Saturday, February 27, 2021

Nice day

 We had a nice day. We went to children's place to get luna an outfit I liked and then I forgot to take it with me when we went to dinner. I did take a nap and all my taxes are on the floor. I made a little progress. It was so nice to hook up with robin and Jeramy for dinner. We went to fuji's and it was crazy busy. We are going to kamas and help karen with physics. Dad is excited to help. Rachel those tiles are amazing. I love it. I found my password so I can blog on my phone again. That is nice.


 We had a good day and got all the tiles in.  We just need to grout everything now.  This morning Casey helped someone move and I sewed a bit.  We went out for lunch which is fun.  Then we spent the rest of the day working on the bathroom.  It looks good.  Love you guys and have a good Sunday.




 My day was good. I was just lazy for the most part. I did get my economics paper written and I read the chapter in economics for the week. I tried to do my physics lab but it isn't working right so dad is going to come up tomorrow to see what I have done wrong. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, February 26, 2021


 I worked from home today and that was nice.  I had a ton of emails and I finished with as many as I started with.  Go figure that one out.  We went to Winco after work and got food.  Our cupboards were bare. We made a steak for dinner and it tasted so good.  There were two of them so we can have them another night also.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am good to have a quiet weekend. Good luck with the bathroom.  It looks so nice. I think we are going to hook up with Robin some time and get her taxes.  Everyone be careful in the snow.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good.  Poor didn't sleep well and was up playing video games when I got up to walk Tony.  We walked a different way today and it was nice to mix it up a bit.  They cancelled exercise class because of soccer games so we watched a show this morning and were lazy.  We met Casey for lunch which was fun.  I got paid yesterday so me and Ruth went fabric shopping for backs for my quilts.  Joann's had flannel on sale for 2.59 a yard so I got a back for my grey quilt and postage stamp quilt for super cheap.  I was having a hard time deciding and Ruth was good to help me and make comments but after a while I asked her what she thought she said I really don't care.  It was so funny.  Then we went to Bernina and got unicorn minky that is cute for Luna's unicorn quilt.  Isaac had a birthday party tonight so we went and got a present for that.  It was a lot of errands.  Isaac had a fun time at his party.  Ruth and Casey went climbing while he was at the party and we met up with them after Isaac was done.  It was a good night.  We are working on the bathroom tomorrow.  I was asked to speak at a baptism on Sunday after so we may not be as to met up anymore on Sunday.  Sorry about that.




 I had a dentist appointment today to fix a loose filling, so I was lazy and took the whole day off. It was nice. I slept in this morning and then watched my physic lectures. Then I had lunch and went to the dentist. After the dentist I went grocery shopping and then to the bank. I got a refund check from a doctor bill I guess I paid and then I didn't owe. So I went to the bank to deposit it. The ATM deposit didn't work which was annoying so I had to fill out the form and do it that way. Then I came home and had a nap. After dinner I worked on the mid-term review for physics. Exciting I know. I have to talk with my advisor before registering for classes so I got that done today. After this semester I only have 7 classes left to take. Which is nice because I only have to take 2 this summer, then 3 in the fall, and then just 2 for my last semester. I am getting so close. I hope that everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Felt like Friday

 I am not sure why but it felt like Friday all day.  Tomorrow might be a long day for me.  I did go into work for 1/2 day.  I am going to go into work 3 days week from now on.  They are weird but I don't care so I will go in three time a week.  We did go exercise after work and then came home and had dinner.  I am working from home tomorrow.  I am over my time so I get to leave early.  Have a nice Friday.  Good luck at the dentist Karen.  Rachel dad said if you want to tile we could take the kids.  Let me know what you think.  Everyone enjoy the Friday.  LOVE MOM 


 Thursday's are busy but it was a good day.  It was really cold this morning on my walk.  We helped in Isaac's class and corrected papers.  Preschool was fun today.  The kids were all playing really well and are really cute.  We drove to pick up the boys but they wanted to walk home with their friends.  Oliver had a good day at school and was acting a lot better.  They made a chart and then send it home so I can see how he did.  Then he can earn a smart watch from us.  He had an emotional night though but it was good to talk it through with him and tell him how to handle it.  After dinner we went rock climbing and it was fun.  Isaac is getting pretty good at it.  They all love to do it.  Everyone stay warm and have a good Friday.




Today was good.  Nothing to wild work was slower so it was nice to work on some reports. We went to arby's for dinner because I was tired and didn't feel amazing. Then we just relaxed and watched hulu. 



 My day was good. I was tired today though. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast. After work I did a lab report. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow so I decided to just take the day off. I am so sleeping in tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hump day

 I had to go into work early today so I left a little early also.  It was fun to meet Karen in Park City.  We ate at Billy Blanco and I like that place. They have this california burrito that I really like.  It is so huge.   We went to the outlet store afterwards and Karen got her some jeans and dad got him some Merrills.  They had a pair of tennis shoes for 20 dollars on clearance and they gave us half off because he got a pair of boots also.   I felt like we scored.  Robin, I am so glad you can eat again.  That has to feel wonderful.  I am so glad.  That makes me feel a lot better.  Rachel, I am glad they were able to fix your crown.  That is nice.  I am sorry Oliver is emotional.  Let me know if I can do anything to help.  I have to go into work tomorrow and work on contracts.  It will be nice to get that all worked out.  I am going to drive in on my lunch hour.  I don't want to be there all day.  Everyone have a wonderful Thursday.  I can't believe that February is almost over with.  I love that we drove home and it was still a little light.  I really love that.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was busy.  I walked and went to exercise class, we did weights today and it felt good.  I took back a package of vitamins that Mom got me because the glass bottle was broken.  Programming went well today and it is fun to figure things out.  I had dentist appointment to fix my tooth.  It was fast and easy.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was cold.  Oliver's teacher emailed me and said he had been really emotional these last two weeks so she called and we made a plan.  She is going to do a behavioral chart each day and then I can see what is going on and he gets positive feedback.  He keeps telling me how good he is doing so he can get his prize.  I feel bad he is having a rough time.  I hope this helps.  I had to picked up some baptism clothes tonight.  It was a pain but I got it done and can stop worrying.  I am glad you guys met up for dinner.  I wished we loved closer.  Love you guys.



food baby

Today was good I went into work and I think this was my last day in the office so I got brucetta at red rock. I ate the whole thing it tasted so good. Then Jeramy took me to Texas road house for our wednesday get away and I wasn't very hungry but I ate everything. I grew like 10 sizes I am over full. It just was a really good food. 



 Things are going good here. I was tired today, but I made it through. I had an allergist appointment today so after I met mom and dad for dinner. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Sorry about your friend Robin.  We are really blessed to have good health and good things right now.  Casey didn't sleep well.  He got up and went to work and then came home when I went on a walk.  He just worked at home the rest of the day.  We went out for lunch which was fun.  Me and Ruth were doing puzzles and lost track of time this morning so we had to rush to school.  I sewed and programmed while she was gone.  We walked to pick up the boys.  It was a pretty day but the wind was cold.  I am helping the PTA with the one book one school thing.  I picked a some posters and am going to color them.  My crown had a patch on it and it fell off yesterday so I am going to the dentist tomorrow.  After dinner we went to the climbing gym.  It was a lot of fun.  The time goes so fast while you are there.  Love you guys.




 That is sad about the girl at your work Robin.  I am sorry to hear that.  Cancer sucks for sure.  I went into work today and worked on payments.  I have a mess with one of them and I just can't seem to fix it.  Oh well life goes on.  I didn't get a lunch so I left at 4 and picked up drugs and then made meatloaf for dinner.  It sounded good.  Robin, I am glad you are getting rest and Karen I can't believe you didn't fall asleep in econmics.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day with Casey working from home.  I am going into work tomorrow and then we are going up to Park City to meet Karen for dinner.  Then the rest of the week, I am going to work from home.  Everyone enjoy the Wednesday of February.  I always think March is a long month.  I need to work on my taxes.  LOVE MOM 


 My day was good. Just the usual for a Tuesday. It was meeting day so it went fast. Then I ame home and watched my economics lecture. It was a long one but I made it through. It was on the costs and benefits of education. Tomorrow I have an allergist appointment so I am going to meet mom and dad for dinner. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Sorry I didn't blog last night. 8 o'clock hit and I was so tired I just feel asleep. Things are going good here nothing to wild. A girl at work in a different dept. Found out she has stage 4 cervix cancer. They found it during her yearly checkup. She is my age maybe younger. I felt bad for her. It makes me feel blessed I'm planning a baby in 4 months not 4 months of chemo with a 7 percent chance of making it. So long story short get your check ups and stay healthy. Jeramy took jenkins on a walk and then I think we are just going to relax tonight. Hopefully I can stay up past 8 and feel a bit wild. :)

Monday, February 22, 2021


 Work was good.  It was kind of quiet which was nice.  We went to Target after work to get some light bulbs for the bathroom.  There was only one left.  We did walk over to all a dollar to see if they had bottles for the gym but they didn't.  It was so nice outside.  I enjoyed being outside.  We just vegged the rest of the night.  I am going into work tomorrow so that should be fun.  I am going in twice a week now.  I feel like I am starting a new job.  Weird.  Karen, I am glad you made it through economics.  Rachel, I am glad that they celebrated Oliver's birthday at school.  That is always fun.  Robin, I am glad you are doing well also.  Not much else to report.  LOVE MOM 


 I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  They celebrated Oliver's birthday at school and he brought cookies.  They all wrote him a card which was sweet.  He had fun but had a hard time at P.E.  Ruth had dance and had a fun time.  She wants to be a dancer and rock climber when she grows up.  Isaac walked home with him friend and then had a playdate with Collin.  We walked him over there and then went to the park to fly Oliver's helicopter.  He is really good at flying it.  Tony was so excited excited to go to the park.  He seems really hot when we got there.  It was such a pretty day. Casey worked late to catch up on some work.  We just had leftovers and did homework.  Love you guys.




 I am glad Oliver had a good birthday. Today was good. Mondays always seem to start super early but I made it thru. Work is still moving along. Then I read my economics book after work. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Fun Weekend

 We had a really fun weekend for Oliver's birthday.  He is growing up way to fast.  They all are.  They all can rock climb really well.  I was impressed.  We came home and I took a nap and then did a little payroll.  It is so much nicer than getting up early.  Robin, I am sorry that Jeramy isn't feeling well.  I hope he is OK.  How are you doing?  Everyone asked about you and were excited you were having a little girl.  I showed them your nursery.  Not much else to report.  I am so glad the weather was nice this weekend.  LOVE MOM 

happy birthday 🎉

Sorry we missed the birthday party. I'm glad you guys had fun. Jeramy wasn't feeling good today so we just stayed close to the house. For Valentine's day Jeramy paid for me to get my hair dyed. So Saturday I went and got it done. The girl made it more blonde then I was expecting but it was nice to get out and have a pamper day. 


Sunrise sunset

 Thank you guys for giving Oliver a wonderful birthday.  He had a great day and was so happy.  The party was a success.  Thank you.  Oliver looked so grown up today.  Everyone have a good Monday, we are dreading getting back to reality.  Love you guys.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...