Friday, July 5, 2019

It's here

The laser printer came around 7 tonight so we worked on it a little bit.  it is fun to put together.  I left work early as well and came home and had a nap.  It felt so nice.  I really needed it.  Rachel you have turned the corner with the bathroom.  it will be done before you know it.  I am happy for you.  We will be up tomorrow.  I am not going to rush getting up.  We will be there before lunch for sure.  We can go to Sam's and get hamburgers to barbeque for dinner if you want to.  Just an idea.  I love that outfit on Ruth.  Robin, I would never have bought that.  You have a good eye for clothes.  Karen, I am glad you got a nap as well.  Rachel, I forgot to say how impressed I was with that quilting you did.  It was so pretty.  Everyone have a wonderful weekend. I am so glad you got Jeramy a new Xbox.  That will be fun.  You should get him a switch also.    LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...