Friday, May 8, 2020


I am officially done with school for the semester. I took my last final this evening. It is nice to be done. Now I just have to wait for my final grades. My day was good. I am glad that the weekend is here. See you all tomorrow. Bye

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Today was good.  Ruth was grumpy this morning she called Mom and talked for a while and was a lot happier.  Thanks Mom.  School is going good.  The kids aren't as excited about it but they still are doing good.  I see a lot of progress with Oliver, henis reading and writing a lot better.  Randy came over this afternoon and worked on the roof.  The evening he came back and we all went up and worked on it.  It went good and we got a bit done.  It is a lot easier than taking off the old roof.  We will head down after school and be there for dinner.  Thanks for having us again.  I finished Karen's quilt.  These pictures aren't great but it turned out good.



Today was long. But I made it out alive. I mowed the lawn and trimmed the edges. I was tricky and put Jenkins bed next to ours on a platform. We are trying it out tonight. He's already snuggled in so hopefully he won't sneek in and take up bed space. For a small dog he takes up a lot of room. Congrats on being married 14 years that is wild time really flies fast when you look back at it. 

Baby Stepping

I am babystepping to the weekend.  I am excited for a sewing day.  Thanks for the fun mother's day idea.  Drive safe and sound Rachel. Dad is working on detectors from home so we went and got a new chair at Walmart for him and me.  His didn't have wheels so we have to take it back.  Mine is OK.  I think it is better than the bigger chair.  While I was there I bought some hamburger and made meatloaf for dinner.  It tasted really good.  That was my excitement for the day.  Everyone enjoy Friday.  LOVE MOM


Things are going good here in Kamas. It was just the usual here. I don't really have any thing exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Congratulations Rachel,  It seems like yesterday.  I am glad you had a really nice day.  We met up with Karen this afternoon and it was really nice.  We went to Michaels and then Smiths.  We drove up to Kamas afterwards and hung out and had dinner.  I am excited for the weekend.  Robin if you want to drive up with us on Saturday let us know.  You can bring Jenkins if you want to.  I love the sayings you find Robin.  They make my day.  We can come up next weekend and help with the roof.  Everyone have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I went in half day to work on some things then I came home and finished working not much else on my end. That is sad Rachel the aquatic center is closed. Hopefully they open lagoon beach so the kids can get some swimming in this year! It's so crazy how long everything is being shut down for.

14 years

Today is our anniversary, we have been marries 14 years.  We met Casey for lunch at the mall and I made salmon for dinner.  It was fun.  I walked and exercised this morning.  School was busy. Isaac and Oliver both had calls.  Isaac math was messed up and it took a while to work through that so he finished later.  After dinner Randy came over and they worked on the roof.  Tomorrow we are going to start putting them on.  I am excited for this weekend.  Also.  Thanks for going shopping.   We will come down Friday at dinner time.  Gas is so cheap now, it is nice.



Things are going good here.  I took half a day off today. So did mom and dad so we met up and hung out for a while. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Today was busy but good.  I walked.and worked out.  I am half way done with Karen's quilt and it has been fun.  They delivered the shingles this morning, we got two pallets.  School was good and busy.  I had a dentist appointment for a teeth cleaning so Casey took a long lunch to watch the kids.  It was nice to talk to people at the dentist and good to get out.   After school we were playing downstairs and I got cleaning.  We took Rutjie house outside. I left the top off because the kids are getting too big.  They had so many stuffed animals downstairs after dinner we got ride of a few so they could keep what they wanted in there rooms.  We had steak fajitas for dinner and they tasted good.  Randy and Terry stopped by this evening.  Randy, Casey and Isaac went and toured the roof and took some shingles up.  It was good to.visit.  Good luck tomorrow.  Sad news though, the aquatic center isn't opening this year.  They are going to use this summer to fix the pool up.  Their are no words on how sad that makes me.  Love you guys.


I am with Robin

It is getting pretty normal working from home.  Dad went in to work today because with Jared gone there isn't any one to fix the detectors so he went in and did that.  I had bought some beef stew meat at Costco the other day and I threw some in a crock pot with broth and onions and garlic and then thickened it and put if over mashed potatoes.  It tasted so good.  I should have had tacos but this sounded better.  I called Karen about grocery shopping for the weekend and we are going to play hookey tomorrow afternoon and go get groceries.  I hope they have meat.  I guess we will eat what they have.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  I am looking forward to sewing day.  LOVE MOM


Today was same ole. I worked and made it out alive. O did laundry and dishes so that is good. Not much else. I made tacos for Cinco de mayo and taco tues. 


I got my allergy shot this morning. My arm is still sore and I have a headache, but what can you do. Work was good. It was meeting day so that took all morning. The afternoon went pretty quick and I stayed busy. After work I went for a walk just to enjoy the nice weather today. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 4, 2020


I went into work for a minute it was ok for a Monday. I ordered a box dye online so I dyed my hair tonight. It's nice to get rid of my gray hairs.i made chicken enchiladas and it tasted good. 



Today was good and I felt productive.   I walked and did exercise class.  School was good.  The kids aren't as excited about it but they are still good to do the work.  I finished working through Dad's paper, tell him thank you again.  I am going to go through it again.  I weed wacked the edges of the backyard and it looks better.  We rode bikes a bit also.  We picked up the rest of Oliver's school stuff this evening.   Ruthie had a meltdown last night and she picked it back up this morning.   So I gave her extra attention today and she had a better day.  I hope you guys have a good Tuesday.



Good luck with your shot tomorrow Karen.  Not much going on with us.  It took me most of the day to do payroll.  They aren't cutting it off until Tuesday at noon now so I didn't work on Sunday and it was a lot to do.  We watched the Phantom of the Opera tonight and I really enjoyed that.  That was our excitement.  Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo and today was May the 4th be with you.  Well everyone have a great Tuesday.  Dad and I are feeling a lot better.  I think we are over it.  We did go for a walk this afternoon and that was nice.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM PS Rachel did the tiles come for the roof today?


Things are going good here. Work is moving along. Nothing too wild and crazy. I am getting my allergy shots tomorrow morning. So my arm will be tender tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Robin that looks really nice.  You did a great job.  I love the corner you put turf on.  Getting rid of those rocks make it look so nice.  I am with everyone else.  We just were lazy today.  We did go for a walk so that was nice.  Rachel, I love the quilt thanks for doing that.  It is so beautiful.  I love the design on the back.  Well everyone have a nice week.  The malls are opening back up.  That is encouraging.  We haven't been anywhere for a week now.  It seems weird.  We are going to have to go to the store sometime soon.  I think we are getting a lot better now so I don't worry so much about it.  I am going to wear a mask however.  I was hoping Hobby Lobby would open up soon. I don't know why,  I just want to walk around.  Well have a nice Monday.  It is payroll Monday but I was caught up and they aren't doing it until Tuesday now so I didn't work today.  I can work longer tomorrow if I need to.  LOVE MOM


That looks amazing Robin.  Good job, you have been busy.  It looks really really nice.  The kids all slept in Isaac's room last night and they were playing in the most of the morning.  Casey went to work so I quilted Mom's quilt.  It was fun to do and I think it turned out really good.  After dinner we emerged from the basement and played outside for a while.  It was a pretty evening.  It will be hard to get back to a schedule tomorrow.  Good luck with everyone's Monday.



Wow! I am impressed Robin. That looks really nice. I was just lazy today. I did go for a walk between rain storms, but that was about it. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye

yard work

Yesterday and today I finished the astro turf and painting the deck. The can said dark grey but I think it looks more blue  It looks nicer but my back is tired. Lol I'm going to be sore for a few days. It thundered today but it didn't rain so I was able to go back out once the thunder past and keep working. I out a million pictures below. 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...