Saturday, October 3, 2009


Aida was AMAZING!!!! I really enjoyed it. It was really nice to get the whole story and fill in the blanks between he songs. I have some pictures, when I get back to Idaho I will put them on the blog. We had a good time today. Karen and Dad got up earlier than everyone and they went car shopping. The found a PT cruiser that Karen liked. We went back and test drove it, it was a nice car but I wasn't sure about a PT cruiser. Karen is still thinking about it. Then we went cloth shopping and got new clothes to wear to Aida. I got a really really cute kind of sweater. I will put a picture on the blog, it s so pretty and doesn't look like what I usually wear. Then we went back to the apartment and slept though a half hour of conference. It was like the room was filled with sleeping gas and we were out. Then we all changed into our new outfits but Karen didn't was to do it. We all looked really nice in our new clothes. Then we went out to dinner at a Benihana like place. It was really good. Karen caught a shrimp in her mouth. Aida was wonderful like I said, the Toucan theater was really neat. I will put pictures on later. Well I am glad that you are having a good weekend. Good luck on your application.


I'm glad that your fire alarm is ok now. That beepy noise drives me up the wall. Well the girl I was going to work with for the zombie shoot texted me last night and said that a band member was sick and that we had to cancel. So today I got caught up on everything. I did laundry and watched some general conference. At school they sent out an email for the IMATS i guess there is a student competition that is going to happen. So I sent in my entry form to participate in the prosthetic section. I don't know yet if I have been chosen though they only choose 8-10 people so most likely I won't get in but I thought I would try. Well I hope everyone has a great night. love ya


Friday, October 2, 2009

Here I am

Well Robin I hope that you get sleep some time. I tried to go to sleep early last night and it almost worked. The battery in the fire alarm in my bed room apparently needed to be replaced. So it was beeping every couple of minutes at me. So I got up and thank goodness i had a 9 volt battery, and replaced it. I put the chair away and got back into bed and the stupid thing beeped again. So I got the chair again and pulled the cover off and I had put the battery in the wrong way (it was late okay) so I fixed that and it still beeped at me. It took a couple of times pulling it out and putting it back in for it to stop. I was not having happy feelings toward the stupid thing. It almost permanently died. Well I am just waiting for everyone to show up. SO I thought I would write a long blog about my fire alarm. Hope everyone has a great weekend. BYE

have fun

I hope you have a good time this weekend. well I'm kinda tired tonight. I have institute tonight then tomorrow I am doing a zombie for a band photo shot. I guess they want it for the cover of there album. Then on sunday I'm going to the island for a fashion shoot. Its going to be a busy week. I probably will get sleep next week sometime. Well I learned how to make scabs and scars. it was pretty fun. have a fun time!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Safe in SLC

We made it safe and sound to SLC. Rachel is a good driver. We test drove a car before we left Logan. I think I will have dad look at it on Monday. I liked the car. I am going to Grandma and Grandpa's tomorrow morning and then we are leaving for St. George. I even remembered my camera. Way to go mom. I will keep you posted on our travels.



Well I am sorry that I didn't blog last night. i got out of class and was tired so I forgot. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Things are going good here. The weather has been really pretty. I love fall. Robin I think that your picture looks cool. Don't party too hard tonight. Drive careful tomorrow mom and Rachel. I will carry my cell phone incase you need to call me. Well Have a great Friday everyone.

late night

So tonight is my friends birthday at school and her boyfriend owns a club called tattoo. I haven't gone yet and she really wants me to go so I figured I would go for her birthday party. The only problem is that the party starts at 10:30 so needless to say its going to be a late night. I hope I can sneek our early so i'm not super tired tonight. anyway today we learned about bullet holes and things jabed in you. So I went to the dollar store and bought pencils, I made it look like the pencil was getting jabbed in the head. A girl did it on me. It was fun to wear because I forgot it was there and when i turned people were not expecting a pencil in the head. it was fun. anyway have a great night. :)


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

almost friday

Well tomorrow is the last day I have to work. That feels nice. I just feel like I want to go play all the time. Robin you look beautiful. I would never know that was you also. Work was slow today. I am getting all caught back up. That feels good. Nothing to report. It is a quiet night. I have been being lazy all night. I need to pack up for tomorrow. I did get the garbage out. That was my one thing I have done tonight. LOVE MOM


That doesn't even look like you Robin, that is amazing. That is a great picture. I had a pretty uneventful day. It is really cold today, it seems like winter is coming realyl fast. For dinner I had a walking taco: Chillie and fritos with sour cream and cheese. It just sounded really good and it tasted really good. I have started sewing the Sea Urchin quilt that I got in St George. Their is a lot of prep work that goes into it. I was intimidated but once I got started it went really well and I am liking it. I am almost done reading the Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. I don't like it as well as the other books. His books read fast so that is nice. I am still loving my Kindle, it is great. Have a good night.


so i forgot to answer your questions mom, sorry. but I'm not sure when the resident evil 4 is coming out i will have to check. but our zombies are going to most likely be background zombies for background actors. so I don't think we will be able to see them. but maybe if we pause the movie when there are big crowds of zombies would could sort through them. :) ha ha jk. anyway I like my my teacher for film he's pretty cool. We get him for 3 weeks then the other 3 weeks we are doing straight makeup and period styles with another teacher. then creature design and i'm done :) yeah. well I attached me as the queen of hearts my friend did. My nose is fake. well have a great one.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wizard of Oz

I went to Walmart on my way home and they had the Wizard of Oz on sale. I bought it and watched it tonight while I ironed. I was way behind. It is nice to be caught up again. Love the pictures Rachel and Robin. My girls are so talented. It is windy here tonight. The change of seasons is coming. I hope it doesn't snow. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC today. They are busy busy busy. Still looking for a new car. Haven't made much progress but still working on it. I think the hard freeze will be tomorrow. Canning season will be over then. I still need to pick apples but you can do that after the freeze. WEll have a great hump day.


No picture

Well I don't have anything cool to take a picture of. I think your stuff is really cooling looking Robin. You have done a good job. And Rachel your quilt is beautiful as usual. It is really windy here. The weather said that we could get gusts up to 60 mph. Work was good, nothing too exciting. I am ready for a nap though. Hope that it doesn't get to cool for for northern people. BYE


Well i got my photos today. yeah. i will have to post the one of me as queen of hearts when I get it. I also have one of me as a zombie. everyone is going to do cd swaps so we can get the files of each other. Well today we did bruising It was fun to do. its funny to see everyone with loads of bruises all over there face and arms. Well its freezing up here and the wind is blowing alot so it goes straight through. its nice to have it cool though. i wouldn't change it. well have a great night. love ya.



I finished a quilt and I thought I would put on a picture.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Well I made it thru Monday. Class was good. I am still learning how to do shipping at work. It is kind of repetitive, but there is alot you need to keep track of. When I am bored now I just head out there and help her. I am glad that you are having fun car shopping mom. You can come and help me car shop. Well I better go. Love ya

car shopping

Me and dad went car shopping again. It was fun. I really like the Hynudai Sonata. I haven't made a final decision but I am getting closer. Robin do you know when your zombies are going to get into film? Do you like your new instructor. I am doing laundry and watching Monk. Netflix is nice.


I had a good day, Mondays always seem to go fast. We had a good time yesterday. Mom and Dad bought some steaks and we had corn and potatoes, it tasted really good. Then we canned. We got a lot done and it was fun. Robin, you make up sounds really fun. I may need to use some of those techniques when I am needing a day off. Well I don't have much else going on. I am going to do the dishes and get some sewing done. I didn't sew at all last week. Have a good night.


well today was the first day of film makeup. We learned how to do a breakdown makeup. Mostly its to make you look like you have a cold or homeless or such. If i knew how to do that in high school I totally could have stayed home more :) just kidding. I made a girl look like she had a cold, with red around the nose and such. and good trick to make your lips look flakey is to put elmers glue on your lips wait for it to dry. when you move your lips around it breaks apart and looks flakey. it makes good dry skin. It kinda reminded me of ferris bullers day off. where he is telling you how to fake sick. well its raining up here and cold so I'm going to dress warm and relax. excited. have a great night


Sunday, September 27, 2009

I found my camera

You knew that was going to happen. I found it on the floor in dad's closet. Now I have two cameras. The nice thing though is I have my Grand Canyon pictures. I will down load those and show them to you. We had a good time at Rachel's tonight. We made mustard pickles and juiced some apples. It was fun. It was nice here today.


kicks and giggles

So i just thought I would add this to the blog instead of emailing it to everyone. here is a website my friend told me about today. its pictures of people that shop at walmart and also some cars parked at walmart. some are kinda dumb but there are some pretty funny pictures. well have a great one.204

sunday nap

So i went to church today and slept the day away. It was nice to sleep for a bit nothing else to exciting going on. next week is general conference. I have a music video and a fashion shoot to do next weekend as well. so it nice to relax now cause i don't think its going to happen next week. WEll I'm glad everyone is doing well. congrats on the new bose system. I;m sure its amazing. love ya robin


Well I hope that Rachel and Mom have a good time making applesauce and eating steaks. My day was good. I went visiting teaching this morning and then went to church. Nothing too exciting. It is warmer here today, 100. I am going to make tacos tonight for dinner. Not as exciting as applesauce and steak, but still pretty good. Well I hope that everyone has a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...