Friday, August 22, 2014
I am glad that it is the weekend. My day was good. Work was pretty busy so it went by fast. Which is good for a Friday. Good luck tomorrow with all the picture stuff Rachel. It is raining here also. Well have a great one. Bye
I did it
I made it to Friday. It has been a long week. I got to go see the new building today at work and I have the most beautiful cubby ever. I have two windows that look out over the valley and to the mountains. It might take me awhile to get use to having to work instead of looking outside. We went to the comic book store after work and that was fun. I am so glad you got paid. That is always so much fun. Karen I hope you have a great weekend. We are going to Logan tomorrow. LOVE MOM
Today I woke up feeling really good but by the afternoon my ankles were bothering me again. I think that they are on the mend anyway. Today Casey cut up the plum tree that was in the backyard and he got a lot done on the car. Kelly can over and helped him take the branches to the dump and work on the car which was really nice of him. It was rainy today so me and the boys just played in the house. Isaac was in a good mood and we had fun. Oliver's teeth are bothering him I think but he is doing good. We made a sail boat today, I attached a picture. I am going to do the snow craft you sent me Robin but I just need to get a couple of things at the store to do it. I am nervous for pictures tomorrow. I hope that it goes well.
Sorry I didn't blog last night. Yesterday was Walters mom birthday so we went red robins for birthday. It was so good. I ate so much I came home and layed down for a bit and fell asleep. I didn't wake up till 3 am. Then today was good. I got payed yeah..... I can honestly say it's the biggest check I have ever gotten. It was fun. I meet up with Walter and I took him to zuppa's for dinner for fun because I felt rich. It was fun. He had practice after so I came home and now I am snuggled in and going to veg all night. It's raining so it's a relaxing night :) have a great weekend
Thursday, August 21, 2014
So glad it is almost Friday
Today was good. I am over my hours so I went into work late this morning. It was nice to get an extra half hour. Not much going on with me. I am so glad that the doctors went well Rachel. Robin tomorrow is the first paycheck for you. That will be so nice. It has sure rained here. I drove trax home tonight and it was kind of rainy and then when I looked outside there was a beautiful rainbow. That was nice. Everyone one have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
Today was busy. We had Oliver's 6 month check up this morning. He is doing really good and right where he should be. His weight is 15# 6oz (15%) Height 26" (35%) Head 25%. Then we had to go to Lee's and get everyone a prize for being good and pick up some vitamins for Oliver. Casey didn't sleep good last night so he went in late for work. He was leaving for work when we got home. I had my foot doctor appointment in the afternoon. I don't have gout or RA which is really good. He is going to make inserts for my shoes and see if that helps. They are still pretty sore. It was a nice evening so we went outside and did some yard work and jumped on the trampoline. Karen, are you coming up to Logan this weekend? We will have a good time. I hope that everyone stays dry down there and you guys are able to sleep.
Well my day was good. It was rainy this morning. I must also have a ton of tasty worms in my yard because there were a lot of birds in my backyard. It was a whole flock. Work was good. It went by pretty quick today. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Good day
I am so glad that Isaac is on the mend. Boy Oliver sure picked up sitting fast. He is doing good. I hope your ankle is better soon. I wonder if it will take not nursing before it gets all better. It really rained here also. I guess me and Robin live close enough it would be the same. It also got us around 2 and 4 and then I got up at 5:30. I hope I can sleep tonight. I did go grocery shopping and then came home and cleaned up a bit. Dad worked late. I love Isaac's back pack. I just love school shopping. Have a great Thursday. I am a hour and 1/2 over my time so I get to come late and leave early tomorrow and maybe even Friday. LOVE MOM
On the mend
Isaac was feeling better today but still wasn't a hundred percent. We would do something and then he would lay down for a while. We did a art project where we glues beans, nuts and raisins to a paper to make fish and he really liked that. Oliver is kind of sitting by himself. He is still a little wobbly but he is getting it. When Casey got home we went to the post office and I mailed some bags to Tiffany. Then we went to Khols and got some clothes for pictures on Saturday and we got Isaac a backpack and two shirts for school. He wanted a minion backpack and it was really cute. I made fajitas for dinner and they tasted really good. Tomorrow Oliver has his 6 month check up and I go back to the foot doctor. I think the wrap is helping the pain but my ankle was swollen today. Maybe it just takes a while to heal.
Came a tumbl'n down
Last night I was excited I went to bed earlier. I thought It would help not be so tired after work. But the thunder kept waking me up. At 4 it was going every 10 minutes and it was raining so hard the metal roof on the car ports were making rattling noises. So I just figured it's because I tried to go to bed early I had to wake up early. When I walked out to work our side walks had 3-4 inches of standing water, so I had to get my rain boots to walk to my car. Luckly it was all drained after work. Work was busy which was nice. I am ready for the weekend. That is for sure. Well have a good night
Moving right along
Well my day has been pretty good. I am glad that the week is half over though. At lunch today I got me a bag of popcorn to snack on, but I spilled half of it on the floor. I am such a klutz . So then I had to sweep it up. I need to learn to hold onto things better I guess. Oh well. I am hoping that it pours rain here again tonight. I love the rain. Rachel I hope that Isaac is feeling better today. Have a good one. Bye
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
We are falling apart
Sorry I didn't blog last night. Isaac started throwing up and I didn't get time. He fever last night and this morning. I gave him some medicine this morning and he slept for 4 hours and he said he felt much much better. He was even eating so that is good. Today seemed him of long to me. We just took it easy. Casey made some bread tonight and it smelled really good. I went to the foot doctor yesterday and he thought it might be from when you are pregnant your ligaments soften and I may of did something to my ankle then. It could also be gout or RA so he did a blood test for those. He wrapped it up and if that takes the swelling down he is going to make an orthopedic insert for my feet. I go back on Thursday. Tiffany sent Isaac a cute engineer hat but he wasn't feeling well so I had Oliver wear it. I attached a picture.
I would have loved for it to be Wednesday. It was a busy day at work and I was there 9 hours and tomorrow I have a 7:00 meeting. I get to leave early or come late the rest of the week. I hope that Isaac is feeling better. I feel so bad for him. I hope he gets feeling better soon. They get so sick so quickly when they are little. I hope that Oliver is doing good. Not much else going on with me. It did rain here also. It was such a pretty afternoon after the rain left. I guess there is a lot of flooding down is southern Utah. Have a great Wednesday. I am going to have to work all week. LOVE MOM
Me Too
I thought today should have been Wednesday also. It rained most of the day here. I am glad that I mowed yesterday because I wouldn't want to have to mowed tonight. I did run to Heber after work and got some groceries. It is nice to have food again. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Not a Wednesday
I thought today was Wednesday for a while so now my whole week is thrown off. But today went well work is going well I'm liking it. Then I decided I wanted to be lazy again today. I was tired I keep staying up late and waking up early so it's killing me I'm hoping to go to be earlier tonight! I have no other exciting news. It rained all day so that was fun.
Monday, August 18, 2014
La zee
Today was good. I Kinda woke up grumpy so I bought a donut and dr pepper at 7-11 and it helped. I didn't do much today just relaxed, I wanted to be lazy. Sorry I didn't blog Sunday my internet was down for the hundredth time. Thanks for the fun glad the kingdom ball went well, well I'm gong to keep it short have a good one
I had a good day also. It was quiet and I got a lot done. It felt nice to get some piles done. Rachel, I hope your feet get feeling better. I am glad you went to the doctor. Dad has been working in the office so I took Trax home tonight. They have stopped all the buses but mine at the trax stop. I thought that was weird. The moved a lot of them to the next stop where the mall is. Karen you were ambitious for sure. You are going to sleep well today. I just vegged and watch the a couple of the added episodes of Haven. Robin I hope all is going well with you. I love you guys MOM
Well my day has been good. I was a little tired today but I made it thru. The after work I mowed the lawn. Then I did laundry. Wow I know. I had a fun time at the kingdom ball. Well I really don't have much to report so I will sign off. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Quiet day
It was a nice day. I napped at Karen's and then came home. We just took it easy all day and that was nice. I am glad that Casey made it home safe and sound. I am glad that Isaac likes legos. That is a good puzzle for him. I hope you ankle is feeling better. I have been worried about that. The ball went really nice. The kids had a really good time. They had a lot of people show up. More than they had planned for but the kids didn't seem to care. They danced and danced. I did get a picture of Karen. I am not great at picture taking but she looks beautiful in her dress. Everyone have a great week. LOVE MOM
Master Builders
Thank you for the nice weekend and for watching the kids all weekend. I really appreciate it. It was a nice break. I am glad that your ball was fun Karen, that was really sweet of you and Mom to do. We had a good day. Isaac loves his legos and we played with them a lot. He only likes to build cars with them which is good to know. I wanted to get him some legos for his birthday so I am going to see if they have a like a car themed bucket of lego's. Church went good today. Isaac was an angel, he did so good. Oliver fell asleep in sacrament and then slept through most of my lesson. The girls enjoyed holding him when we woke up. The lesson didn't go great. They were excited about school starting and a new young women's presidency being called that the lesson was only like ten minutes long. Oh well. After church Isaac and Oliver just sat and played and I did some hand sewing and it felt really nice to just play for a while. Then they both took naps at the same time for a while which was nice. Casey made it home around 5. The truck broke today so they weren't able to do another load today and Casey worked on the truck for a while. It is good to have him home, we missed him. I hope that everyone has a good week. Oliver turns 6 months this week. It's crazy.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...