Friday, May 20, 2016

Another gonner

Today was good work went by fast. I ran errands, mostly paid bills and came home and chilled. A girl a scheels quit so now instead of 4 receptionists we have 2. So that sucks. What can you do. Tomorrow I work till 3 then me and karen are going to the comedy night. I'm excited it will be fun. Thanks for coming down karen. Hope everyone had fun in logan.

Have a good night



Well my Friday has been good. Work went by quick. It was super windy here today. It has only rained a little bit here tonight. I decided to break in my oven in so I made cookies. They turned out good so it was a success. I am excited to hang out tomorrow Robin. I hope everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow. Bye


I am excited for tomorrow, thanks for meeting up with us.  Isaac is super excited.  I hope that they weather clears out.  It was stormy here all day but not too bad until this evening.  We still were able to play outside quite a bit.  This morning we went to Walmart.  Casey lost his keys at the church we think so I made some new ones.  The boys spent their allowance also.  I always get so frazzled their and it isn't easy shopping with the kids sometimes.  Oliver would not take a nap this afternoon, he kept saying no night night.  So by dinner he was grouchy.  We ordered costa vita for dinner and I brought it home.  Ruthie has been spitting a lot, it is pretty cute, I attached a video.


I made it

We made it to the weekend.  That feels nice.  I didn't have to work any over time.  It was so nice.  It was windy and really raining here but everything looks so green.  I love it.  I am excited to hook up tomorrow with the Andersons.  I hope it is nice to go see the stealth bomber.  Karen and Robin, I hope you have a good time at the play.  Karen if you want to stay the night at our place on SAturday we would love to have you.  Everyone have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Well my lawn was getting super long so I mowed tonight. It is good to have done. It also has been rainy here tonight. So I am glad I mowed before that started. Work is going good. Nothing to wild and crazy just the usual. Robin what is the plan for Saturday? Just wondering. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.


Today was really hot in the morning, then windy and then it rained in the evening, crazy.  Isaac had school today and I tried to go on a walk but we made it half way down the street and Oliver said go home and wouldn't go on.  He always stops at some flowers and the lady who lives their came out and cut one for him, it was really sweet.  This afternoon while the little ones were sleeping me and Isaac played bubble bobble, he has really liked playing that game.  Casey rode his bike to work which was really good.  The boys were sitting in Casey's car and then they wanted ice cream so we went and spent the rest of the gift card Karen sent, thanks again Karen.   Casey's cousin got married today so we went to the reception in Hyrum, it was fun to see everyone.  I gave them one of the fabric bowels so I want to make some more.  Isaac made a green light saver with the wrapping paper roll.  The red one is for bad guys and he needed a good guy one.  I finished the quilt for Vickie's baby boy.  I like how it turned out.  Everyone have a good night.


Mole skin

Robin you need to put some mole skin on your blisters.  You get them so easily and they are so bad.  I am sorry.  I can pick some up for you.  I had a quiet day and work and I am loving that.  I met Kay, Julie and Angela and Hayden for dinner.  Hayden cried when I didn't have the kids with me.  He has so much fun with them at Pizza.  It was really windy and rainy here tonight but it does feel a lot cooler.  Have a nice Friday.  I am glad it is the weekend. LOVE MOM

Rush it

Today was good time flew by. It was our busiest day but we made it out alive. We are just keeping things glued together till we can get some new people in. I also worked at scheels tonight. It's a pretty chill night. My foot has blisters from my sugar house walk so I'm just living through that awesomeness. Hopefully tomorrow they are not as tender. Well have a great friday.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Pretty day

I love your new stuff Karen, good job.  I am sorry you are so busy at work Robin, that makes for long days.  I am glad that you are getting caught up Mom.  We had a good day.  Isaac had school and Randy called and said that he would picked him up from school and take him and Oliver for the afternoon.  They went to the McDonald's in Smithfield and then too the park.  Oliver fell asleep on the way back to our house, it was cute.  He was pretty grouchy the rest of the day though.  Randy and Terry stayed for a little while and visited.  I was showing Terry the rag doll and how to do the dress, she sews a lot of clothing and she showed me how to do it.  I am going to attempt to do it.  Me and Isaac went to the store and got some elastic and buttons to make it.  It was a really pretty day and we did spend a lot of time outside.  This week is going fast, I can't believe it is already Wednesday.


Quiet day

It was a quiet day at work and that was so nice.  I am starting to get things done and that feels really nice.  We just came home after work and I made chicken and dumplings.  They tasted really good.  Karen, I love your new stuff.  It is just perfect for you house.  Robin that is weird about that guy quitting.  So sad.  I did do laundry also so I guess I was some what productive.  Rachel it was such a pretty day, I bet you were outside a lot of the time.  So nice to see sunshine.  Have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM

Another one bites the dust

Yesterday they had a random drug test. They chose two people from our department. One quit randomly today...... he just wrote an email and that was it. Come to find out he thought he would test positive so quit before he could get fired. The sad part is that everyone that was tested came out clean. So if he would have just played cool no one would have known. So now we usually have 2 usa managers and now we have 0. So my work load is now X2 what it already was.. we hopefully we get a few people hired but it will take a few weeks... also today was so pretty I drove to sugar house park and did a loop. It's nice just to mosey around and enjoy the outdoors. I came home and did a batch of laundry and netflix. I love your stove karen. I can't believe ruth is already getting teeth.



Well i have my new stove. I think it looks awesome. My day was good. Work is still moving along. I did finally get the seasoning burn in done on my smoker. So the next nice weekend i can smoke some meat. It takes 12 hours to do so it will be an all day event. I also got my sun in the mail and got it hung up. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday today.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Good luck with your Stove Karen, that is exciting.  Isaac is super excited for his shirt, thanks for getting it for him Mom.  I am glad that you are feeling better Robin.  Today was pretty good.  It was windy today.  Ruthie slept in late this morning so we just played inside which was nice.  When she got up we went grocery shopping.  Jenn come over and sewed this afternoon.  The boys watched Stars Wars and Oliver fell asleep.  Ruthie slept for a bit so I was able to get some sewing done.  When she got up I was holding her when I was sewing.  She was really chewing on the blanket and I looked at it and it had blood on it.  So I looked at her teeth and the bottom two had broken through.  She is such a good baby, she was kind of fussy yesterday but nothing bad.  When Casey got home we just watched some shows and I sewed for a bit.  It was nice to have some down time.  Casey had scouts this evening and we played outside.  When Casey got home they went on a walk around the block.  Well everyone stay safe and have a good day.


I can relate

Robin, I can relate to raccoons.  I might even be one :)  Good luck with your stove tomorrow Karen.  That is exciting.  That is neat that Ruth got teeth.  She is growing up way to fast.  Not much going on with us.  I worked late to make up hours from yesterday.  I did get caught up on one of my projects.  That felt nice.  I only have 1/2 hour more to make up and I am good to go.  We did go and get dad's meds from the pharmacy.  We lead an exciting life.  I think it is so cute that Isaac is so excited for his Star Wars T-shirt.  I sure hope he likes it.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well it rained here today. My day was good. Work is moving along. Then i did my dishes after work. I also got everything off of my stove. My new one comes tomorrow.  Wish me luck. Robin i am excited for the comedian on Saturday. It is going to be fun. Rachel I am glad that you guys had a fun time with the gift cards. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good. Nothing to exciting. Work was busy. My stomach is feeling better so that makes the day go alot smoother. I am working scheels tonight so I don't have alot to report. Hope everyone had a good day


Monday, May 16, 2016


Mom, Casey can look at your car on Saturday also if you want.  Karen was sweet and sent the boys a gift card to panda and cold stone, thank you Karen, the loved them.  It was fun to go out for dinner and ice cream also, it was a fun night.  I am glad that you got a new desk.  I am glad that you are feeling better Robin, that doesn't sound very fun.  Isaac was the super star at school today and had a fun time.  I can't believe their is only two more weeks of school.  While he was at school we went to Sam's and got a couple of things.  Casey mowed the lawn when he got home and it looks really nice, it was getting long.  I took the kids on a walk while he was doing that.  Isaac was running really far ahead, he usually waits at the corners.  I got mad and said he had to stay where I could see him.  Then we were talking about it and he said that he wished God didn't put that curve their.  It made me laugh.  Oliver has three molars through, one more to go.  I hope it comes in soon.  We put a scarecrow in the garden to scare the cat away, he keeps digging holes and pooping in our garden, it is a scarecat. Love you guys.


See ya in a year

WE took dad to the doctor and he is doing good.  You always know that because they want to see you in a year.  I left work early to go with him and that was nice.  The rest of the week might not be because I was going to make up the hours.  Robin, I am glad you are doing OK.  Karen that is fun you have a new desk. You will have to take a picture tomorrow.  Not much else going on with us.  It never really rained but it was dark and looked like it should be raining.  Everything looks so green.  My car is make that weird noise again.  I am going to take it in to Robin's car place.  See if the can see what is going on.  LOVE MOM

Not so bad

Today was better than planned. With all my new job stuff Mondays are slammed. But I made it out alive and all is well. I still feel on edge but on the mend. I think it was a mild flu. Or I have a baby monster in my belly. It's been growling and making alien noises. I didn't have to work scheels so I slept all night. It was nice. Also karen this month flew by this Saturday is the comedy guy. I totally forgot till they were talking about it at work



Well it rained here today. I did get mived into my new desk upstairs. Sorry i didn't take a picture. Work went good though. My new stove is coming Wednesday afternoon so I am excited. I hope everyone had a great Monday.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

We're back

Wow, good job on the major purchases Karen.  We should smoke something over memorial weekend, that would be awesome.  I am glad that everyone had a good weekend.  We had a fun time.  We made it to Lava and had pizza and bread sticks for lunch, it was really good.  Ruthie had her first taste of garlic bread.  The kids splash pool was open so we went there and it was fun.  Oliver took a little bit to warm up to the place but ended up having a fun time.  We stayed all afternoon and then we went to Pocatello around dinner time.  We checked in the hotel and Isaac was super excited about it and loved the place.  We went and got Thai food for dinner and it tasted really good.  Then we went to fred myers to get a lego and some apples.  Ruthie had a blow out and I didn't have an extra shirt with me so we bought her a new outfit.  Oliver had a melt down half way through so it was kind of stressful.  Then we went back and just built legos.  Isaac picked a hard one and wanted to do it by himself so it was a late night.  Ruthie woke up early to eat and then went back to sleep but she woke Oliver up and he didn't go back to sleep so he was up early.  Cher our neighbor had called in the middle of the night which I missed so I called her back and our irrigation faucet was on and they turned on the irrigation water so our lawn was flooded.  They couldn't figure out what it was last night but turned it off this morning.  It ended up the bathroom had water in it but nothing too bad, we were really lucky.  So we spent the morning swimming in the hotel swimming pool till someone pooped in it and the closed it, so gross, it wasn't our kids.  The kids really liked the floaties and they were really good swimmers.  Isaac has come a long way since last year.  It was raining so we just headed back to Logan to check on the house so we got back at lunch time.  It was nice to have the afternoon to let the kids play and relax.  I didn't take a ton of picture but I have a few.  Everyone have a good week.


Regular Sunday

It was a normal Sunday for me.  We went and took Grandma out for lunch.  We went to the Habit hamburger place and I thought it was gross.  It is like 5 guys but 5 guys is a lot better.  WE took her to the new Cabela's in Farmington.  It was really nice.  A lot smaller than the one in Provo but nice.  I found some camouflage hats for the boys and that was fun.  We came home and just vegged.  Dad has a doctors appointment tomorrow for a new heart Dr.  His one in Ogden retired and it has been a year.  I hope I like him.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice trip.  Karen I hope it clears up soon so you can smoke meat.  Robin, I hope you got some rest.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. It rained here most if the day. I also got some chicken soup made. It tasted good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...