Saturday, May 11, 2024


 We saw the North light last night.  The kids and Casey stayed up later than me though.  I went to exercise class this morning and then sewed until everyone got up.  Ruth had her last soccer game so me and her rode our bikes to it.  It was fun.  The boys mowed our and Andy's yard.  We cleaned the house when I got home.  Then we needed a new sprinkler head in the front yard for the dry corner so we dug a trench and put on in.  It is really nice.  We also got a new bush for the front yard for mother's day.  We were going to stain the deck but it got too late.  We are headed out to see the northern lights again.

Love Rachel 


 We had a nice day. We did get up and take my shredding. There was a lot of cars but felt so nice to have that done. We just took it easy the rest of the day. Love mom

Friday, May 10, 2024


 Robin that makes me sad. I am glad you still have a job. There goes your promotion. Sad. We went up to Logan and did Oliver's party. I dropped a gallon of punch in the hallway and it exploded. What a mess. We got clothes for pictures and then went to dinner. We had a fun time. I was telling Karen about the northern lights so we decided to drive to Kamas to see if we could see them. It was was to cloudy but a fun adventure. No lights. Have a nice saturday. Love mom


 Robin, that is awful and what a horrible way to handle things.  I would rather they just told me.  I am glad you still have a job.  That sounds so stressful.  Thanks for helping us with outfits for the photographs.  I think they all will look nice.  We had a good day with Mom and Dad.  Thank you so much for coming up, I really appreciate it.  We went to a Star wars party after dinner.  Isaac volunteered and he did a good job.  It was a really fun event and we stayed the whole time.  They had telescopes set up in the back and we looked at the moon mostly.  We are staying up to watch the Aurora borealis.  The kids are super excited.

Love Rachel 


Today was stressful. At 11:30 our managers brought us in a meeting and said go to lunch and don't come back for the rest of the day. They were doing a company wide layoff and didn't want it to be awkward for people that were leaving. I picked up Luna and went home. So they sent an email at 12 saying the layoffs we coming with in the hour and to wait for the emails. So for an hour I constantly refreshed my email. I luckily am not laid off and still have a job. I looked it up in the news they laid off 7 percent of the people around 200+. So I was lucky. It made for a stressful day though and I feel bad for everyone that now does not have a job. The Grovers oldest daughter Abby was the lead in a play so we went and saw her. Luna did terrible so I ran outside with her in the hallway for most of it..


Thursday, May 9, 2024


 I am sorry Luna was sick. Hopefully it is just a 24 hour bug. My day was good. We had a potluck at lunch and people liked the Mac and cheese I made. After work the bishop came over and visited. Then me and mom went to the store. We came home and made jerk chicken. I made it for work one time and it was good so I thought I should make it again. I took tomorrow off because I have a doctor's appointment. At least I get to sleep in. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


 Sorry it is late, I had book group tonight.  We read Take what you can carry.  We all really liked the story.  The writing could have been better but I enjoyed reading it.  Today was good.  We did makeup testing for most of the day.  Today was the last day for after school for Oliver.  We got a new toy for the cat and he likes that.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 


 I am so sorry Luna is ill. Throwing up is the worst. I had a bad tummy yesterday also. We just took it easy today. The bishop came over tonight and visited. He is a nice man. Karen wanted to make week chicken so we ran to wimco.and got the ingredients. She has tomorrow off. She has a doctors appointment. We are going to Logan tomorrow for olivers class party. If you need anything Robin let us know. Love mom


Last night Luna threw up all night. She finally got it all out around 3. So I worked from home today. Luckily it wasn't too busy at work so that was nice. She is feeling a lot better and is eating a lot. I had to do like 4 batches of laundry though. I'm planning on going into work tomorrow if we make it through the night ok


Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 I felt off all day. I hope I am not getting sick. I did go to the store and Oliver's party is all ready to go. Dad did fix the drain in our bathroom. It was really stinking. I am really ready for some warmer weather. Love mom


 Today was good.  It just more testing.  They have been having snacks in the break room all week for teacher appreciation and today they had a soda bar.  They put coffee creamer in soda and it was pretty good.  Ruth went on a field trip to a farm and she had a fun time and was so happy.  Isaac made dinner which was really nice of him.  Casey and Oliver went to activity days and they had a pilot show then a plane and they had a lot of fun.  Ruth had a soccer game and it was so cold and rainy.  I need to finish my book group book for tomorrow so I read it during the game.  Isaac had young men's but no one was home to take him so he rode his bike but Casey drove and picked him up because of the rain.  I went to exercise class and it was high.  We are watching Oliver the cat so I go over a couple times and check on him.

Love Rachel 


 My day was busy. Work was busy so it went by fast. Tomorrow we are having a luncheon and the theme is southern food so I am making Mac and cheese. I had a headache tonight so I just was lazy after work. I am taking Friday off so tomorrow is my last work day this week. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Today was ok nothing wild. Luna has been sassy but we are baby stepping through. We ran to Costco after dinner and bought a big planter I've been wanting. They are a great price at Costco. Jeramys going to get me a blue berry plant for it for mothers day. So that will be fun. We had icecream then came home and went to bed.



 Thanks for coming up Mom and Dad.  I feel bad he didn't feel well.  I am glad you figured it out.  Ruth had a really fun time at the party and Oliver is really excited for his now.  Thanks again Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel 


 We had a nice day today. We drove to Logan for a class party. I was worried I didn't plan fun stuff but the kids seemed to have fun and we even ran over time so that always is good. The weather was crazy all day. It was a blizzard and then sunny and then hail. We went to Pepperidge farm after the party and then took everyone to dinner. We are going to do olivers party on Friday. His class is bigger so I hope it goes OK. I don't have a lot of help and I was talking about that and Ruth was so cute. She said she would come in and help me. Everyone have a nice hump day. Dad was kind of off all day and when he came home he hadn't taken his pills for the day. I felt bad for him. He said he deserves a codeine tonight and I agree with him on that one. Love you all mom

Monday, May 6, 2024


 I made it through Monday as well. Nothing too exciting for me. I just went to work and came home. It was fun playing with the kids this weekend. Happy Anniversary Rachel and Casey. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye 


 Happy anniversary. Congratulations. We had a quiet day today. I did make it to the grocery store and then we just kind of took it easy. We are going to Logan tomorrow for teacher appreciation day. I hope it turns out well. We are doing ruths class tomorrow and Oliver's class on Friday. By Sunday it us suppose upper 70s go figure that one out. It snowy yesterday. We sure had a nice weekend. I miss the kids. Love you all mom


 I had to work today and testing is busy now.  I had a full of classes.  I had a meeting after work with the computer lab specialist and we had a training on classroom management.  It was really interesting.  The weather cleared up a bit and the kids were able to play outside for a while.  It is our anniversary today and Casey got a pumpkin pie.  It was fun.  We have been married 18 years.  We were looking at the photos and we were all so young.

Love Rachel 


Thanks for watching Luna over the weekend. It was nice to have some down time.its been really cold and I'm ready for warmer weather. Today was long but made it out alive. 


Sunday, May 5, 2024


I sure had a nice weekend. Thank you. I can't believe the snow. That is crazy. Have a nice Monday. Love mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...