Saturday, July 6, 2019

One year

Today I have officially owned my jeep one year. Seems like I just got it. I took my jeep and had my oil changed and got it registered. Then I went grocery shopping. I got my my driver's license in the mail also. Robin that looks like a fun place. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. Bye

Didn't make it

We didn't make it to Logan,  we got up so late and dad's hip gave him a bad night and I was just so tired.  We slept in and then decided to stay home. We worked on the printer.  We have the frame all done and working on the part that melts the plastic.  I did get the jet ski and cabin for our fun trips.  I have been stressing about finding time to do that.  I was glad I found a cabin.  There weren't many choices.  I hope it is a nice one.  It looks like it is close to the water and has a big back yard.  You can look it up.  Not much else going on with us.  I love the tile Rachel.  That looks cool.  I am so glad you are learning how to do that.  Robin that looks like you had a fun day.  I love your bag. LOVE MOM


Today was fun. Me and Jeramy played Lego star wars on his new x box. Then he took me to Fuji's and evermore park. They had a renissance theme. They give you a card to be on level one when you enter. You are suppose to finish all the tasks. We didn't so we didn't level up. But it was still fun. we did ax throwing that I got a bullseye my first throw and archery. They still have alot under renovation so I think in a year it will be really cool. Thanks for the fun Bear lake and Yellowstone mom..I'm excited. Love you guys Robin


That is fun that everyone bought a fun thing.  Thanks for the cabin and the jet skies Mom.  That will be fun things to look forward too.  Thanks.  The kids didn't sleep great in the tent which was expected but they had fun.  We put up some sheet rock this morning and then Randy came over helped us tile.  You only do one row at a time and let that dry and then you can add another row.  So we did the first row.  It takes time to figure out the spacing and making sure everything is level.  I attached a picture, it will look a lot better when we grout it and have more tile up.  This evening we went to the cruise in parade with Randy and Terry.  It was fun to watch the cars.  The kids are sleeping in the tent again and I am hoping with them being tired they will sleep better.


Friday, July 5, 2019

It's here

The laser printer came around 7 tonight so we worked on it a little bit.  it is fun to put together.  I left work early as well and came home and had a nap.  It felt so nice.  I really needed it.  Rachel you have turned the corner with the bathroom.  it will be done before you know it.  I am happy for you.  We will be up tomorrow.  I am not going to rush getting up.  We will be there before lunch for sure.  We can go to Sam's and get hamburgers to barbeque for dinner if you want to.  Just an idea.  I love that outfit on Ruth.  Robin, I would never have bought that.  You have a good eye for clothes.  Karen, I am glad you got a nap as well.  Rachel, I forgot to say how impressed I was with that quilting you did.  It was so pretty.  Everyone have a wonderful weekend. I am so glad you got Jeramy a new Xbox.  That will be fun.  You should get him a switch also.    LOVE MOM


I left work early too. It was nice. I finished my bag I was working on. I forgot to blog online so I will post pictures tomorrow. Then I also decided to sew a new wallet. It was ok. I liked the cork fabric but I didnt sew it well. I hope everyone has a good weekend




Things are good here in Kamas. It was really quite at work so I left a little early. It was nice because I went home and took a nap. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


It was a late night last night with fireworks and we were tired today.  Ruth woke up at 6:30 for some reason and Oliver's foot hurt in the middle of the night so he slept with us.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  I haven't been all week so it was nice to go.  Then we went to story time and got some new book.  The kids have been wanting to see how to train your dragon 2 and they had it so we checked it out but it didn't work when we got home which was a bummer.  We just played at home the rest of the day.  After dinner we went to Lowes and got some drywall and molding to finish to bathroom with.  The kids are Casey are sleeping in the tent in the backyard tonight.  They are really excited.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow.  Drive safe.


Last Weekends Pictures

I forgot to put the pictures from Lagoon and the zoo on.

Thursday, July 4, 2019


Today was good. Me and Jeramy met up with mom dad and Karen for lunch. I got some really cute shoes for the wedding. I told Jeramy I would buy him something fun with the money we got so after we went and got an x box. It was fun. Since his tv is at my place we set it up tonight. I have bad internet so it took forever to download games. So we took.jenkins to the dog park. It was cloudy and cool so we stayed a while. Then we got steaks and potato's it was really good. We stayed in at night I wasn't sure how Jenkins would do. He was a champ and it unphased by the fireworks so that is nice. Hope everyone had a good 4th



Happy Fourth of July.  Casey got up early and cooked for a neighborhood breakfast and had fun.  I got up with him and sewed.  I have got the machine figured out better and was able to do a pantograph.  It was so fun and fast.  I love it.  When the kids got up we went over and had breakfast.  Their was a boy from Oliver school there so he had fun playing with all the kids.  We worked on the shower today.  Casey got the door in, we just need to Sheetrock the inside wall.  I sanded the mortar and then painted aqua defense all over.  I am going to try to get another coat on tomorrow.  We also moved a chester drawers up stairs for Ruth.  I didn't have room for it and Ruth could really use the drawers.  It really helps her room look better.  The kids were so excited to do fireworks we did them around 8 when it was light outside.  Some kids across the street came over and that was fun.  Love you guys and Happy 4th.



Karen spent the night and that was fun.  They worked a lot on Statistics and Karen felt a lot better about it.  We decided to go for a little walk before we hooked up with Robin and every road was blocked so we came back and walked around the apartments and to 7-11  We stopped by the mail box and there was a check for 875 from the federal government.  Go figure that one out.  I am not sure what that was for.  I think it is Karen's tax return but who knows.  I am going to cash it and spend it.  We hooked up with Robin and Jeramy and found some really cute shoes for her and Ruth.  We also got the boys ties.  I can't believe it is only two more weeks.  I am going to work tomorrow.  I should have taken the day off but I thought if I needed to take time off for the wedding I would save my time.  LOVE MOM


I am sorry about the table, you will find something that works and it is always fun to go to Ikea.  Casey got the job yesterday which is exciting.  It is fun to have good things happen.  We had a good day yesterday.  I walked in the morning but skipped the exercise class so the kids could sleep.  We went to swimming lessons which is fun.  I brought lunchables to eat for lunch and the kids really liked them, it was fun.   We swam a lot in the big pool.  Oliver and Isaac and getting good at swimming and are really enjoying it.  The kids are nervous about sun screen on their faces now so their faces got a bit burnt, especially Isaac's.  After dinner we went to Randy's which was fun.  Poor Collin was in a bicycle crash and hurt his face pretty bad.  I brought glow sticks for the fireworks and the kids had fun with them and the loved watching the fireworks.  Randy drove them back down in the back of his truck and Isaac loved that.  Love you guys and have a good 4th.


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

New plan

Karen came down tonight and we went to Costco and then IKEA.  I had this plan for a new table for dad to work on and it wouldn't fit in out space.  We are back to the drawing board.  We will figure it out for sure.  I am so excited to have a day off tomorrow.  I needed that one.  My neck is really big and black.  Dad said to wear a bandaid today to work and I was glad he did.  When I saw it when I got home it was bigger than I thought it was.  My day went well at work and by 10:30 I had over 3,000 steps.  It was a big day. Rachel, I hope you had a nice time watching fireworks.  Robin, we will see you tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


I am glad that Dad bought his 3D printer, that will be a lot of fun.  I walked this morning and then let the boys sleep in, we were all tired.  Ruthie doesn't need sleep I guess and was up at 8.  They had swimming lessons and we stayed and swam for a while.  They were out of food and snow cones for some reason so when everyone got hungry we left.  The kids stayed in their swim suits and played in the sprinklers in the backyard for the rest of the afternoon.  I loaded some practice fabric on my new machine.  I am having tensions problems.  I adjusted the foot and that helped a lot.  I think I need a new needle but she gave me the wrong ones so I need to pick some up tomorrow.  We watched how to train your dragon on vudu and it was really good.  After dinner we rode our bikes and bought some fireworks.  The kids are super super excited.  Tomorrow we are going to watch the fireworks at Randy's house so I will be late blogging.  Love you guys.


I'm with Robin

I was wishing it was Wednesday also.  I was also thinking why I didn't take Friday off.  Now I have committed to doing meetings, I have to go.  Oh well I will take days off some other time.  I did go get my mole taken off today so that was interesting.  It really wasn't a bit deal but they used silver nitrate and dad said it is a huge black spot.  I am going to have to wear a bandage for awhile.  Dad did it and bought his 3d printer tonight.  It was pretty fun to do.  Fun times.  Karen way to go on your Othello paper.  You are on fire.  Not much else going on with us.  Everyone have a good Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


That is awesome Rachel I love your machine. It's huge. Today was ok. I wished it was Wednesday so it felt like a long day. I'm ready for a day off :). Other then that life is good. I bought another bedazzle thing it was fun when watching TV to do something.

Love you


Rachel, I am impressed. I would say I am jealous but I don't sew so I am not really jealous. Things are good here. I am excited that I get Thursday off. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, July 1, 2019

I got it

Good job on your grades Karen, that is awesome.  You are so smart.  I got my mid arm machine today and it is really nice.  Thanks Mom and Dad.  We had swimming lessons this morning and they were really nice and the kids were really happy.  It was a good place to take them.  Casey met us at home and we headed off to Burley.  The kids did really well with all the driving, they did so great.  We stopped and got snacks at a gas stations and later stopped and petted a llama.  The machine was really nice so we got it.  We just took our little trailer and that was perfect to fit everything.  We had dinner at pizza hut and then headed home.  We set up the machine in my sewing room so it was a late night but it was fun to get it up.  Love you guys and thanks for everything.



What a good day.  Congratulations Karen.  That is neat.  I bet that felt really good.  Rachel congratulations on getting your sewing machine.  That is so neat you found that.  It was a good find for sure.  Robin, I am glad you had a nice day as well.  I went to work early today and I was so tired.  I worked the whole day so I can leave early to get a mole removed tomorrow.  Yeah for me.  Karen said she is coming down Wednesday night.  She wants to see the zombie movie that is out.  Robin if you want to come let us know.  I am planning on shoe shopping and lunch on the 4th of July.  Karen will be brave for shoe shopping.  Rachel I bet you have two quilts done in a month.  I can't believe she only made 2 quilts on it.  You are going to have so much fun.  LOVE MOM


Today was chill. Thanks for the fun weekend. It was alot of fun. Work was good time went by fast so that was nice. Jeramy is working long hours. But we still had hamburgers it was good. Good job on school Karen that is awesome.



My day was good. Work was a little slow but I made it thru. After work I took my English mid-term and Industrial automation mid-term. They gave me grades already for those and I got A's on both so that was nice. Then I wrote a 3 page paper for English that is due next week. So I should be a little ahead. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Thank you

Thank you Karen for getting us tickets to Lagoon and thank you everyone for coming.  I had a really nice weekend.  We meet Robin for lunch and then were going to go swimming but it was close so we just went to the zoo.  It was kind of windy and felt so nice and cool.  We drove to Ogden to trade cars and had dinner.  It was such a fun weekend.  Thanks you everyone.  I guess it is a short week so that is nice.  Karen I am glad you figured out proxying a test. It is payroll Monday so I have to go into work early.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun time Saturday everyone. Today was good. I slept in and took a nap. I also sent off all the stuff to have my final exams proctored. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...