Saturday, February 27, 2010

easy day

well this saturday was less busy then any saturday that i've had since i've been back. :) So we didn't do to much. I just chilled. I'm glad that everyone had a good saturday :) love you


Nice Saturday home

Well I slept till 110o took a nap and then just laid around all night. What a nice lazy day. We did go get grandma a phone today. It won't be activated until friday. Kyle's in the hospital. He has another infection. Karen did you like the movie? I it worth going to see. Did you hook up with Jani? Hot dog on a stick does sound good. We had strawberry shortcake for dinner. it was really good. I never really liked strawberries but lately they are so good. Have a nice Sunday.


I'm addicted

I am addicted to Hot Dog on a Stick. It just sounds so good all the time. Me and Casey went thier for lunch and it was really good. I made it down to SLC alright. I slept in this morning and made it down about 1:30. It was a nice morning, it was nice to be in Clifton for a while. Casey worked all night so he is tired, so we are just takeing it easy today. I hope that everyone is have a good Saturday, that sounds fun to see a movie Karen. I hope that Robins movie went alright.



Well it has rained here today. Boy does that make it chilly outside. I went and saw the Lightening Thief and I thought that it was good. I can't believe how full the theater was though. there were only about 10 seats empty. At least it wasn't sold out like last week. I hope that mom enjoyed sleeping in this morning. Well I better go I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE

Friday, February 26, 2010


That is cool that casey got a nano. I'm jealous they looked super duper awesome. :) I'm sorry he has to work this weekend that sucks. but it will be nice to have all weekend without people everywhere. Well I think that I have most of my schedule figured out. I got my nice makeup case in the mail. Its pretty awesome, I think it will be nice to have a makeup case instead of a luggage case. well everyone have an amazing saturday.

love you



I had a good day, work was really busy. I have a ton of projects but it went pretty fast and I didn't mess anything up. Casey called me about 5 and said he didn't have to work this weekend so I went home and got some sewing done. But he just called me and he does have to work so I am going to go down tomorrow. I am still going to sleep in. Well I hope that everyone has a good weekend. It should be nice. I almost forgot, Casey's MP3 player that he just got broke so we went to exchange it and he got the Ipod Nano, an orange one. I am jealous, they look pretty neat.

Wouldn't it be lovely

We are watching My Fair Lady. I really like that show. I also love the play. It has been a quiet night. Dad still is in SLC. I gave grandma her first bath. It went really well. That is good. She still isn't feel so great but hanging in there. We got her some new PJ's when she first came up here and she put them on and she looks really nice. She said since she wasn't getting dressed she might as well look good in her PJ's. She does look nice. Work went quiet and that is nice. I really like our new place. The murals are so cute. It is so nice to stay home tomorrow. I like that. I hope I get a lot done. LOVE MOM

Good Luck

Robin good luck with your busy week I hope that it is fun. I am glad that sewing night went off well. I hope that all the quilts turn out good. My day was good. Just the same old same old at work, but at least it was somewhat busy so the day went by fast. It is getting really cloudy down here. It is supposed to be nasty all weekend. Well nothing else to report here. BYE

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Well my week next week just got full. I have an interview with lagoon on monday and then a photo shoot with a photographer. Then there is a zombie movie being shot all week so I am going to go and do zombies. it should be fun, hopefully. so it will be fun to be busy. Tonight was sewing night but I just watched a movie. so nothing to report of craftiness. well I hope everyone has a great friday.


Nice Day

It has been a good day. It is nice to get things back to normal or as normal as they get around here. I had someone come and look at the shower and see if we can get it fixed. I don't have an estimate yet. We got to sew on our blocks tonight. That felt nice. It has been so crazy we haven't sewn for weeks. It always feels good to get back into the normal routine. It is still cold here but the snow is slowly melting. It is nice it is getting lighter at night. Dad is burning the midnight oil tonight. I hope they get it all glued together.


blogging on a Thursday

Well since I have an awesome phone I can blog on Thursday. We had a fun sewing night. We went out to eat and went shopping. We even got 4 blocks done. I have 17 left to make the 48. I has been a fun quilt. I have three quilts going right now. Well I don't have much else going on, I am glad it is Friday tomorrow. :)


Well it was cloudy this morning, but it cleared right up and now it is sunny. It is suppose to go down here from here though. So am going to enjoy it while it lasts. I hope that it went better today for everyone up north then yesterday did. My day was good. I am glad that it is Friday tomorrow though. Does your movie start this week Robin? I hope that everyone enjoys sewing night. My hometeachers are coming over at eight tonight so I may have to forgo the sewing. Darn! Well I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

better off dead

Well this day has been interesting to say the least. grandma was sick early in the morning before the sun woke up so we went to the ER. But she is doing better, I think she just needs to weather the storm. Then me and rachel went out for lunch it was delicious. then I went to my friends house and watched better off dead. Its a funny movie. I'm pretty tired though. I think I am going to head for bed early tonight. I can't believe that tomorrow is thursday its been a quick week this week. Its nice to have time go by faster. love you'



I am sorry I didn't get you guys called back. I got home from work and Christie Hansen came over to get a movie and then my VT came over and then I got dinner ready and then I laid down and that is the last thing I remember. I didn't even look at who called. I slept all evening. I am hoping that I will get all rested up and ready to sew tomorrow. Grandma seems to be doing a little better. Not eating much or drinking but her color was looking better before bed and she isn't coughing so much. That is a good sign. I gave her some of the good cough medicine to sleep with. I hope that will help her. She really scared me last night. She sarted moaning and I didn't know what that was and boy that will get your adrenaline going. She got up around 3 to go the bathroom and I helped her and I was worried about her then but then about an hour later she started really moaning and I went in to check her and she had this high fever. I got her right up and took her in. Well I hope this weekend is quiet. I get to stay home. Tomorrow dad is going to take care of selling the trailer. I got the death certificates today so I am hoping to get all the paperwork done for that.



I hope that Grandma is feeling better, that is scary. I am coming to sew tomorrow so that will be fun. I worked on my new quilt tonight. I bought the wrong kind of interfacing so the flower I appliqued wasn't perfect. It will be a cute quilt though and I am liking it although it isn't perfect. I don't have much else going on. I am doing laundry and that has been good. I hope that Grandma is doing better and that everone is doing good.



Well it has been a little rainy here today. It hasn't rained very much but it doesn't take much to make puddles here. Work was pretty good today. I hope that Grandma is feeling better. I am glad that everyone else is doing good though. I am sure that your doll arms will turn out eventually, Robin. Have a great rest of the week everyone. BYE

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

online shopping

Well for the most part of the day I worked on my doll. Her arms are still retarted, Just something more to work on. I got an interview today at lagoon. grandma bodily found an ad in the paper for a stage manager so I thought I would give it a go. It would be a good summer job. I go down on monday for that. I also decided to buy a nice makeup case with wheels for the movie and at micheals they had a cute bag for sell so we got that also. Its fun to shop. especially on amazon. if its a sin I'm doomed. any way have a great one.

love you


Nice Day

I had a good day today. I even had a normal job. Nothing to great to do just work. I am way behind but I am trying to dig in. It felt nice just to do my job. Robin got a cute makeup back at Michaels tonight. It was on sale. Grandma feels a little better. Her cough isn't as bad. I tried to get her to the doctor but she kind of through a spell so maybe tomorrow. I did make an appointment for her on the 22nd to see Dr. Strong. Well have a great hump day.


new fabric

My fabric came in the mail today and it is really pretty. I have the top sewn but it need to applique some flowers but I don't have any interfacing so I will have to do it tomorrow. I don't have much else going on. I hope that everyone has a good night.


Well things are going good here. Jannie sent me a message on facebook saying she wants to go hiking in Zions on Saturday and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up for lunch. I don't think that she will want to though because it is suppose to be rainy. I sent her a message telling her she might want to check the weather but that I would like to see her. My day was good nothing too exciting. I am glad that everyone had a great Monday. Good luck with the doll Robin. Have a good one bye


Well I decided to make a porcelain doll so I started to sculpt it today. I did that most of the day. I did cook dinner so that was productive. other then that nothing to exciting. Just the start of the week. I think I am going to work on the doll, movie script, and looking for jobs mostly this week. so that is the plan thus far. anyway have a good day


Monday, February 22, 2010

Laundry Night

I got all my laundry all caught up. Ironing is really close also. That feels nice. Tomorrow night I am going to work on taxes. Lucky me. Grandma still has a bad cough. I told her I was going to take her to the doctor but she said she wanted one more day. I am sure we will go tomorrow. I forgot to give dad the keys to the mobile home so tomorrow I have to over night them to him. I at least remembered the title. Dad did make it safe and sound today to SLC. Just for Karen it is suppose to get -1 tonight. Now that is cold. Have a good day.


i love my phone

I am really enjoying my new phone, it is consuming my life. It is fun. I had a good day, it was busy at work. I ordered some fabric and it came in the mail but it is at the post office. Helen said that she would pick it up for me which is really sweet. She is going on a cruise to hawaii in april and is excited about that. I also went grocery shopping tonight and got some food and snacks. It was really cold up here too karen, I hope that it warms up soon. It was a really pretty drive home though, the sun was setting and everything was so clear, it was really pretty. Well everyone have a good night.

Baby it's cold outside

Well there was no rain today, but it is cold. It poured last night. There are still puddles every where. Work was good. I was even busy all day. That was nice it makes time go bye so much faster. I hope that you guys are not freezing up north. Good luck with your movie stuff Robin. I am sure you will do an awesome job. That sucks about the cough though. I hate getting coughs they just never go away. Well I hope that you all have a great night.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

who knows

Well I have no idea what i''m doing this week. They finally gave out the script rewrites so that is nice. I will work on that this week. I think we are having a meeting every weekend now until the movie is done. so that will be interesting. but we will see how that turns out. Other then that hopefully schedules don't clash or anything. I still have a stupid cough that won't go away. ugh. Well I hope everyone has a great week. Its the last week of February where has the time gone! any who have a great one

love you

tired mom

I don't know how I could be tired. I took a 3 hour nap today. Dad got ready for church so I hurried and got ready and thought well we would just miss sacrament. Then dad got feeling sick so we didn't make it to church. I cooked to night and it felt nice. I didn't think we were going to be home for dinner so it was hamburger helper but it tasted good. I made apple crisp for desert. I wish we would get some rain in Logan. All the snow looks so dirty right now. It is so cold also. That would melt all the snow and it would start warming up here. The snow is melting but slowly. I am glad Rachel made it back to Idaho. Have a great week. LOVE MOM

Back to Idaho

I made it back safetly to Idaho. Thank you Robin for driving me back. That sucks Karen about Stake conference, that is bad luck. We had a good weekend. We got Grandma all moved out, we had a lot of help and it went reall well. Last night we ate at Hot dog on a stick, everywhere else had a long wait. I also got a new phone that is amazing, it is the Droid. I can blog on it so when I am down in SLC I wont miss any days. It is a amazing phone. Thanks everyone for the nice weekend.


Stake Conference

Well I got up this morning and went to church and there was no one there. So I came back home and got on and looked at the calender. It turns out that today is Stake Conference. So I got all dressed up for nothing. Oh well at least I tried. It has been raining off an on here all morning. I am glad that everything went well in SLC. It sounds like you got a lot done. Well I hope that everyone has a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...