Saturday, August 8, 2020

Fun day

We just kind of slept this morning and then we went out to Robins.  Dad was able to fix her printer so that was really nice.  Jeremy smoked a pork roast and it tasted so good.  He did a really good job.  We went to the comedy show at Jordan Landing and it was really fun.  He was really funny and the time went by way to fast.  I am going to hook up with Rachel and kids and go to Lagoon tomorrow.  Karen and dad are coming for dinner.  Thanks Robin for the fun time.  LOVE MOM 


 My day was good. I went to the bank and got my refund check deposited. I also went for a walk. It was hot but it felt nice to go for a walk. After that I was just lazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, August 7, 2020


 Today was good.  I walked and went to exercise class.  The afternoon was quiet.  We played games, got the playdough out and made peanut butter cookies.  We picked Casey up from work and went to the fair.  We call Randy and Teri and they met us there.  We had a fun time.  The kids love the tractors still.  We payed to ride a pony and they had a petting area.  Oliver and Ruth loves holding the chicks.  Oliver especially loved the chicks and didn't want to leave.  Their were a lot of pretty quilt there and it was fun to win a honorable mention ribbon.  The quilt looked pretty hanging up. We are going to work on the white fence again tomorrow.  I hope it is cooler.  Love you guys.




I am so glad it is Friday.  I was done.  We did go to Kohls after work and get a small gift for Robin's neighbor that had a baby.  I am excited to go to Lehi tomorrow.  Dad has been making spiders for Halloween.  They are pretty cool.  We did go pick up a pizza also for dinner.  I may or may not have been charged for it.  He was pretty bad.  Karen I am so glad you got your tax return.  It is about time.  Rachel, I hope you had fun at the fair.  I am so proud of you for putting your quilt in the fair.  You are amazing.  Robin good luck sleeping with gravity.  Karen Parley's is back open  LOVE MOM 


Im so glad it was Friday. We tried to sleep anti gravity where your feet and head are above your heart. We are going to try flat tonight and see what we like better. I went into work today after lunch. Then me and Jeramy got little ceasers. It tasted good. Then I mowed the lawn and did dishes. Mom and dad are coming over tomorrow, Jeramy has been so busy at work this will be the first ever meal he smokes so if it's bad we can go out :) 



 I forgot to say that I got my federal tax return yesterday. Yeah! It took forever to get here. My day was good. It was a pretty quiet day at work so that was nice. I got a lot done. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye 

Thursday, August 6, 2020


 I am glad that everyone had a good day.  I am glad you got a bigger bed Robin, that will be awesome.  At book group a lady asked if I enter a quilt and she had taken a picture of it.  It was nice of her to do that.  It was nice to know how it did also.  We are going to the fair tomorrow which will be fun. Today was good but busy.  The kids had dentist appointments and they don't have any cavities which was awesome.  The wanted a prize so we went to McDonald's for lunch.  Oliver went over to a friend's house after lunch.  We took Tony and got his rabbies shot and they were more organized this time.  Had had book group tonight which was fun.  Casey took the kids out to ice cream and they had a good night.  Love you guys 




I went into work today but left a little early to go get drugs and then a mammogram.  Nothing to exciting.  We just laid around the rest of the night.  I love that sign you posted Robin.  Are you going to buy it?  I bet you could make it also out of vinyl.  Dad made a really big spider for Halloween and I love it.  He is making another one tonight.  Congratulations on your quilt Rachel.  You do an amazing job.  Karen I hope the fire in Parley's doesn't get too big.  Robin, I hope you sleep really good tonight.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  LOVE MOM 


Things are good here in Kamas. Work was pretty quiet but I stayed busy so it went by pretty fast. After work I went to Walmart and got my prescription. There was a ton of traffic in Heber. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was good work was chill so that was nice. Our bed arrived around 11 so that was nice. It's big and I didn't think I would like it, but I really like the moveable bed. It's fun to raise your head up and feet. Then jmwe just relaxed the rest of the night. I'm glad your quilt did well Rachel. That is awesome. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


You guys were on fire.  I am so glad Casey took a day off.  Tony's grove is amazing place.  Robin way to go on a new mattress.  You are going to love a king size bed.  It makes a lot of difference.  Karen I am jealous you got rain.  That will cool it down for you a lot.  We did go out and sing happy birthday to Jeff.  Me and dad and Kay and Julie all went out and I bought a little chocolate cake.  It was a lot of fun.  We sat on the porch and talked for a while.  It was really nice.  We all wore our masks so I think Jeff felt safe.  I am going into work tomorrow so that will be a nice change.  I have a mamogram at 445 so I will leave work and go to that.  Dad did have a doctor's appointment today but we did it virtual and it was so nice.  He is in Ogden so we just got on the phone and did the appointment.  Have a nice Thursday.  Robin that is amazing they can deliver in one day.  LOVE MOM 

plot twist

Work was good today. I was unmotivated but I made it out alive. Jeramy has been so tired lately and we think it is because our bed is so old. So we thought we would start looking around. Whelp we found one we liked and bought it. It's a tempurpedic bed but they make them softer now so it's not so foamy feeling. We splurged and got a king so we bought a new bed frame as well. It moved the head and feet so we can sleep anti gravity. It's pretty cool and wild. They can deliver tomorrow, so we took down our bed frame and decided to take our old matress to the living room to sleep by the evoprative cooler. Jenkins is not sure what to make of all of it. Hopefully it ends up being a nice bed. I'm excited


Today was a fun day.  Casey took.the day off and we went up to Tony's Grove.  We let the kids sleep in so I went to exercise class first then we headed up.  It was a pretty day and it is so beautiful there.  We brought the canoe which was fun.  We started canoeing.  Oliver wanted to get out so Casey dropped me, Oliver, Ruth and Tony off.  Isaac and Casey went canoeing some more and had a lot of fun.  They went up a river a bit and Isaac loved it.  In the shore we played in the water a bit and then started walking around the lake.  We were half way when we saw Casey and Isaac again.  They came over and picked up the little kids.  Isaac wanted to show them the river.  They went up it and got stuck on some grass.  Isaac had to get out and save them.  He said he was a hero and he got wet.  Me and Tony finished walking around the lake and walked half of it again when they got back.  We took the canoe out and me and Casey were tying it on the van.  The kids and Tony were down by the water.  Tony pulled Ruth in the water and Isaac jumped in and saved them both so he was a hero again.  They were all wet so they swam in the lake for a while.  It was fun.  Casey took the van to get cleaned when we got home, it was filthy.  We watched Lord of the rings again.  Love you guys and have a good night.



I am glad that the week is half over already. It has gone by pretty fast. Today I was in a meeting from 10 until 1. So that made the afternoon go by fast. It was also an interesting meeting so it went by fast. It rained here this evening. There was even thunder and lightening. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Work was good.  Not much new going on with me.  I did go to the store on my lunch hour.  I was like Rachel and had no food.  Thursday is Jeff's birthday so tomorrow night me, Kay and Julie and going over to his house to sing happy birthday to him.  I thought it would be nice to see him.  I bought a little chocolate cake for him. I thought that was interesting that Tony sleeps the same place that Pepper use to.  I think they like that vent.  I am glad that Tony goes for a walk with you.  That has to be nice.  Robin, congratulations on 8 years.  That is a long time.  I don't think anyone will see raises for a while.  Everyone enjoy hump day.  Dad has a doctor's appointment tomorrow but we are doing it on line.  It is in Ogden and I was too lazy to drive all the way up there.  LOVE MOM 


Today was good.  Me an Tony walked this morning.  Then I had some time to sew.  Oliver's friend from exercise class wanted to play.  Her Mom and brother came over and we visited for a while.  I said she could play while the little boy took a nap so she could have a break.  It was fun to have the little girl play.   I was hot after she left so we watched a movie.  We didn't have any food so I went shopping.  Isaac had magic graduation tonight. He earned "bucks" and could buy something from the store.  He gave all three kids and angry birds blanket which was really nice of him.  When we came home Oliver went and visited Cher next door for a while.  I took the dog on a walk by myself which was nice.  We are watching Lord of the rings a bit at night.  The kids are really liking it.



My day was good. It was meeting day so that made the morning go by fast. I am glad the kids got fun backpacks. Good luck at the quilt competition Rachel. I am sure you will win. Your quilts are awesome. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Work was good. I have been at Maggie now 6 years. But no raise because of covid. But that's what it is. We went to black bear diner. There were not a ton of people there but it still took 2 hours to get done with it all. It was crazy. So that was the majority of our night. I hope your quilt does well Rachel. That is fun you entered something. Did you see the explosion in beirut it is wild. They are having a crummy august. Hope everyone has a good night

Monday, August 3, 2020


Work was good, nothing great to report.  I was behind because Friday I was a greeter and I didn't set up any meetings.  They did send out a letter saying we would be working from home until the end of the year.  So I guess I am a working from home person now.  I am still going in on Thursdays.  It is working out well.  Rachel, I am so excited for you for your quilt.  You are going to go to the state for sure.  We gave Brian's son his gift today.  Dad said Brian was really touched.  Robin, I love your pictures.  I guess you really never thing that actors are not working at all.  Karen I am sorry you are in smoke,  I read the fire isn't even close to being contained.  You might be smoky for awhile.  LOVE MOM 


It was so good to see everyone yesterday.  Thanks for meeting up.  Today was a good day.  Me and Tony walked this morning and it was nice.  Exercise class was fun, I feel like I am finally getting the hang of it.  After lunch we went to the fair grounds and turned a quilt into the fair.  I have never done it before and decided to be brave.  It will be fun to have it in the fair.  Then we went and bought backpacks and school supplies.  Thank you again Karen, you are so generous.  We had a fun time.  Oliver got Minecraft, Ruth JoJo and Isaac just plain stuff which is good for his age.  We got some more paints so we painted when we got home which was fun.  We saved our dinner money and used it tonight to get Thai food, they are closed on Sunday.  It tasted good.  We went on a walk and watched some of the Lord of the rings.  It is a long movie.   I am sewing a bit again and I  finishing up a scrap quilt.  It is turning out good, I attached a picture of a block of it. Love you guys, you are the best.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...