funeral this morning and then went out to lunch.  We stopped by Lowes and Grandma bought a washing machine.  Hers is broken. It was good to see all the family.  It has been a long time since I have seen everyone.  I am glad that everyone had a good day.  That is random that you met up with Julie.  That is fun.  It did rain a little bit here also.  I sure hope that cools things down.  I love the quilt also Rachel.  It is really pretty.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Passer by

I worked at scheels today from 10-7 so my day was all work. Than I had an idea for a project so I stopped at shopko on the way home to find some.things. But I didn't find what I wanted. But when I was leaving I ran into julie. I didn't have any plans so I walked around shopko with her for a bit. Then we went to fye and looked at movies. I bought soap season 1 and 2 for 10.00. It was fun definitely random. Well I have tomorrow off. Have a good sunday



I have had a nice Saturday. I decided to make beef jerky, so I marinated the beef last night. Then I put it in the smoker this morning. It finshed about 3 which is good because it started thundering then and by the time i put it all away it was raining. I guess i can make it rain anytime i want i just have to plan on useling my smoker. Rachel I think that the quilt is really pretty, you did a good job. Have a good one. Bye


Today was good, we to the farmers market to see Calleen.  The library was doing something with the market today so they had free bounce houses and their were a lot of people their.  Isaac did the bounce slide about 50 times, he had a blast.  We came home and had lunch and then just hung around.  Casey worked on the network and I did some sewing and the boys watched a show.  After a while me and Ruthie were restless so we went to the fabric store and got a back for the flower quilt.  After dinner we went outside and the boys ran and ran, it was fun.  Isaac has really liked his camera lately, he took a ton of pictures today also.  The boys are sleeping in the tent downstairs tonight, they seem to be having fun.  I hope that everyone had a good day.


Friday, July 29, 2016


I think you quilt is very cute rachel. Today was good we had a pot luck at work and it was friday do that's a win. Then I met up with mom and dad it was fun, we had a good time. I guess walter had a hernia and had surgery today. So I went over after dinner and brought him so.e treats from mom and dad. Mom he said the chips and dip hit the spot. I have been watching scandal on netflix so I might stay up late and watch some more episodes. Have a good night



It has been a really really hot couple weeks.  It is hard to do anything.  Isaac didn't feel great this morning and he woke up early so we just watched shows until everyone else woke up.  He was feeling better so we went to story time and the library's actually was broken so it was warm their.  We got two audio book stars like wars and bunnicula.  Then we went and bought some more root beer milk.  It was pay day so we got some sushi, Oliver was asleep so we got take out and it was good.  Robin, thanks again for the package.  That was fun to get, thanks.  I finished a top for Kimi's baby and I want your honest opinion on it.  Do you like it?  Is it ugly? The fabric all has the same pattern and I am not sure if it is too dottie. Thanks


So hot

On the radio today it said that it was 12 days straight of over 100 degree weather.  Rachel I am so glad you went swimming.  That is too much fun.  We hooked up with Robin after work and went to dinner.  WE went to the Cowboy Grub and it was really good.  Tomorrow is going to be a really long day but it will be nice to see everyone.  Have a really nice weekend.  Just think next week at this time, we will be in Las Vegas  :)

Yea it's the weekend

I am so glad that it is the weekend. I get my lawned mowed tonight. The mower was a pain to start so i am going to return it and get a different one. Other than that my day has been good. I bought some meat to try making jerky tomorrow. Wish me luck on that. I hope it turns out. I hope everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow. Bye

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Today was fun.  This morning we went to Smith's market place and turned in the boys coins for the vacation and then bought doughnuts.  Isaac wanted more doughnuts so we made some when Ruthie was napping.  Casey was mowing the lawn when he got home and when he was half way done he said it was too hot and we should go swimming.  So we went and it was a lot of fun.  Isaac loves the water slides and gets so excited.  Oliver went down the slides also and really liked it.  We stayed until it closed and got nuggets for dinner.  Isaac fell asleep as soon as we got home.  This week has gone by so fast.  I can't believe it is Friday already.  Everyone have a good day.


So Hot

I must not go outside very much because it is really hot out there.  I left work early and went to the doctor's with dad.  They said he looked good and talked about ablation surgery for his irregular heart beat.  We aren't really feeling good about that one.  We are going to stay doing what we are doing.  We are taking grandma to Gordon's funeral on Saturday.  Her washer broke so afterwards we are going to take her to get a new one.  I did cash in all my change tonight.  I am ready to gamble.  I told dad that I was going to triple my money. He laughed and laughed.  We are going to meet Robin for dinner tomorrow night.  I am looking forward to the weekend.  Everyone stay safe in the heat.  LOVE MOM


Today was ok. Nothing to spectacular, just work. I had to work at scheels tonight so that was boring. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. We are having a pot luck. I am going fancy and making pepperchini steak sandwiches. I hope they taste good. Hope everyone has a good friday. Next Friday instead of a pot luck I'm going to need real luck in Vegas. Ha ha ha



Well it is almost Friday. I am glad that the weekend is almost here. Work was good. I made progress so that is always a good thing. I went to Walmart after work and pick up a few things. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sound asleep

I got home from work and started to read a book and that was the last thing I remembered.  I fell sound asleep.  Work as good.  The girl has been so much nicer this week.  It makes it so much better.  We went grocery shopping.  Man it is hot.  It is suppose to cool down over the weekend.  Dad has a doctor's appointment this afternoon.  I am going to go with him.  Other than that not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Last night my portable air conditioner arrived. It's very nice. Today at work was kinda a wash we had meetings on the new rebecca Ingram line.the gave all the employees a fashion show, lunch and a little gift bag. So I didn't do any actual work. Then I had the night off of scheels.i just stayed cool and relaxed. Have a good thursday



Today was good.  This morning I was telling Isaac all the things we could do and he said "That is very kind of you, but no thanks" he just wanted to stay home and have a day off.  So we played outside in the morning and then the basement in the afternoon.  Casey and Isaac made bread when Casey got home.  Ruthie was kind of grumpy today and didn't sleep much.  I hope that everyone has a good night, this week is flying by.



Well we have made halfway thru the week. Things are going good here. Work was busy today. I had 2 projects i was going to work on, but i only got one done because other things kept popping up. Oh well there is always tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Karen that will be fun.  I am excited that you are coming.  All of us with be there.  We will win mega bucks for sure now.  Work went well.  It seems to go really fast today.  That was good.  We just vegged tonight.  Rachel, I love the pictures.  That shirt is cute.  That is a fun activity for them.  It sure is hot.  Have a great Wednesday.  That is nice it is hump day already.  LOVE MOM


Yea, Karen that is awesome, I am excited for you to come.  We will have a fun time, I can hardly wait.  Today was another hot day.  We went to Joanns this morning and bought some glow in the dark paint to make a D 11 R shirt.  It was fun to walk around and the boys have fun running around.  Then we went to Sam's for lunch at Isaac's request.  We came home and Imogene came over to play.  I was sewing with Jenn also.  I didn't get much sewing done but it was nice to talk to her.  Her daughter gets back next Tuesday so she is excited about that.  When she left we made shirts.  Between Imogene and Isaac they used every drop of paint we had.  I don't think her shirt is even going to bend.  They turned out cute though and they had fun.  Isaac's glows in the dark really well and he is sleeping with it.  Neave came over a while also and Casey made muffins with the older kids and I colored with the little ones. Here are a million pictures from the weekend, thanks everyone for the fun time.



Well my day was good. It was rough going back to work after the holiday. I did talk with Andy and he said it was okay if i took the 5th of August off so I am good to go to Vegas. Rachel, I found a skirt of Ruth's under my couch so I will bring that with me next time I see you. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

One day down

Today was ok. I wasn't as busy as I thought I would be so that was nice. Thanks for the fun time this weekend. I can't believe next week is august time is flying by. I am working scheels tonight so it's a slow night. I just want to take a nap so it's hard to stay focused. Have a good one


Monday, July 25, 2016

Loving it

Thanks so much for the fun weekend.  I sure had a really nice time.  We went to Mirror Lake yesterday and it was a lot of fun.  It is going to be hard to go back to the real world tomorrow.  Thanks so much Karen for everything.  It was so much fun up there. I love your pond.  It is getting a lot better.  Robin we are going to have to try tie dying shirts again.  It was a lot of fun.  I think we will be better next time.  I think dad will love his subscription to Mad Magazine.  That was a really good idea.  I would never have thought of that.  Everyone be safe in this hot weather.  LOVE MOM


Well thanks everyone for the fun weekend. Thanks also for helping me get my new mower home. I didn't mow today though it was to hot. Mom thanks for gibing me your address. I got dad a year subscription to mad magazine. It isn't going to get there for 8 to 10 weeks though. I hope everyone has a great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...