Saturday, October 14, 2023


 We had a good day but we didn't get everything done we wanted.  Casey went to the dump this morning.  It was really cloudy but we were able to see the eclipse.  Thanks for the glasses Karen.  We went to Lowe's and bought the backsplash for the kitchen and stuff to make the pneumatic gun.  Then we worked on that gun and the kids loved it.  Isaac wanted to go on a fall hike and Randy and Terri came over so we all went on a hike in green canyon.  It was fun and pretty.  I was able to finish my quilt this evening.  I used a full panel for the last row and had plenty of fabric.  It turned out really pretty and I love it.

Love Rachel

Friday, October 13, 2023


 We had a really nice day in Logan. We slept in and went to the jump One and then Einstein bagels. We went to the hay maze in Richmond and it was so much fun. We made it home safe and sound. I am going to sign up for social security. Hopefully that will be a giant step to retirement. Love mom


 It has been nice to have Mom and Dad here and we have had a fun time.  I have gotten a lot of information on my new job and have had to sign up for different applications.  Work went well.  I am still taking step by steps.  They did buy us all whips today.  When I got home we went to Richmond to the hay maze.  We had so much fun.  The hay maze was so hard and took longer than I thought it would.  They had a really fun hat slide that we did a bunch of times.  We got pizza for dinner and it was really good.  Thanks again Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel


 Well I got selected for trail. It is Tuesday and Wednesday next week. I am not allowed to talk about it until after the trail, so that it on that. Jury selection is a pretty dull process though. It was over about lunch time. I was lazy and didn't go to work though. I took a nap and then sliced up some apples to dry. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Work was busy today but I made it out alive. After work we had dinner and went on a walk. We walked down to the park and Luna loved the slides. 


Thursday, October 12, 2023


 We drove to Logan this morning. We have had a gun time playing. It rained here all day ad well. I like your vacuum Karen. Good luck with jury duty. Robin that was so cute Luna singing. We are spending the night. I hope it is nicer weather. Have a nice Friday the 13th. Pizza and a scary movie. Live mom


Luna was sensitive this morning but she worked it out of her system on the way to daycare. We have the stove top stuffing. On the back they had a receipt for meatloaf. So I tried it out today. It was ok. 



 My day was good. It was cold and rainy all day today though. Work is going good. I did get a bonus so I bought a new robot vacuum and prime day and it got delivered today. I have it all setup and it is charging now. Tomorrow I have jury selection so I am off work. It starts at 815 so I don't get to sleep in though. I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


 Work went better everyone just left me alone and I acted just like everything was good. I decided to just move forward. 12 more weeks. I have the rest of the week off so that is nice. We are going to Logan to play. I hope the rain clears.out. I am so glad that Luna was better. She had me worried last night. Rachel way to go on the washer. That will be nice to have. Everyone have a really nice day. Love mom


 I am so sorry Mom about your work.  That sounds so awful and stressful.  I wish you didn't have to stay until January.  I am sorry.  It was cold and rainy today.  I went through and got all my photoshoot samples ready.  It took forever.  We had a potluck and I brought Isaac's cake.  I went to the district after work to turn in my paperwork and get my fingerprints taken.  Casey left work a little early and we went and bought a washing machine.  It is nice and I hope it lasts as long as Karen's old one.  Casey got it down the stairs and installed it.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad and thank you again for coming up.

Love Rachel


Jeramy didn't feel good this morning so he stayed home with me and Luna. It was nice because I had a few meetings pop up and he helped wrangle her. Luna is feeling a lot better. She has a ton more energy. She was funny she wanted to touch my computer screen and I told her no. A few minutes later she came up and touched the screen and whispered I touched it. Lol it was so funny. Tomorrow I am going back into the office. 


Tuesday, October 10, 2023


 Well I must be under a bad moon. I wrote my boss an email to help me get my people on the new payroll system. She and the lady that came back from maternity came to my desk and started going after me for not doing payroll and not doing things right. I lost it I cried and decided I had lost it and just clocked out and went home. It kind of worked out because with me ripping  the mirror off my car, dad doesn't have a car. So we went and deposited our rent check and went to the safety deposit box and got all my info to apply for social security. I made Ramon noodle casserole and forgot to add hamburger. I hope it calms down soon. I am losing it.  I am so sorry Luna doesn't feel well. She looked so sick. I hope she gets better soon. Rachel that cake looks so good. I am sorry about your washing machine. It has been a good one. Well tomorrow is my Friday. I am taking Thursday and Friday and going to Logan. It is suppose to be nasty weather. Be safe out there. Love mom


 I am sorry Luna is sick.  I hope she feels better.  I love that she says her name as Nana.  I have been buying and using healthy pasta like wheat and sweet potato.  Last night the kids made pasta for a bed time snack and saw that was all we had so Isaac wrote on the grocery list to buy regular pasta.  I attached a picture it was funny.  Isaac made a cake tonight for my work pot luck tomorrow which was really nice of him.  Work went well and I am still taking pictures.   We had a team meeting and I told everyone I was leaving.  Everyone is nice about it.  I am getting my finger prints taken tomorrow at the district office.  Ruth had tumbling and it makes the day busy picking her and Oliver up.  Our washing machine broke and we need to get a new one.  Me and Casey are working on moving the old one out but it is really heavy.

Love Rachel


Around 12 I got a call from daycare. Luna had a fever. So I picked her up and bought some more Tylenol. I gave her some medicine in the car and by the time we got home her fever had broken. She slept for almost 3 hours. Then. Around dinner she started to crash again. She hasn't spiked another fever. But she isn't feeling good. So I'm working from home tomorrow just to watch her and make sure she's ok. It's suppose to rain tomorrow and get cold. I turned off my irrigation system because they sent out a warning it might freeze and cause issues if the irrigation water is on



 Forgot to post the pictures I took.

Monday, October 9, 2023


 My Monday was good. Work was busier than I thought it would be so it went by pretty fast. We had spaghetti factory for dinner and it tasted really good. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


 I had a hard time going to sleep.last night. I hope I do better tonight. I had to work.late tonight so.katen got us spaghetti factory for dinner. It tasted so good. I decided to park in the garage and i tore my side mirror on yhe garbage cans. Ugh. Dad.ordered.a and it.looks easy to replace. Thank heavens for that. We did start another batch of drying apples. They are so easy to do. Have a nice Tuesday. Love mom


 I gave my notice at work and that went well.  I went to the school and picked up the paper work I need to fill out.  Everyone was nice and welcomed me there.  I need to go to the district office and turn in the paperwork and get my fingerprints taken.  Isaac had violin lessons and I went grocery shopping.  After dinner I went to exercise class and it was kickboxing tonight and I am getting better at it.  Casey has training the next two days so Randy is going to take the kids to school.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


I was tired today. Work was slow so that was nice but it just was hard to feel energized. We had hamburgers tonight. After dinner the paint around our back door is really chippy and wood is exposed. So I took the power washer and took off all the loose bits. Once it dries I can paint it. So hopefully this winter there won't be more wood damage


Sunday, October 8, 2023


 Thanks for the fun weekend. I sure had fun. We took Luna to the gas station with Rachel's kids and it worked out well for them leaving. We do that a lot. Eat and then leave. Makes it easier. We met up with Robin and jeramy. That place is amazing. It is between the aquarium and ikea. We did eat there. It was ok. They have amazing resturants up the street. We will eat somewhere else next time. I have never seen slides like that.  the kids section is about as big as the other kids will love it. We came home and took naps. I did cut dad's hair. Rachel your kitchen is so beautiful. You did an amazing job. Robin thanks for the murder mystery. I am super excited. Let me know what I can do to help. I only have to work three days next week. I am super excited about that one. Dad is going to the safety deposit box and get all my stuff so I can apply for ssi this weekend. Makes me so nervous. Well have a nice week. Love you all. I feel so blessed.


 The 22 works for us and then we can go to frightmares.  It is Casey's birthday on the 18th so we could celebrate that on the 22nd also.  Thanks for putting together the murder mystery.  We came home and did a lot of cleaning.  Ruth's room needed a lot of work.  We (mostly Casey) hung up the microwave.  It looks really nice.  The next thing ito do is the backsplash.  Tomorrow I am giving my notice tomorrow.  Teri knows the computer specialist at her old school so she set it up so I could go observe her which was nice.  Love you guys and thanks for the fun time.

Love Rachel


Thanks again for watching Luna. She had so much fun. I got a lot of crafting done which was nice. We met up with Karen and mom to pick up Luna. The jump place was really fun. I think we are going to go there more. When we got home Luna fell asleep. I worked on the murder mystery lunch. I was thinking we could do a chucaterie board with mini hotdogs in corssonts? Then I can also bring stuff to make homemade root beer? For the 22nd does that sound fun? 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...