Monday, May 16, 2016


Mom, Casey can look at your car on Saturday also if you want.  Karen was sweet and sent the boys a gift card to panda and cold stone, thank you Karen, the loved them.  It was fun to go out for dinner and ice cream also, it was a fun night.  I am glad that you got a new desk.  I am glad that you are feeling better Robin, that doesn't sound very fun.  Isaac was the super star at school today and had a fun time.  I can't believe their is only two more weeks of school.  While he was at school we went to Sam's and got a couple of things.  Casey mowed the lawn when he got home and it looks really nice, it was getting long.  I took the kids on a walk while he was doing that.  Isaac was running really far ahead, he usually waits at the corners.  I got mad and said he had to stay where I could see him.  Then we were talking about it and he said that he wished God didn't put that curve their.  It made me laugh.  Oliver has three molars through, one more to go.  I hope it comes in soon.  We put a scarecrow in the garden to scare the cat away, he keeps digging holes and pooping in our garden, it is a scarecat. Love you guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...