Saturday, December 17, 2011

day off

well tomorrow I have a day off and I am excited. today was good it was a two show day and in between shows we watched muppet christmas carol. it was fun, i love that movie. well not to much else happening. excited for isaacs birthday, sorry karen won't be there but we will make a ho-do for christmas (the real deal)

have a great sunday



Well I have had a good day. I got a lot done. I am doing my laundry right now. That way I should be all set to come up on Wednesday. I went and saw the second Sherlock Homes movie. It was good. It was a lot more action packed than the first one was. I am glad that Isaac is letting his inner genius show. He is just humble. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

He is a genius

I knew that Isaac would clap when he wanted to. He just didn't feel the need. He is so cute. I am sorry I didn't blog last night I feel asleep watching a moving and didn't wake back up. I was tired. I am excited for next week. It will be fun to be together. We went shopping last night and finished up all the gifts. It feels nice to be done. I am excited for Isaac's birthday party. The cake is really cute Robin.


Friday, December 16, 2011

clap yo hands

I;m glad isaac clapped I was worried about preschool and not being able to clap. :) well today was good nothing to crazy. I finished isaac's cakes for sunday and I worked. Not to much else. I can't believe next week is christmas yikes. it goes so fast. well have a relaxing saturday


He will make it in Preschool

Isaac kind of clapped today. he put his hands together three time and then threw his hands up high. It was really cute, he is getting it. That was the excitement of my day. We went to the mall to get a present for Kim and Collin. the kids were really rough at the playground so we didn't stay long. Isaac took two naps today and that was so nice. He had a rough night the Tuesday night and I think that it caught up with him today. He did sleep through the night the last two nights so I hope that continues. Robin no news is good news in job searching. I hope that you hear soon either way, waiting sucks. Well I am going to crawl under some blankets and read my book and wait for Casey to come home. Everyone have a good night.


Yeah, I made it to the weekend. Robin don't give up hope yet. With the job I got down here it seemed like they called a week after i totally gave up hope of ever hearing from them. With it being this close to the holidy they may wait until after the holiday to call also. It is a crazy time of year for everyone. My day was good. It went by a lot faster than i thought it was going to any way. I am getting close to half way thru the stupid pile so that was good. It is turning out not to be as annoying as I thought it was going to be. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend and that Isaac has a good birthday party on Sunday. BYE

Thursday, December 15, 2011

no word

sorry i didn't blog last night the words were gibberish and i didn't know how to change it. but it self fixed so we are good now. no word yet from cirque I'm dying slowly. I also made isaac some cakes for his birthday and worked. but that is about the extent of my day. I hope everyone has a great friday



Sunshine does sound so good to me also. I am excited to play in St. George. It has been a while. Not much to report here. I did have beef stroganoff for dinner and it tasted good. I also shredded all my mail. I know I lead an exciting life. I also did 3 batches of laundry. I guess I did have a productive evening. Have a great friday. Next Friday is Robin's birthday. Way to go Robin.



I am so excited to go to St George. I am hopping it is going to be sunny and nice when we are there and we can get out and go to the park. It sounds so nice. It is cold up here. We have been hitting the mall to get some playing time in. Isaac is getting used it now and loves playing there. He loves crawling around with the kids. Casey got stuck at work again so he wasn't able to make it home yesterday or today. He does have the weekend off for the party so that will be nice. I got french bread today for the twelve days of Christmas, it has been fun to have that going on. Well I am off to work on my red embroidery, I love it. It is so pretty and fun to do. I will put a picture on later.


Well my day was pretty good. I got one of my stupid piles off my desk. I also started the other stupid pile. Once I get rid of that one I should have all the stupid piles off my desk. I got a card in the mail from Austin saying thanks for the package I sent him. I thought that was nice. Well i hope that everyone has a great Friday.BYE

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Let the good times roll

I am so excited Karen that you will be here in one week. That will be fun. Rachel, thanks for the pictures they are so cute. I couldn't figure out what he was doing in the one picture. It took me a minute to figure out he was taking out the wet ones. That is funny. He is getting so big. I found some of those soft shoes tonight at REI and got them for his birthday. I got him a large size. Dad got some new boots to walk in the snow with and they are really nice. We went to get those stud things you can put over your shoes. We got him a pair of those also. Work was good. It was our annual christmas dinner. It was good. Margaret bought us a whole bunch of steaks and I thought that was really nice of her. Have a great Thursday.


One more week

Well there is just one more week until I get to come up for Christmas. I am so excited. Work was good today. It did seem like a long day though. I liked your pictures of Isaac Rachel. They are really cute. I like the last one where he is smiling. Robin I am glad that your car is fix. I hate it when my car doesn't work. Well have a great rest of the week. BYE

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


well I got my battey fixed. thanks again for mom and dad helping me out and draging me and my car around town. but hopefully that is the last of my car troubles. I'm sorry your reindeer broke karen. but at least there was a happy ending. I'm glad that your wall is fixed as well rachel. I hope it drys quickly. I can't believe how big isaac is though he grew up over night I can't believe it. well today I also went to the muppets with josh it was alot of fun the movie is cute not the best muppet movie but cute. and then work tomorrow is a two show day. blah. well have a great wensday


12 Days of Christmas

Someone is doing the twelve days of Christmas to us, they dropped of some canned pears. It is really sweet of someone to do that, it is going to be fun. The plumber came today and he fixed us up. The sink was plugged up and their was a pipe that wasn't capped off in Karen's old room it was spilling out all over the place in the wall. He capped off the pipe and unclogged the pipes. It is still wet in the room but I have some fans going so hopefully it will be dry soon. Well here is a picture of the wall that was destroyed today and some of Isaac. I am glad that we are all getting put back together.


I am a blogger

Sorry I didn't blog last night. Dad laid down at 7 and feel sound asleep. I didn't want to disturb him. I think he was so asleep nothing would have been able to wake him up. He is still tired but I think he is getting better. I am glad everyone got glued back together. That was amazing. I didn't think it would fix up that fast. I am so excited for Christmas. It will be fun to be altogether. Gary's mom got us a bunch of steaks. I thought that was really nice of her. Tomorrow for lunch we get a free christmas lunch. That will be fun. They have a tradition of having a slide show of pictures of everyone's year. I am in charge of getting all the pictures together. I hope it goes well. Have a great hump day.



Well since everyone else has a broken story I will add mine. My candy cane reindeer broke. It was very tragic. Don't worry though I ate and it was yummy. So it all ended well. My day was good. I had a design review in the morning so that killed 3 hours and then I worked on pricing sheets for the quotes we are doing. I am about half way thru them. So yeah! Well have a great Wednesday tomorrow. BYE

Monday, December 12, 2011

re broke

well my car didn't start today for work... lame. Mom and dad said it was the battery. i went and got stuff for isaacs cakes today so its a recent development. I love my car this week *sarcasm*. so hopefully things will stop breaking and keep glued together. but that is my news. I think isaac must like getting his hair cut. good job on successful hair cutting skills rachel :)



Robin, thanks for making a cake for Isaac's birthday, that is very sweet of you. I am getting excited for his birthday party, it will be really fun. This morning we went down stairs and it smelled bad. I took out all the garbages but that wasn't it. It was coming from Karen's old room and the carpet felt wet. So when Isaac took his nap I cleared out most of the room and located where most of the water is. Casey is coming home tonight and will look at it and figure out what is going on. I took Isaac to the mall tonight just to play. I got us some pretzels to snack on. While we were sitting their he pointed at the Hair Solon and I was tell him that is where they cut hair and he grabbed his hair, it was so cute. I asked him later where his hair was and he grabbed it so he figured out what his hair is. He loves playing at the mall. We have been there a few time so he feels comfortable and he doesn't mind other kids around. Well that was the excitement of my day. I am excited for everyone to be together for Christmas.


Long day

Well today seemed like a long day. It was cloudy and rainy here most of the day. It is suppose to continue tomorrow. I stayed pretty busy at work so that was nice. I went and exchanged the sweater I got at old navy today. I tired it on last week and it had a hole in it. It was sad cause it was really cute on except for the hole of course. So I went and got a new one. It was really easy and quick to exchange so that was nice. I like Isaac's hair cut Rachel. it looks very handsome and manly. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, December 11, 2011


my car is fixed thanks mom for the help :) now my car drives as smooth as butter. well not to much else happening just about the same as moms but I just ate and slept. not to much else. have a great week ya'll



Dad skyped me this morning and it was fun to talk with him and be able to see him. He has had a really fun time in China and got to meet a lot of people. He was really happy when he called. He is already on the airplane and will land in Seattle at 7 in the morning. He has a 7 hour layover in Seattle so he won't be home until 4:30. He is going to be one tired man. I had a nice quiet day. We got Robin's tires all fixed up and that felt really nice. I have been worried about that. Then we just layed around and I fixed a roast for dinner. The gravy was one of my better ones. It was really good. I saved a whole bunch of meat for the holidays. I did get all my presents wrapped tonight and my bedroom has room again. It was fun to do that. Rachel, Isaac looks really cute. That was a lot of hair. I think it will look nicer. It was really uneven. Karen I am glad your VT liked the angels. That was so neat. I think they are so cute. Everyone have a great Monday. LOVE MOM


Robin I keep forgetting to tell you that I bought some leave in conditioner and hair spray, they work so good. I spray the leave in conditioner in every day and I am really noticing a difference, thank you. I have been putting some in Isaac's hair also and it is helping. I also cut a little of his hair off today. It was driving me crazy and I think that it looks a lot better. I had a hard time taking an after shot but you can kind of tell his hair doesn't hang down so far. Casey had to work today. Me and Isaac went to church. I tried to go to Sunday School but it was too much sitting still for him so we went in the halls and I let him crawl around, then we went home. I made hamburger helper for lunch and Isaac liked it. I made eggs for dinner and he didn't like them. I think that it all everyone have a good night.


Well I made it thru all three hours of church without being in primary. It was rough but I made it. My visiting teachers just left. I gave them one of my angels I made and they like them. I hope that you got your tire fixed Robin. i am sorry that you had a flat. That sucks when that happens. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE

Nice Day

I had a really nice day. Thanks Rachel and CAsey and Isaac for the fun time. It was hard to leave and come home. I made it safe and sound and was tired so I laid on the couch and watched Ghost Whispers. No contact from dad but I did try to email him a couple of times. He will be home soon. I am going to cook a roast for dinner tomorrow and help Robin get her car put back together. It will be a good day. I hope you all have a great Sunday. LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...