Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thanks II

Thanks for the quilt rachel I love it. Very beautiful. I will ask walter about the jeep thanks for the reminder I keep forgetting. Me and Walter were going to hang out but he was sick again. So I had nothing to do. I walked to Murray park and brought my iPad and read importance of being a wall flower, I am a slow reader but it was nice to be outside, then I walked around south town mall. Nothing  else to exciting I think I might meet up with Walter and his parents at left fork for lunch, but we will see if he is still sick. Well have a good one



Thanks mom and dad for all your help today. It looks nice. I had a fun time. I am excited to have a long weekend next week. Congrats Robin on the design stuff. You will be awesome at that. Have a great one. Bye

We're back

WE had a nice time at Karen's place and we are back home.  Her yard is rounded up and the overhang has varnice on it.  It was nice to work outside.  We went to Samak to try out their beef jerky.  It is a fun little country store.  We are going to take Grandma Bodily out for lunch tomorrow.  I think that is all that is going on with us.  Rachel, I love your quilt.  If Robin doesn't want it then I get it.  Me and Karen might have to pick a number for it.  I am sure that Robin wants it.  Robin that is so wonderful about your work.  You are really going to love that.  I am so excited for you.  YEAH!.  Robin if you see Walter would you get the name of that auto place.  We need to take the jeep in.  Well everyone have a wonderful weekend.  I am so excited for William Joseph.  I just love his music. 


Friday, May 16, 2014


Well this will be a short blog. Mom just wanted me to tell you that they made to Kamas save and sound. We even planted some flowers. Have a great weekend.


Wow Robin, that is awesome.  That sounds more like the work you would like to do.  I hope that it is a fun job for you.  I haven't been loosing any weight so I decided I am going to start walking every day again.  I have been slacking off.  We went this morning and it was really nice.  I think it will be good.  This evening we went to the jump zone with Isaac's pass.  We just had him jump and we watched.  It was fun and Isaac had a fun time.  Thanks Mom and Dad.  I finished the quilt finally.  This is the one I was giving you Robin if you want.  I couldn't find a good place to lay it out so this picture isn't that great.  Well everyone have a good weekend and don't work too hard. :)



So today at work my project manager and boss pulled me aside and asked me if I wanted to be the awing artist assistant. We have been slow at work and I've been helping with graphics for the awnings and they want me to keep helping out. I will keep sewing but a few hours a day I am going to help with awning graphics, I didn't get a raise or anything but it will be good to spice up the day a little. Then after work me and Walter went to panda then he went to a friends house. I am heat packing my back I did something funky at work so I am relaxing. Have a good Saturday


Thursday, May 15, 2014


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. My day was good. Nothing to wild and crazy to report. I am excited for you to come up tomorrow also, mom. That is neat that Casey fixed the computer. I am impressed. Well have a great Friday tomorrow.


I am getting my voice back.  I sure is nice.  It has been a long week.  I hope I am over it.  We met up with Robin for dinner and that was nice.  THanks Robin.  I am glad you got your garden planted Rachel.  That is fun.  Karen we are leaving after work so we will see you soon.  Not much else going on with us.  I really need a weekend.  Thanks for the recipe. That is neat that Casey fixed the computer.  Dad was impressed.   LOVE MOM


I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. It's been a long week, sorry i didn't blog last night I fell asleep watching t.v and blammo I was out like a light. I was tired. Today was good I meet up with mom and dad for dinner and went to costco, it was fun, not to much else with me. But mom i Pinterest a bacon a pasta recipe there was one with butternut squash I put the link below. :).



The computer that Dad gave Casey wasn't really working so he took it apart.  A monitor hinge was broken pressing on the heat sink so the computer couldn't cool down.  He was able to move it and now it works like a champ.  Mom tell Dad that Casey really likes the computer and says thank you.  We had a pretty good day.  This evening we went on a walk and Isaac took his bike and he used the petals for the first time and did relaly well.  We were proud of him.  I think that we are going to get him a big bike next month.  Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I love your mask Robin, good job.  Karen I talked with Casey and get tickets for all three of us, Oliver doesn't need one.  We will just all go and see how it goes.  Thanks.  Mom I am glad that you have the people trained and don't have to go in early any more, that will be nice.  We had a good day.  I moved a bookshelf up to Isaac's room and it looks a lot better in there.  It is nice to get the books off of the floor.  Isaac is feeling better and I am getting a handle on how to deal with the yelling so we had a good day.  It was a beautiful day outside.  Isaac was playing in the mud and water so I took off his new shoes and put his shorts and sandals on.  He wanted to keep his socks on which made him look like an old man, it made me laugh.  Casey planted the garden tonight.  I am excited and it is nice to have it in.  Isaac helped a little and then we played ball and Oliver was awake all evening.  I sent a package to Vickie and she got it today.  She really liked the blankets.  Well I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow, don't work too hard.


I made it

I made it through 2 early mornings.  I think I am done registering classes.  I think the people they hired are pretty well trained.  I have to admit I am glad that is over with.  I have been running.  I am excited to come to Kamas also.  That will be fun.  We went to the comic store tonight and got dad a comic book.  It was fun to walk around.  It was such a pretty day.  I hope you got your garden planted Rachel.  That is always so nice to have.  I love having fresh veggies.  Have a great Thursday.  I can't believe how fast May is going.  Oliver is sure holding his head up good.  He is doing so well. I love your mask Robin.  That lace turned out really nice.  LOVE MOM


Robin that mask is really neat. I am impressed. My day has been good. Work went by pretty fast so that was nice. I am glad we are on the downhill side of the week. I am excited to have you and dad come down this weekend, mom. Thanks for helping me my yard. Well have a great Thursday tomorrow bye

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Karen I can go to the derby. I don't think Walter will want to go he isn't the biggest fireworks fan. Today was good it really sucked it was only Tuesday. I was ready for a Thursday or Friday. But I made it through. When Walter was in California someone got into his place and stole his food. They didn't take anything else but his food which was good but it still sucks. They did leave some cans of food, so I went to the store tonight and fixed him some I cooked most the night. I just froze them because we probably won't cross paths for a couple days. But they are made. If I was more on top of it person I should do it for me. Do like the month meals thing. It's nice to rotate through a few meals but not have to prepare them every night. I also posted a picture of the mask I am working on. I need to add a stick to it and maybe some flowers or something, Well that's all for me have a good one


One more day

I had to go into work early today and tomorrow but I think that will be the last of my early days.  The new people are getting all trained up and ready to go on their own.  YEAH.  It will be nice to go back to my job.  I still am hoarse but it seems to be getting a little better.  I hope.  I am getting really tired of this.  I love the pictures Rachel.  Oliver is holding his head up so good.  Isaac is just amazing.  I miss them already.  I am going up to Kamas this weekend to help Karen with yard work.  I am excited that William Joseph is still coming.  It gives me something to look forward to.  I don't have any plans either for Memorial weekend.  I am going to the demolition derby.  When you do have to get the tickets?  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM

Navajo Tacos

We had a good day.  Casey was up late last night so he went in late for work.  So he walked with us to story time and then went to work.  It was a really pretty day and it was nice to walk.  Jenn came over and we sewed which is fun.  Casey wanted to make me Navajo tacos so he made started making black beans last night and we had the tacos for dinner.  They were so good.  We were all really hungry and they tasted so good.  I just read to buy a Pillsbury biscuits and fry them and they were really good.  We bought all the plants for the garden but it is supposed to freeze tonight so we are going to plant them tomorrow.  I hope that everyone has a good night and thanks for everything.  We have the best family.


Isaac got a tractor brochure this weekend and was reading it in bed.


Well my day has been nice. Work moved along good. Then tonight I did laundry and dishes. I know I am impressed also. Robin the derby is in July not this month. It is on Saturday the 28th of July. So if you guys want to go let me know and I will get tickets for you. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 12, 2014


I hope that you get feeling better Mom.  That is rough.  Robin I don't have any plans for memorial day so we are up for anything.  We could hang out that Saturday that would be fun.  It sounds like you had a busy night Karen, good job.  We had a pretty good day.  We went grocery shopping this morning also.  We were out of food.  Then we just played at home.  I finished my quilt last night for Robin.  I stayed up last night and it is so nice to have it done.  I just need to hand sew the binding on and then I will put a picture on.  Casey had to help his Dad this evening so we didn't get the garden done but it was supposed to freeze tonight anyway so we will just do it tomorrow.  I wanted to get out of the house so we went to Joanns and walked around.  It was nice.  It took a while to put everyone to bed without Casey so I am late blogging.  Isaac said his stomach hurt tonight so I hope that he is alright.  Well everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.


Is it Friday

Everytime I talked at work today it made me cough.  I was so embarrassed.  I hope it goes away soon.  I have to go to work by 6 tomorrow.  I think I will just come home early.  That way I don't have extra hours for the rest of the week.  I am excited to come kill weeds also Karen.  I hope the weather will cooperate.  Rachel did you get your garden plants.  It was really cloudy and windy here this evening.  I just rested and tried to save my voice for tomorrow.  The new people started so I am going back to one job.  That will be so nice.  I am looking forward to that.  Two more days of early and then I will be done with that.  Robin I am glad that Walter made it home safe and sound.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good a new girl started. I think she will be good. I trained her all day so it was a weird day I moved really slow but it wasn't to bad. Then I took Walter out to Olive Garden with my gift card I got. He had to go to class after so I am just relaxing now. I did work on my mask  wih my new lace but it's way across my living room and my zoom isn't getting details so I will take a picture later when I am not being outrageously lazy. OH I was talking to Walter and we might do something on the 26th Memorial Day but I thought we all can do something for the weekend if that is ok that is William Joseph week,  anyway have a good night



Well my Monday has been good. Work was a little slow, but not too bad. I went to WalMart after work and got some groceries. Then I mowed my lawn when I got home. It really needed to be done. Mom I am excited for you to come help in my yard this weekend. Also the demolition derby is on the 28th of July. If you would like to go please let me know as soon as possible so I can get tickets. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

Thank you Mom for the wonderful weekend.  We are spoiled.  Thank you Karen and Robin also it is fun to be together.  We had a pretty good day.  We went to church.  I put Isaac in his regular shoes to go to church and he started walking like he does in the braces, on his heels. It made me really happy.  By the end of the day he was back on his toes but I think we are making progress for only four days.  After church we watched a movie.  Casey and Oliver took a nap and I did some sewing.  It was nice.  We went up and visited Randy for a while and it was good to see them.  Tomorrow we are going to try to plant the garden.  At the very least we are going to buy all the plants.  That should be fun.  Thanks again for the fun weekend.  I love the quilt show.



I just wanted to thank you guys for the nice weekend.  It is easy to be a good mom when you have the perfect children.  I feel so blessed to have you in my life.  I love all three of you so much.  Thanks for everything.  My voice isn't any better today. I rested and napped hoping I would be cured.  I hope by tomorrow I am better.  I was worried all day that I was sick and exposed you all.  I hope you don't get anything.  Have a great week.  LOVE MOM

Happy mother's day

Well the weather was been nasty off and on all day. I took a nap today and it was super nice. I was tired. I hope that you have a great Mother's day mom. Have a great week everyone.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...