Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Good luck with your Stove Karen, that is exciting.  Isaac is super excited for his shirt, thanks for getting it for him Mom.  I am glad that you are feeling better Robin.  Today was pretty good.  It was windy today.  Ruthie slept in late this morning so we just played inside which was nice.  When she got up we went grocery shopping.  Jenn come over and sewed this afternoon.  The boys watched Stars Wars and Oliver fell asleep.  Ruthie slept for a bit so I was able to get some sewing done.  When she got up I was holding her when I was sewing.  She was really chewing on the blanket and I looked at it and it had blood on it.  So I looked at her teeth and the bottom two had broken through.  She is such a good baby, she was kind of fussy yesterday but nothing bad.  When Casey got home we just watched some shows and I sewed for a bit.  It was nice to have some down time.  Casey had scouts this evening and we played outside.  When Casey got home they went on a walk around the block.  Well everyone stay safe and have a good day.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...