Saturday, November 3, 2018

Falling back

Karen came down today.  She had some errands to run so we went to lunch and went shopping.  Dad has my cold so he just went to lunch with us.  We went and saw Jenkins.  He is starting to warm up and he is a cute dog.  He loves it when Robin takes him outside.  He gets all excited when you get his treats out.  He likes the sound of bags rustling.  Dad leaves for Houston in the morning.  I am going to sleep in and get my hair cut.  It is really long.  We did run to Riteaid tonight to get dad some meds for his cold.  There isn't a lot he can take.  They are being bought out by Walgrens and tonight was the last night they were opened.  They are closing for 5 days and then will be Walgrens.  I know we lead an exciting life.  That was nice you took Leona to Clifton.  I was wondering if you have invited her for Thanksgiving.  I just wanted to make sure she knew about it.  It is suppose to be rainy tomorrow.  Have a nice day.  LOVE MOM

Fall Back

I am glad that you guys had a fun day.  I am glad that your dog is awesome Robin.  That is fun to go on walks, I love that.  I can't wait to meet him.  We slept in this morning which was nice.  Casey took the boys to run some errands and me and Ruthie played.  Casey made a big batch of Mac and Cheese which was really good.  Casey picked up Leona and she wanted to go to Clifton.  So we went up and visited Calleen.  It was a nice drive and it was good to visit.  They have been doing a lot of work on the place and it looks nice.  The kids had a fun time running around.  Don't forget to turn your clocks back.  It is going to be dark so early now.



Today was good. I met mom, dad, and Robin for lunch. Then me, robin, and mom went shopping. I needed to get a new filter for my fridge. I also got Robin a dog bed for upstairs. Then we went and saw her new dog. He is a cutie. I hope everything had a great day. Bye


Today was good me and Jenkins went on like 5 walks. He was ready to rock and roll. Karen came down and bought him a cute bed for my craft area. Thanks again. I just rested the rest of the night I was tired.


Friday, November 2, 2018

Fun times

I only worked a couple of hours and then went to the doctor with Dad and then we went and got Jenkins.  I was beginning to think we weren't going to find a dog but Robin wanted to go back and look at him.  Once he got out of the cage with the other wild dogs he was so cute.  I think he will be a good dog for Robin.  We went and got him some stuff and he seems to be very content.  We came home and dad went to work for a few minutes and I just vegged.  Have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM

Welcome Jenkins!!!

I am so happy for your Robin, he is so cute and is perfect.  I love him.  We were wondering how long we have to wait to visit him?  Do you need anything?  We will get you a present.  I am excited.  Today I worked out in the morning and I was so tired it was harder.  I just cleaned up the rest of the day.  The house is feeling a lot better and everything is drying out.  I moved my sewing room stuff back in and we are just going to wait a while to paint.  It is nice to have my space again.   Isaac is getting ready to sell things for black Friday.  He has been worried what to sell on so I lent him my white drawers.  He is excited but can't decide what to sell.   Love you guys and I super excited for your dog Robin.



Cute dog Robin. He is adorable.  Things are good here. I was busy all morning at work. Then it slowed down in the afternoon.  I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Old man Jenkins

I finally got a dog. He is half dauschan and half Bassett hound. He's small and very mellow. He has just been sleeping on his pillow all night. Thanks again mom and dad it was a fun afternoon. I was watching tv and he fell asleep in his bed pillow and I swear he was smiling. Lol so hopefully he likes my place. He hasn't eaten anything but the bone mom bought him. So I guess that's something.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

I agree

I agree with Karen it should have been Friday.  I was tired and I just wanted to keep playing.  Work was good and I got a lot done.  I am only working for a little while tomorrow and taking dad to the doctor and then meeting up with Robin.  Fun day.  Everyone enjoy Friday.  The weekend is suppose to be rainy.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  I cleaned a bunch.  I cleaned the toys downstairs so I could move a toy organizer into Ruthie's room.  I like it up their and she was playing with all her toys and it wasn't as messy.  I cleaned up most of the Halloween decorations, I just have that black webbing to get off.  We are keeping the boos so we can use them again if we need to.  I had book group this evening and we met at the crepery.  It tasted good and it was fun to talk with everyone.  Love you guys.  I hope that their is a cute dog tomorrow.



Today felt like Friday to me so tomorrow is going to seem like a long day. Work ws busy. But I got all the major stuff done. Then after work I went grocery shopping. I also got pizza because someone at work has been warming puzza up in the breakroom. And the smell made me crave it. Good luck at the dog adoption tomorrow Robin. I hope they have the perfect dog for you. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween

Thanks for the fun day Mom, you are amazing.  I loved your cookies Karen, you are so creative.  Robin you costume was amazing and you are beautiful.  You guys are amazing people.  Here are some pictures from today.  I feel like I didn't get great pictures but we sure had a fun time.  Love you guys.


Happy Halloween

I made it home safe and sound.  What a fun day we had.  It was busy but we did it all.  Halloween parade, popcorn hands, doughnuts, downtown trick and treating, preschool.  It was a really good day and everything went just as planned.  We went downtown to have lunch and do a little trick or treating with Oliver and Ruth and they had so much fun.  They were so cute.  Isaac's class party went perfect.  Rachel did a really good job of setting it up.  Their flood was bad.  They are going to have to replace their kitchen floor.  It is worse than Karen's floor.  I see replacing flooring in two houses very soon in our future.  Robin, I loved your costume.  You are amazing.  Way to go.  Karen those cookies are fun to make.  Yours looked a lot more like eyes then ours did. Dad is for sure going to Houston on Sunday morning and coming back on Tuesday evening.  I hope the demos go well.  He stayed in SLC to work instead of going to Logan with us.  It is going to be hard to get back to the real world tomorrow.  Oh well just one day and then I get to go dog shopping.  LOVE MOM


Happy Halloween everyone. My day was good. I got a lot of compliments on how cute my cookies were. So that was good. Other than that it was a pretty quiet day. They did have a lot of good treats at work today. I hope everyone had a great day. 👻

Happy Halloween

Today was fun. I won for most traditional at work for my costume. We also had a chili cook off and I did not win anything lol I guess I need to work on my chili skills. I guess they are having a hard time hiring and a guy is leaving because amazon is paying more than what our company is paying so I guess they are re evaluating our pay wages. So now I am full support of amazon lol they might get me a raise ha ha ha it's the butterfly effect I guess. Well hope everyone had a good Halloween.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Day off

The concert was really fun, thanks guys.  I am glad that you found your power cord Robin, I am excited for your new sewing loft.  We played hooky today and it was fun.  We got the kids more little toys and then some snow boots.  We stopped at the air plane museum on the way home and walked around.  We went out for Mexican dinner and it tasted really good.  We did the eye ball oreo craft that Karen did and it was a lot of fun.  Love your guys.  Have a good Halloween.



My day was good. Work is moving along. They had a problem with one of the ovens at work and it melted a bunch of pump heads so that sucked. Then I came home and made my eyeball cookies for work. They wrre fun to do. it did snow for about 30 minutes here tonight. But it was sunny at the time so nothing stuck. Have a great Halloween tomorrow everyone. Bye


I'm sorry you had a flood rachel. Thanks for the fun time last night it was fun. I looked like you got some snow in the mountains hopefully your staying warm Karen:) tomorrow is Halloween and I am going green for a witch. Hopefully it looks cool. I also made chili for a cooking contest tomorrow at work. I found my sewing machine power cord. I was thinking to my.self if I was organizing where would I organize my wires. I have a technology bag where I throw wires that I dont know their homes. So I looked through the bag and found it lol. So sewing is in my future.


Monday, October 29, 2018


Sorry about the flood Rachel. I had it when things flood. If you need any help repairing stuff just let me know. My day was good. They did turn the water off at work for about an hour. So that was fun. They are at the point where they are going to take down the wall between the existing building and the add on. I hope that you all have a fun time at the concert. Bye


Sorry I didn't blog last night.  The dishwasher had a major flood and we were cleaning it up till late.  What a mess.  It dripped down into my sewing room so we had to clear all of that out also.  WE had a good day other than that.  We played in the leaves and the boys went hiking. 


Ruthie was doing exercise moves, it was funny

Sunday, October 28, 2018

One more day

I am excited for Josh Groban also.  I think it will be fun.  I had a really quiet day.  I didn't sleep very good last night because I kept coughing so I just slept all day.  It felt really nice.  Everyone have a nice Monday and I will see you soon.  Karen if you want to come down for dinner you are more than welcome to.  I think we are going to eat at Gateway if there are any restaurants left.  LOVE MOM


Well Robin you beat me. I only did 3 loads of laundry. I did also get my dishes done. Other than that it was a quiet day here. Have fun at the concert tomorrow everyone. Bye

Get it done

Today was good. I finished 4 loads of laundry and cancelled my gym member ship. I also turned in my keys to my old place. My back was still kinda hurting so I got a pedicure so I could sit in a massager chair for an hour. It felt good and she really massaged my feet they popped like 5 times.. So it was a productive day. My place looks so clean I'm afraid to do anything and mess it up lol. I'm excited for josh groban tomorrow.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...