It was a quite day for me as well. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to but I made it through. I fell asleep at lunch and I think that it was hard for me to wake up after that. The neighbor has been bringing over lots and lots of food. I am going to bring it up tomorrow. I thought you guys could share it. I hate to see it go to waste. I keep watching the weather and they say it isn't a bad storm but Karen uses other sites and they said it is bad. I guess we will wait and see in the morning. See you soon. LOVE MOM
Friday, December 11, 2020
I hope the weather clears up tomorrow also. It snowed a little bit today but I heard the canyon was bad. I hope it is ok tomorrow. Isaac is so excited. Today was good. I was tired and sore this morning so I slept in and skipped working out. We took Tony to the dog park instead which was good. Their were no other dogs so we just stayed until Ruth was frozen. We stopped at petsmart and got him presents. We dropped Tony off at home and then got Casey a Christmas present and Isaac one more birthday present. Oliver has been riding his bike home and Isaac walks with his friend but it was really cold so I drove to get them but no one wanted to come with me. Casey made Isaac's cake this evening. It is an ice cream cake. Good luck tomorrow. Hopefully it isn't bad weather and it all misses us.
Things are going good here. I am glad that the weekend is finally here. It was quiet at work today which was nice because I got to make some progress on my to do list. I have a bit of a headache tonight, but I took some ibuprofen so it should be better soon. It is supposed to be nasty weather tomorrow so I hope the weather man is wrong so I can make it up to Logan. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Big busy day
It was a big busy day for me. I went in early and did screenings. I was busy all day. I worked 9 hours today. I took home a big bag of work to do tomorrow as well. It felt nice to be moving around. We watched Elf tonight and that is a cute show. Robin, I am sorry you are tired. I think that has to be better than throwing up. I am excited for Isaac's birthday party. Dad is all scabbed over so that is nice. Everyone have a nice Friday. LOVE MOM
Well I like Isaac's paper, but I never have had plum pudding or strawberry smoothies at Christmas. I also always wrap Christmas presents it is usually birthday ones I forget to. 😋. My day was good. I made it to work and stayed busy so it went by pretty fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
I walked this morning and it is getting really dark again. The road is closed in front of the school this week and it is a nightmare getting to school. I helped in Isaac's class this morning and then we worked at preschool. The kids are cute and it was a good day. Ruth forgot her backpack and it had our lunches in it. Traci was nice and made us a sandwich. My visiting teachers came and visited and that was nice. The boys rode their bikes around the block. Me and Ruth walked Tony just to the stop sign. Then we went and got birthday decorations for Isaac. They didn't have fortnite so he got baby yoda stuff. Thanks for coming up this weekend. I hope it doesn't snow.
Isaac wrote about Christmas traditions
tired 🥱
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Hump Day
Today was good. I am all caught up at work and that feels nice. I am going to into work to do payments and then I will be really caught up. That will feel nice. I have to go in early to do screenings so that will be fun. Karen, I should have gone and got drugs also. I totally spaced that one out. I will go on my way home tomorrow. It is weird to not go out. How easy it is to forget what is out there. They sent out a memo that we will be working from home now until June. I was kind of glad that way I don't have to drive in bad weather. Rachel, I am glad you had a nice day. I like your ornaments. Robin, I hope you are surviving driving to work this week. LOVE MOM
Today was good. We walked this morning and then went to exercise class. It was so much fun. I worked on the primary ornaments most of the day and I think I have them all done. It was a lot of work. Ruth got a candy cane at school and she wanted more so we picked some up and got a sandwich for lunch. It was fun. Isaac was supposed to have basketball practice but he coach might have Covid and we did get notified. So I instead we went and got ingredients for his cake. He wants an ice cream cake so we are going to try it. Love you guys.
Just the usual here in Kamas. After work I went to Heber and went grocery shopping and got a prescription. Then I got home. My auto vacuum got my charging cables in my room so they were left all over. There was one in the living room, one in the kitchen, and one down the hallway. Then the vacuum got stuck under my couch so I had to free it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
So dang cute
Ruth was so cute. I am glad they put it on Utube. That was fun to watch. Not much else going on with us. I did work and went to all a dollar on my lunch hour. I made Luna a burb cloth. I was on a roll. It felt nice to make them. I always enjoyed doing them and then my finger got trigger finger and it was too hard but I did really good. It was fun. I am glad your got your books ordered Karen. I am also really glad you get a longer break. You need that. Robin, I am sorry you have to drive into work. That is a long commute. We are having Isaac's birthday at noon on Saturday in Logan. I didn't know if you are up to another trip or not. I did get a fortnite llama pinata. I know we live in the fast lane. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH MOM
Thanks for watching Ruth. That is fun that they put it on YouTube. I like that. It was so crazy dropping her off and picking her up. She was a little overwhelmed when we picked her up but she was fine once we got to dinner. We went to Oliver garden and it tasted good. Thanks Mom and Dad. Other than that we had a good day. We are giving ornaments for Christmas presents for primary. My counselor put Come follow me on the front and I needed to write everyone's names on the back. I was going to use stencils but I didn't look great and took forever so I just wrote them and it will be fine. I dropped the boys bikes off at school and they rode then home. Love you guys and thanks for everything.
My day was good. Just the usual for a Tuesday. It was meeting day so that took up most of the morning. After work I came home and watched Ruth's dance. It was cute. Then I got all my books ordered for next semester. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, December 7, 2020
It was a quiet day for me. I am caught back up at work and that is nice. I went to Walmart at lunch to get white out and tonight we went to zuchers to get a pinatas for Isaac's birthday on Saturday. I did wrap tonight and that felt nice. Robin don't get to tired. Karen you rock. Rachel you rule. Mom supreme. Good luck tomorrow with the dance.
Good job on school Karen. You are wicked smart. I walked this morning and went to exercise class. We tried doing the foam rollers this afternoon. Ruth didn't want to sleep in them so I used a hair dryer. It didn't work great. Her hair wasn't dry enough. We are going to just use the curling iron tomorrow. I ran Ruth out to the theater for her practice. Then I went back to pick up the boys and then back to get Ruth. Her practice wasn't very long and was crazy. Nothing else exciting going on. I need to paint names on ornaments for primary but I put it off until tomorrow. Love you guys.
long day
Well I made it to work this morning. It always tough getting up on Monday mornings. I got my final grades for the semester. I got 2 A's and 1 B, so I am pretty happy with that. I need to work on getting books for my next semester now. Work was good. I am just trucking along there. I watched Venom tonight and I liked it. Robin tell Jeremy thanks for the suggestion. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, December 6, 2020
I slept in this morning and that felt nice. We did go to Best Buy and get that program for Isaac. I wanted a disc and I was having troubles finding that on Amazon. We came home and just vegged afterwards. Not a very excited day for sure. Karen, I can't believe you finished that Lego. That was so hard. It looks really fun. Way to go. Rachel, I am so glad that Oliver can ride his bike with training wheels. That is so nice. Ruth will be there before you know it because she wants to be up with her brothers. Robin, I hope your dishwasher is work working and that you are feeling a little better. I have been worried about you. LOVE MOM
Today was good. We got up early and went to church. It was good to go. We are going to postpone the Temple and Priesthood Preview so I don't have to worry about that for a while. Casey worked today to get caught up on work. When we got home from church we took Tony on a walk around the block. The boys rode their bikes and Ruth rode her scooter. Ruth was going so slow and Tony wanted to be up with the boys. Ruth ended up crying most of the way. It was crazy. We watched mamma mia 2 which is my favorite. Then we loaded up their bikes and went back to the bike park. We stayed until it was dark which is like 5. Casey was home by then so we had dinner. I started a new quilt and I have having troubles. I finally figured out today was I was doing wrong and that felt good. Love you guys and have a good week. It is a busy time of year.
My day was good. I got my laundry done. So yeah for me. Then I finished my lego. It was fun. It took me a while to get it together. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...