Friday, November 8, 2013
I have a plan
We are going to pick Robin up around 8:00 and come up to Logan. I don't think we are spending the night. Dad needs some home time and I have a cough that might drive everyone crazy all night. I am excited to come up. I hope Casey was able to get a lot of wood for his mom. LOVE MOM
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Sorry I didn't blog last night. Isaac was having a hard time going to sleep and I never made it down to blog. Yesterday was good. I got the right prescription for my contacts and went visiting teaching. Isaac wants to go to the mall all the time so we went after dinner and it was fun. He likes to play on the playground and get a pretzel. Tonight we walked Joanns and they had all there flannel for $2.99 plus 25% off your total purchase. Isaac loved this truck material so I got it to make a light blanket for the new baby if Isaac will let it go. Isaac has had a runny nose so we stuck home today. He really wanted to go tonight so we left and it was good to walk around. It sounds like everyone is having a fun and bus week. It is going by fast. Casey is going to go back up tomorrow and cut more firewood for his Mom. He is worried about her. He thinks this is going to be the last time they go. That is all my news everyone have a good night.
Well my day has been pretty good. I have a little bit of a headache right now, but nothing too terrible. I made homemade cranberry sauce tonight for the company party tomorrow. I hope that it is good. It looked a little runny to me, but it was still kind of hot so I am hoping that sitting in the fridge overnight will make it less runny. Don't worry though I did buy the can stuff also, so I am covered either way. Well have a great Friday everyone. I am excited to play on Saturday. Bye
5 am
I woke up at 5 this morning and could not fall back to sleep. I thought it might be my cold but Rachel said that Jen had the same problem because of daylight savings and then it dawn on me it was the usual time I was use to getting up. I went 90 percent off Halloween shopping with Robin tonight. Shopko has some fun stuff. I think we really should consider going there for black Friday. Tomorrow you can see their ad on line. Dad comes home tomorrow. That will be nice. Drive safe Karen. I am excited to go up and work on the car on Saturday. That has been a really fun project. LOVE MOM
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
the ender
today was good. Work is getting busy so I am going in early and staying late for a few days. good money i guess. then Walter took me out to see enders game. it was really good. I didn't read the books so I am not a good judge. Walter said it was diffrent but good. and he had read the books. mom tomorrow still is good. I am picking up walter and dropping him off at a friends he needed a ride so I told him i would help. :) then I will meet up with you. so I will give you a call when I am close but I think it will be 6-630. glad your feeling better karen. everyone stay warm in the chilly weather
Going to be
I am going to be better. I am going to take some more airborne. That cures everything. I am glad you are feeling better Karen. Did you find some real cranberries? I went to dinner with Julie and Austin. She is doing a little better. Work was good. I was just trying to get caught back up. My boss is gone for two days so it should be quiet. I even got rid of one of my projects today. That will be nice. Rachel I am glad you got your contacts all fixed up that had to be horrible. Robin I am still planning on tomorrow night if you want to. Have a nice Thursday. I am going to drive tomorrow because I need to stop on my way home and get some meds for dad. LOVE MOM
Well I feel much better today. I am so glad that the stomach flu only lasts 24 hours. My day went pretty fast, so that was nice. After work I went to WalMart to pick up my prescriptions. Fun and exciting I know. Well I hope everyone had a great Wednesday today. Bye
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Count me in
My throat is all sore also. It doesn't hurt so much as laryngitis sort of thing. I was going to go to Julie's tonight but decided I didn't want to get her sick so I just stayed home and rested. I am good with Thursday night at 6:30 Robin. That sucks about your contacts Rachel. I would make sure they gave you a free box of the right contacts. You had a busy day. I am glad you are feeling better Karen. The stomach flu is the worse. I think we must have caught stuff on Saturday with everyone together. Lucky us. Not much else going on with me. I hope we all get feeling better. Dad is doing good. It really was snowing here this morning. Have a great hump day. LOVE MOM
Poor Karen
I am sorry Karen, that makes me sad. I am glad that you stayed home and got some rest. I hope that you are feeling better. Isaac came down with a runny nose today so there must be something going around. I went to the eye doctors a while ago but I had some old contacts I just finished off so today I started on my new box and I think that they are the wrong prescription because I can't see as well. I can still see but not far away. So I went back and they said I had to go back tomorrow and get my prescription checked. I think that he printed off two times ago prescription and that is what is in the computer now. I hope that they give me free boxes of the right ones. I had to get some card stock for boys scouts so we went to shopko and they had a little play grill on sale, half off, for 17 dollars so I got it for Isaac for Christmas. They had a kitchen also but there were girls on it on boys on the grill so I thought I better get that one. It comes with food also. I sewed with Jenn and then we had scouts. It was combined so it wasn't too much work. Isaac was really tired this afternoon since he didn't get a nap so I put him to bed an hour early. He was ready. I hope that everyone gets feeling better. It is a hard time of year with it getting cold.
Sad panda
I'm sorry you were sick Karen that us horrible I hate feeling sick. I don't have a cold but my throat is still sore. Mom do you want to meet in Thursday around 6:30? Today was good I thought me and Walter were going to the gym but last minute we went out to eat. At the citrus grill it was good. I'm glad Issac got his car that is awesome :) what a big boy. Well not to much else with me gave a good night. Hope you feel better karen
Well I started the 24 stomach bug last night. It wasn't fun so I called in sick today. I am feeling a lot better now though. So between pepto and a nap I really didn't do much today. I hope that your throat feels better soon Robin. And yea for Isaac. I am glad that he got his yellow race car. Well I hope everyone ad a great day. Bye
Monday, November 4, 2013
a blog

Today we had an early start since Isaac hasn't switched to the new time yet. I watched Joesph this morning and it went pretty well. Isaac was kind of grumpy but he did fine. Me and Casey had dentist appointments today for a cleaning. Casey's teeth look good and my gums are still bad but she said that it was the pregnancy causing that. Casey and Isaac went to lunch with Randy went shopping so I ran some errands afterwards and got a subway for lunch. I ate a whole foot long, crazy. It was nice to have some time to get things done. This evening Isaac said he wanted to go on a car ride in the dark cold winter night. It made me laugh. We never did end up going anywhere though, we just played. He peed in the potty and was able to finally have his yellow race car. He was pretty excited and proud. He said that now he could wear underwear. Casey's work hit some goal so they took everyone to golden coral for dinner. It sounded like a fun night for him. Well everyone sleep well and have a good day tomorrow.
I went and got my haircut on the way home from work. It really needed it bad. Dad made it safe and sound this morning to DuPont. I was glad about that one. Work was crazy busy, I think everyone was nervous that their stuff wouldn't get done first. I plowed my way through some of it. I am glad you got your laundry done Karen. That always feels nice. My phone was weird when I tried to charge it in the car but it seems to be doing better now. I hope it is OK. It is amazing how much I use my phone. Not much else to report. I am just going to take it easy the rest of the night. I am glad the dentist went well Rachel. You are doing so well. Robin if you want to go Halloween sale shopping one night this week, I am free. I love you guys LOVE MOM
Well since I only had two pairs of socks left I decided to do laundry tonight. I just put my last batch into the washer so the good news is it won't be midnight when it is done. Work was a little slow today, but I made it thru. Our company luncheon is on Friday and it is thanksgiving dinner themed. I signed up to bring cranberry sauce. Well I hope that everyone had a good Monday. Bye
Sunday, November 3, 2013
A Day Off
Thank you everyone for the nice weekend. It was good to see everyone. Today Isaac was kind of grumpy so we just laid on the couch and watched shows all morning. When Casey got up we had lunch and Isaac wanted to play in the snow, there was a little bit left. I was cold so I stayed inside. Both me and Isaac took a long nap which was nice. We visited Randy this evening, it is Terry's birthday. They didn't have a cake and Isaac wanted one so they went and bought one so we could sing happy birthday. He is spoiled. Tomorrow I am watching Joesph again and I have a dentist appointment for a teeth cleaning after that. It shouldn't be too bad. Thanks again for everything and I am excited for next weekend. Thanks for the help.
It snowed here also, it didn't stick but there was white out there this morning. I was so glad that you went home last night. I just rested today. I think I have had 3 naps. I have been so tired, I really needed some rest. I have been packing dad for this trip to DuPont tomorrow. I am planning on next Saturday for the big finish of the bed. It is so neat. I love you guys MOM
Well it did snow today. Not much stuck so at least I don't have to shovel. It was fun seeing everyone yesterday. Other than having a nap I don't have much to report. I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...