Friday, September 6, 2013

So glad it is Friday

I had a good day and tonight was really nice.  We had just a quiet night also.  I am going to buy pizza's tomorrow night for dinner.  Robin if you and Walter and Karen want to come you are more than welcome.  The home coming is at 9:00 on Sunday.  I am taking next Friday off for Karen's birthday.  Karen what would you like to do.  Robin I am glad you are doing some makeup that will be fun.  We are just going to do stuff and if you can come that would be great if not you can come another time.  How does that sound?  I really rained here tonight and it came off the lake.  It looked just like being by the ocean and smelled like it also.  It was neat.  Drive safe tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

A day off

I think that Karen wants to go to the fair for her birthday.  We could go Friday or Saturday if you guys want.   Whatever works best.  Casey didn't work today and we had a good day.  We cleaned up the house this morning and took a load to the dump.  We decided just to get rid of the mattress that got wet.  Casey and Isaac were jumping on the trampoline so I got some sewing done and I finished the top I had been working on.  I forgot to say on Wednesday I finished quilting my block of the month so I just have to hand sew the binding on now.  I will put a picture on when I am done.  We all took a nap when Isaac did which was nice.  This evening Casey went on a bike ride with his Dad and Collin.  Isaac really wanted to go so he took him with them.  He did really good and had a good time.  So I was able to pin my quilt that I got a back for at swiss days.  I am almost done doing that.  It was just a nice relaxing day.  We are coming down tomorrow but it will probably be around dinner time.  We are excited to see everyone.



today was good less drama at work so that was nice. My contacts came in the mail today so that was fun. so I am doing the demon chaser film festival. we are shooting this coming weekend the 14-15. I didnt know if that ruined karens birthday stuff. are we getting together thursday?? or the weekend. sorry it kinda just speed along. anyway not to much else going on with me have a great night robin

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Last night a screw fell out of my glasses so after me and Isaac went to the nature center we got Isaac and went and fixed my glasses.  The lady also fixed the bend in them so they feel like New.  I also made appointments for check up for our eyes.  It has been a while.  When we got home I put Isaac down for a nap and casey was headed to work.  He decided to lay down for 5 minutes downstairs and the mattress was soaked and he noticed the ceiling was wet.  Casey called his dad and they fixed everything.  It was the dishwasher tube leaking.  We need to replace the sheet rock but we will do that later when it has dried.  It was a busy evening.  I hope everyone has a good night and gets some rest.


No China

Dad said they are going to wait a month to go to China.  I was glad about that.  I unpacked his suitcase.  That felt nice.  I helped a lady do job applications tonight.  Rachel I am sorry about the leak.  I hope all is going well.  We can come up and help if you need us to.  It didn't rain here.  Karen I do like the way the picture looks in your room.  Good luck with the dentist tomorrow.  I was thinking for Saturday night having a pizza dinner. Who ever wants to come can.  Robin I am sorry you got frustrated at work.  I am glad you talked about it.  Maybe it might help.  Have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM

still here

sorry i didn't blog I was so tired I fell asleep. yikes I'm good at that. today was good but crazy, my boss pissed me off again so I told him my frustrations. I didn't yell or anything I just calmly stated facts and I think he got my annoyance with the situation. I guess he told the project manager about our conversation and later the project manager thanked me. so I guess all in all what was needed to be said by many was said by me. soooo that was my day. A girl invited me on her team for a movie competion demon chaser. I said yes I think it will be a fun thing to do. I'm not 100% sure if I doing the pioneer show though but I should know by next week. I guess. well have a great one robin


Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It has been raining off and on here tonight. My day was good. I only have to work half a day tomorrow because I am going to the dentist. I did get the stuff Rachel gave me for my birthday hung up. It looks really nice in that room. Thank Rachel. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The eagle has landed

Austin made it home safe and sound. Their were 4 missionaries coming home from Albania, two guys and two sisters.  There were a ton of people at the airport.  It was a lot of fun.  Kay and me went and feed Kyle tonight and then we went to Target before the airport.  It was a fun evening.  Austin kind of had the deer in the headlight look.  Wasn't quite sure what to do.  Julie was so happy.  I am glad you got your elliptical together Karen.  That is fun.  I think that is funny about Walter's hand.  You do really good bruises Robin.  Well have a nice Thursday. It looked like it was raining in Kamas on the way home from the airport.  Tomorrow is a barbeque at work and I get to wear jeans.  That should be a fun day.  I think dad is going to China on Friday at 5:00 at least that is what the plane ticket says.  I get it a 75 percent chance.  Austin's home coming is at 9:00 on Sunday.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Yea for Karen

Congratulations on the Elliptical Karen, that is awesome.  I am glad that you didn't need a man to put it together.  Just kidding.  We had a good day, it was kind of laid back.  Randy came over and bought Casey's bike.  It was fun to see him and he is excited about the bike.  We took Isaac out for ice cream after lunch.  This evening the weather was nice and cool so we just played in the backyard.  Good luck staying up late Mom.  I think that you will have a fun time.  Not much else to report.  Have a good night.



Well I got my elliptical today and got it put together. It took 2 hours to put together but I did it. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I am glad that the weekend is in sight. Well have a good one. Bye

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

hand 2

today was good. it was rough to get back in the swing of things I like having days off over working. thanks for the fun time. last night the barbeque thing was a no go. at the last minute things were crazy so we ended up just relaxing. I bruised walters hand with makeup the good one and today he told his family he punched something again. I guess they didn't believe him for a while that it was fake. well have a great wensday I am so glad this week is almost over. :)

Counting down

I love the count down calendars.  They are so much fun.  Thanks for doing that Rachel.  Tomorrow night Kay is coming to get me and we are going to go get Austin at the airport.  That will be fun.  I told them I would be a little late getting into work on Thursday but I don't think I will be too late.  It is the summer barbeque on Thursday and Friday is the last day of someone at work so we are taking him to lunch.  This is a busy week for sure.  I am excited for the homecoming.  It is at 9:00 on Sunday.  Karen that is good you got your lawn mowed.  I didn't think you felt very well.  Have a great Wednesday. It is nice to have a short week.  LOVE MOM

Back to business

Thanks for the fun weekend everyone.  It was fun to hang out together, thanks.  We have definitely missed everyone today.  Tuesdays is a busy day.  We had story time this morning.  We haven't been for a long time and it was fun to see how much Isaac has progressed since we last went.  Casey also mowed the lawn today and Isaac "helped" with his little lawn mower.  Jenn Cox came over to sew and that is always fun.  Then we had scouts which went well.  Last night went we got home we cut up all of the tomatoes.  It didn't turn out as good as last time so we aren't sure if we are going to can it or not.  Today we shucked corn and Isaac did really good at it.  He loved doing it.   Everyone have a good night and don't work too hard.


made it

Well I made it thru the day. It was rough getting up when my alarm went off. It was nice and cool outside after work so I finally got my lawn mowed. I think the weeds were lots higher than the grass. Thanks for the fun holiday. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 2, 2013


Thanks for the fun weekend.  I had a great time.  It sure was hot.  I am looking forward to some cooler weather but other than that is was really fun.  It sure is quiet in my house.  I keep waiting for some noise to come running out.  Not much else going on with me since last we met.  I am going to go to work early and stay a little late.  Try to get caught back up a little bit.  Have a great weekend. I love having the count downs.  That is fun.  I love looking forward to things.   LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...