Friday, February 12, 2021


 I am so glad that the weekend is here. My day was good. Work was a little quiet but I made it through. After work I watched my physics lecture. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Day off

 The kids didn't have school today and we just had a day off.  I didn't walk and I didn't go to exercise class.  We did go in the backyard and play Tony for a while.  The kids have been big into making Valentine's and we did that all afternoon.  They are getting good at making hearts.  See you tomorrow.



We did it

 We we made it to Friday Yeah!   Everyone be safe tomorrow.  If the roads are bad stay home.  We can hook up another day.  I worked and then we went to Winco.  I am ready for the weekend.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM 


I'm so glad today was Friday. Jeramy took me out for dinner and we tried vampire penguin for dessert. It actually was really good. I was impressed. It's like a snow cone but with ice cream. It was weird but good. Then we found a new survivor show so we just watched that.


Thursday, February 11, 2021


 That picture of Tony with the ball in his mouth asleep is so funny.  Valentines day at school is always so much fun.  Rachel you raked.  Karen, I hope the rest of your shelves come soon.  I am excited to see how they look.  Robin, I am glad you get to work from home.  Jenkins must feel the storm coming.  I have been thinking about a plan for the weekend and I think we might need to factor in a bad storm.  Here are some options. 

1.  We all meet Saturday for lunch either Spaghetti Factory or Fuji's or any place that sounds fun.  We can then go to IKEA and look around if that is OK and then go see butterflies at Thanksgiving point or go to the aquarium.  I know it isn't very firm but you get the idea.  Open for suggestions.  Then go get Isaac's mattress at Kays.   I will have dinner at my house for anyone that wants to come.  

2.  It snows so much on Saturday that we postpone lunch to Sunday.  We have lunch at my house or maybe that Mexican restaurant that Jeramy likes on redwood road by Walmart. Olive Garden is also opened. We then can go to IKEA but most everything else is close.  I do think the aquarium is open but I didn't confirm that yet. Once again weather might play a factor. 

3.  Weather is horrible and we decide to hook up another weekend.  

I know I over react to storms.  I just know that mountain passes can get really narly.  

I went into work today and that felt nice. My boss wants me to start coming in more often.  I talked to the new leader of the administrative assistants and she said lets try two days a week so I am going in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Should be worth a try. It will seems weird to go in that much.  It has been a year.  Everyone there got the vaccination but me so I should be pretty safe.  

Have a wonderful Friday.  I am glad the kids liked the Croods.  Dad was pretty excited that it was bundled together.  LOVE MOM  


 It was so hard to wake up and walk this morning but I did it.  It was a pretty morning.  We helped in Isaac's class.  I gave Oliver the wrong Valentine's cards so his teacher called me.  Luckily I was still at the school and was able to get everything fixed.  Preschool the kids were excited for Valentine's.  It was a busy day.  I got a ton of Valentine's from the kids also which was fun.  Casey came home when we did and had lost his keys on the bike ride to work at lunch time.  He drove the route and biked it but couldn't find them.  So we walked Tony to see if we could see them but couldn't.  A lady down the street grandson found them on his trash can so was knocking on doors to see if he could find the owner.  It was really nice of him and it was great to have found the keys.  Mom and Dad bought the crood 2 so we watched it.  We are watching the first one now.  The kids don't have school tomorrow so we don't have to go to bed on time.  Love you guys.




Today was good. Nothing to wild just work. We took jenkins on a walk and he was so wild. I am so tired tonight I'm ready for the weekend, I'm glad tomorrow is Friday


 Things are going good here. Work is moving along but the usual. After work I went grocery shopping because I needed food. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 I had a quiet day.  I had a lot of meetings today which was weird because I never have meetings but it made the day go fast.  We just vegged and had warm ups for dinner.  I am going into work tomorrow and see if I can't get some payments made.  It is suppose to snow a lot on Saturday.  I am hoping not too bad but it might be.  I will keep an eye on that.  Have a nice day.  LOVE MOM 


Today was good. I went into work and just did some in office work. I'm going to work from home the rest of the week. Then me and Jeramy took jenkins on a walk. We went out for pizza and on the way we saw a restraunt called vampire penguin. I googled it while waiting for pizza I guess they have really good desserts so we are going to try it out Friday night as a valentines day since most places will be busy this weekend.



 I am glad that you pantry will be here soon Karen.  That is exciting.  We could help out it together on Sunday if you want.  Isaac was up last night feeling like he had to throw up and his stomach hurt.  I ended sleeping with him on the couch and didn't get much sleep.  I skipped walking Tony early and walked him instead while Ruth was at school.  I skipped exercise class also.  My back is feeling a lot better but I thought I would give it one more day to rest.  Ruth was the super star at school and was so excited for it.  I had quilt group but only three of us were their.  We had a fun time anyway and it was good to talk.  I walked to pick up Oliver and it was such a pretty day.  It was so beautiful.  Isaac was feeling better and the kids all rode their bikes.  The boys went around the big block.  Oliver fell and got some thorns in his hand but made it home ok.  Ruth was nervous about her new bike so we just went to the stop sign.  We finished up all the Valentine's cards so we are ready for tomorrow.  The kids don't have school on Friday so they are exchanging them tomorrow.  Love you guys and we are excited to see everyone on Saturday.




 I am glad that the week is half over. Work is moving along. Nothing too wild and crazy. I did get a notification that my pantry stuff has shipped so it should be all here on Saturday. After work I came home and did school work. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


 Robin Luna is beautiful.  I am so excited for her to get here.  20  more weeks  YEAH!!!!!!!  That is super cool that you can see her like that.  Rachel,  I told dad about the link.  He hadn't seen it yet.  He is way impressed.  Good job.  Karen, I hope you got through economics.  Bet you sleep good tonight.  Just dream of economics. Not much going on with us.  We did go to the gym tonight.  We were both so tired and didn't want to go but I think it really helps us.  I am excited for this weekend.  I think we should meet around lunch time and then play for awhile.  I love that Tony isn't allowed on the couch  :)  He is so dang cute.  LOVE MOM 


 I am glad that Luna is doing well.  She looks cute, she must take after me in the looks department.  Just kidding.  My lower back was still sore today but this evening it was feeling better.  I did walk this morning.  All the snow is starting to melt and it isn't as slippery.  I programed while Ruth was at school.  I sent Dad a link of it to his email.  Ruth is the superstar tomorrow so we went and picked some treats.  After school we just played in the backyard with Tony.  It is going to be a muddy mess back there soon.  Isaac had basketball practice this evening and he had fun.  Dinner didn't work out like we planned so they picked hamburgers on the way home from practice.  Love you guys and have a good night.




Today was good. The doctors went well. We had a girl that was training so she was nervous.  But she said everything looked good and the trainer didn't have to show her anything special so that was nice. They said I'm still in track for June 23rd and it's still a girl. Work went well and me and Jeramy went to rumbis for dinner


 My day was good. It was cloudy here all day, but it didn't snow so it wasn't bad. It was meeting day so that took most of the morning. Then I had a to do list I worked on. I came home and was watching stuff for my economics class and I had restless legs, so I took a break and took a walk. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Robin, I hope your doctors visit went good also. Bye

Monday, February 8, 2021

No chocolate

 I had payroll this morning and it took me all morning.  I worked on emails the rest of the day.  I am behind and trying to get caught back up.  I am hoping for a quiet week.  Rachel, I hope you get feeling better.  I am sorry you fell.  That can really hurt.  Put traumel on your back and hip.  That will help.  Robin good luck on your ultrasound.  I can't believe you are 1/2 way there.  It is such a neat think to watch the baby.  I am so excited for you.  Karen, economics will put anyone to sleep.  You might be having a lot of naps this semester.  On face book today it said it was a year ago we were at blue man.  I can't believe it. What a year.  And yet so many good memories I have.  Well good luck with Tuesday.  I am looking forward to playing this weekend.  I am open for any suggestions.  I didn't have any chocolate in the house.  Dad made Karen's brownie but we drove to Winco and got me some M& Ms.  Tomorrow should be better :)  LOVE MOM 


 My day was good. Work went good nothing too exciting. I just working on email requests and my to do lists. After work I read a chapter of my economics book. It made me tired so I took a nap. I will have to finish watching the videos tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Jeramy wasn't going to work today but a few guys called out so he went in. He said it ended up being ok. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning tomorrow then I am going to work from home. Have a good Tuesday


 Today was good.  Yesterday at the park I kept falling on the slippery snow so this morning my hips were sore so I skipped walking.  I did go to exercise class and I was fine.  When I got home my lower back was sore the rest of the day.  I programed today and it was fun.  Ruth had dance class and her friend signed up for the same class so she was excited.  It was also princess dress up day.  Casey had a big meeting today so he worked from home to get ready for it.  It is why he had to work so much yesterday.  He said it went well.  We walked to the park after school and it was fun.  It was a pretty day and the snow is melting.  We worked on Valentine's cards after dinner. It is always good to take a couple of days to finish them but the little kids got all theirs done tonight.  Love you guys.



Sunday, February 7, 2021

Home again

 We stayed the night in Logan and then finished up painting and doing a little tile.  It was fun to hang out.  I love the improvements.  It was hard to get rid of Lightening McQueen bed.  I just love that bed.  He is just growing up so fast. We came home after lunch.  I think we both crashed for a while.  I did payroll for awhile tonight  I like that better than getting up at 6 to do it.  The one thing I really like about working from home.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am excited for next weekend to play.  I hope Jeramy is feeling better.  Karen, I am glad you solved your lab.  Dad loves helping you guys.  LOVE MOM 

The weekend

 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  It got busy.  I love Luna's crib Robin.  It is beautiful.  You do a good job.  We had a really fun time with Mom and Dad and we got a lot done.  Isaac wanted a more modern room.  They painted it and took apart the lighting McQueen bed.  It turned out nice.  We made progress on the bathroom.  We grouted the floor and put up the baseboards.  We also started on the wall tile.  It is all looking really nice.  Thanks again Mom and Dad.  After Mom and Dad left we walked to the park.  It was a pretty day.  Isaac wanted to watch the super bowl.  He watched the whole thing.  We got little caesars for dinner.  Casey worked all day.  He still has some work to finish after the kids go to bed.  Love you guys.




 I had a good day. I did have to call dad to get my lab to work but I finally got it done. I just need to write the lab report now. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...