Saturday, August 22, 2009


Well it rained here also. I wasn't expecting it though. It was alittle cloudy so I decided to get some exercise and walk to the mall. On the way back I had just left the mall and it started to pour and the wind was out of control. the front of me got soaked, but the back of me was still pretty dry. I guess I should have checked the weather before going on a walk. The thing that really annoyed me was that the wind and rain let up to nice levels just as I got back to my apartment. What good luck I have. I am working on stuff for dad. I think that I almost have it done so that will be nice. Well there is no church tomorrow because of the temple dedication so I am going to take a nap instead. Enjoy your Sunday!!

dito the rain

So I think its going to be a stormy night up here again. It was nice all day but the clouds are starting to move in. I was watching the weather on line and there is a hurricane on the east coast by boston. i'm sure we will get hit with some after effects from that. Well today has been chill I slept in and went and bought some things for my witch. I need to make a head dress so I thought i would start on that so it won't be stress last minute. well I hope you guys have fun with everyone coming up. love ya

Friday, August 21, 2009

Quet night

Dad made it home safe and sound. It is good to have him home. Harmony went to stay with Debbie for the weekend. I hope it works out for her. We are going to SLC tomorrow and then on Sunday Jed and Teresa are coming up to play in the water. I invited them over for dinner. Good luck Karen with laundry. Two weeks that is a lot of clothes. Robin I found the cape so I will bring it up with me. I think it is a new one I bought two halloweens ago but I am not sure. I am also going to bring up your winter clothes. Thought that would be good. That is crazy weather you have up there. Hope you guys have a good weekend.


Slide show

I like the slide show, cute pictures. My day was pretty good, I am really glad that tomorrow is Saturday. I need to do laundry. I just finished grocery shopping. I was going to do it tomorrow but I thought the lines might be shorter if I went tonight. They weren't but it was worth a shot.I also had to put gas in my car I was almost on empty like Rachel was. I did fill up before the light came on though so that was good at least. I have really got to do laundry tomorrow. I haven't done laundry in two weeks and it had piled up on me. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE


So last night around 6-7 ish this huge storm blew in. It was pouring rain and thundering. The wind was so strong I couldn't see out of my window for a while the rain was pouring. I think it was a mini hurricane. anyway today at school they said that there were tornados. I guess on younge and bloor (the street by my school) they had one almost touch the ground. crazy. it was intense storm.  Anyway i like your pictures on the blog Rachel there fun. I am excited for karen and mom to come up to toronto. Hopefully the heat will break or we won't get stuck in crazy weather. :) Today I started working on my zombie and my nose. I think it will be fun. I'm excited to get working on it. have a great friday. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Wheel Weaves

Karen I finished listening to the third wheel of time book three, I am trying to listen to all of them before Nov when the new book comes out. In this book Perrin Falls in Love and I remembered why we love the books and I thought of you.

I also finished reading my third Kindle book "The Help" I really liked this book and I would recommend it. It during the 60's and it was how black maids were treated by their white bosses. It was a good book. It was fun to finish two books in one day.

We had potatoes and carrots for dinner and it was really good. It is fun to eat dinner from the garden. I mowed the lawn tonight and am watering it. This morning I started driving to work and I was thinking of which way to go and I decided to go the west side, then when I was almost to Dayton my gas light turned on that meant I was almost out of gas. I couldn't believe that I hadn't looked at my gas the night before or at all that morning. I didn't know whether to turn around and get gas in Clifton of keep going and get it in Preston. I decided to just continue on to Preston and luckily I made it. I was breathing fumes though. I did get 38 miles to the gallon and that was exciting.

I am glad that your roommates are moving out Robin, I think that will be nice to get new people that will talk to you. Karen stay away from Del's son, if you see him driving down the street jump into a bush. I hope that you had a good night with Harmony Mom, I hope that you had fun. Love Rachel


Well today was pretty good the morning was busy, but the afternoon was slow. Dell's son dropped him off at work and ran over the cement barrier between the parking lots. He managed not to hit another car, but his car got a flat and they had to get one of the guys truck to pull him out. This is his second opps in a car. the first one he hit the car next to him when backing out of the parking lot. Robin I think that that is a cool idea for a photo. Rachel I am glad that you had a good night. I bet that it is nice to have Casey home with you. Well have a great Friday everyone. And just think two weeks from today me and mom will be in Canada. Cool!


So I think all my roomates are moving out. Its the end of summer and on the doors there are letters with what they need to do to move out. So hopefully I will get the whole flat to myself for a bit, not that it will be any diffrent. I basically have non existent roommates now. New ones will probably move in by the beginning of september. that is when school starts. Well I decided I am going to do maleficent ( from sleeping beauty) for one of my photoshoots. I am going to do her nose in prosthetics and then i might make her outfit. I will see what I can find. We are doing face casts tommorow. then we can start working on our zombies. well Mom sent me a 25 dollar gift card in the mail from amazon, I spend way to much but at least they reward you. :) anyway I bought guitar hero decades for my ds. I had the on tour but I beat all the songs so I get to beat new songs. I;m excited it came last night so I am going to play that today. :) well have a rock'n night. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Amazing Children

All I can say is I have amazing children. You guys are awesome. I am so proud of everything you do. WOW. Harmony is living with me long story short she moved out because she had some bad people come to stay at her house and has been living in a hotel since Sunday. I told her she could come in with me to save money. I think it is until friday. I worked in the yard with Joseph tonight. He does such a good job. He really works hard. He is a good kid. Work was quiet today so I got some work done. I was getting behind. It felt good to get some done. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Robin your pictures are amazing. That bloody one gives me the creeps. They really spend a lot of time on the details. I was going to ask you who sings that song you sent, I liked it. Karen I am glad that you are going to Canada, it is coming up. Mom is making a America bag to take. It is turning out really cute. Today we went to lunch at the bluebird for a coworkers birthday, it was fun. Casey came home tonight since he is working in Logan tomorrow. He put a pipe into the stables so we can have water in thier, it is nice. I made dinner for the first time in forever. We had potatoes from the garden and I made some ranch chicken and salad. It tasted really good. Not much else is going on I am glad that everyone is doing good.


Well things are good here. It was busy at work because they needed a proposal out by the end of the day. My class starts on Monday so I am excited for that. Jed has some work for me to do and wants me to come to SLC, but I talked him into just emailing it to me so I can do it here. Because I am using my vacation days for Canada. I am excited for that too. Well Have a good one. BYE

I got em'

So i got my photo print outs today. It was fun to see them up close and personal. Well in prosthetics we learned how to cast a nose. For one of our photo shoots we have to attach a nose to someone. The girl that I casted wants to be a witch or villan. I think she is going to turn me into a flying monkey from wizard of oz. so that will be fun. oh I was going to tell you something cool. In coming to america the movie with eddie murphy well all the guys (except one)  in the barber shop are eddie murphy. Even the white jewish old man. It was all prosthetic pieces they put on him. we watched a video on it. pretty cool. well I am glad everyone is doing well. I hope grandpa gets feeling better. Love ya

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I really like your picture Robin, that is impressive. That is neat that they put it on the the schools web site, you are moving up. I had a good day, it was busy at work. Me and Mom are having a great evening. We are having a good time. The goats were happy to have her here. i can't believe that Celine Dion is having a baby and I can't believe that Robin heard it before me. Noooo. Well Casey is working in Logan the rest of the week so he will come home tomorrow. It will be really nice.


Me and Rachel are in Clifton Idaho sewing tonight. My bag is turning out dang cute and Rachel is working on this cutest heart quilt. She is so talented. Robin I love that picture. Can you email that to us so we can have it. It is really neat. That is neat you got to be on their cover sheet. That has to make you feel good. Was the the one with the blotchy foundation? You did good. I am glad that Karen got busy. It makes the day go faster. It is suppose to get really hot again. Karen is in for a couple of really hot days. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Well today was slow in the morning, but then I got busier in the morning. It is still hot down here. So I am jealous that it is getting cooler where Robin is. That is scary about Grandpa. He was okay when we were there Saturday. I hope that the antibiotics help. I am having allergies today so my head hurts. I think it might be part left over from riding in the airplane on Sunday. Well good luck to everyone in their endeavors this week.

punch in

So i put in a new field for fun one of my photos made it to the complection website
it was the one I was stressed about to. Its the glowy one with orange hair and blue green face :)

tuesday is the day today.

so we kept working on our silicone molds today. I went online to find some narly things but I just made more cuts. I think I might try a cold sore. I'll keep you updated. :) Its not so hot up here today, i don't sweat just sitting. I can move a little. They are having a huge carnival this week I guess it runs the last two weeks of summer. School starts the 8th of september so they have a huge carnival for that. I may wander down, I'll see how it goes.  Well all the teachers at school keep saying to do as may free jobs as you can but then they basically say only do what they post, and they don't post anything. They do a fashion run here and there but they post it a day before you need to be there. I was talking to a student and she said she went to craigs list to get jobs. and there was a posting for a independant film and they want a special effects artist for free and students were advertised for it. so I wrote them to see what it was like. They sound pretty interested and gave me their web site to check out. I think it will be fun, to do special effects for a film. Plus it will give me hours for joining the union. You have to have loads of hours before they even look at you for the union. we will see how it turns out but I hope it goes well, I'm excited. well thats alot of writting, better run and get some dinner. love ya.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Busy Day

Not much going on here. I did pick a bunch of blackberries and now I am going to make jam. I guess since it is 10:00 I better get going. I am almost done with laundry. I am glad that everyone had a good day. It always makes my day when I know everyone is OK. Grandpa Gumm had a really bad day. He had hallucinations all night and day. Applegate came over and said he might have a urinary infection and he does so they gave him some medicine and antibiotics. Kay went out to stay the morning. I guess she is going to go out there tomorrow also. I guess he thought Sterling Poulsen (the weather guy from channel 2) came over and they had a long talk. He also said that a lot of people came and he had a party with them. Julie was going out tonight. I will see what she has to say. Just thought you would like to know. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow for the rest of the week. I am going out to Rachel's tomorrow to sew. At least that is the plan. Have a great Tuesday.



Today Casey's Grandma came and visited for the day. She is going to be leaving tomorrow. Kay and Jerry were going to Idaho Falls and they dropped her off to spend some time in Clifton. Helen took us out to eat in Preston and that was fun. It is good to have her visit. Well I better go I will talk more tomorrow.


Good luck

Robin good luck with your zombies, I will have to watch that movie when it comes out to see your zombie. My day was good, except that I have cleared off my desk so tomorrow might be boring. I was a little disappointed because I actually had three items to say I was working on in engineering meeting, but Tom was gone so we didn't have it. Oh well. Well have a great week.

resident evil 4

So today was my first day of prosethics.  I think it will be a fun class. The teacher was talking about our photo shoots and he said the the movie resident evil 4 wanted to have zombies so if we made zombies they would use our molds for the movie. So I am going to do a zombie. I think it will be fun. I will tell you if it happens or not but he sounded pretty certain that it was going to happen. anyway today we are working on gelatin molds of scars and cuts. I'm going to try to do alot so if i ever need a skin disease or cut I have one on hand :) Well its still hotter then haites here. I try to sleep but I just sweat, the fans just blow the hot air around. i don't think I'm adjusting to humidity very well. Well have a great day love you. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Me 2

Well I made it home safe as well. It was a bumpy ride coming in to St. George though. I was glad when the plane finally touched down. We had fun at the zoo this morning. It has changed since last time I was there. I am glad that everyone had a good weekend. Hope that you all have a great week also. BYE

home again home again

We made it home safe and sound. It is such a pretty day. We went to the zoo this morning. I just kept thinking how beautiful it was and how many times we have tried to get there. Rachel we will have to try and go it was worth it. I don't have a lot of things to report. Dad is going to the new dentist tomorrow to get his tooth looked at. It has been bothering him. I think it will be good for him to meet him. I don't really care if we see the temple. I am just glad you got to see it. If we have time and want to see some of the country we can go. Have a good week.



It sounds like everyone had a good weekend. I am glad that you had a good time going to the temple, that sounds like a great experience. That is funny about your Sunday school, that is awesome. I am glad that people stand up for them self's. We had stake conference today so we took the day off. It is nice to have a day off. We had a good day yesterday. We finished cleaning up all the wood from the Walnut tree that Casey cut down a couple of weeks ago. Here are some pictures of the wood all put away.

We also made a fire and burned all the little sticks and all the bark. It was a good day. Casey went to Preston and got us Ice cream and that was fun.

For dinner we picked some beans and carrots and steamed them, and we picked some potatoes and backed them. It tasted so good. It was really fun. Their were some carrots that were small and I feed them to the goats and they went crazy over them. They loved it. I fed them the tops of the carrots that we were using also. It was so fun to watch them eat it all. They were fighting over all of it. It was funny.

Well not much else if going on I hope that everyone has a good day. Love you.


well I almost burned my building down. I was doing laundry and didn't want to pay for another load so I pushed everything into one, bad idea. I went to go get my laundry and a girl was by my laundry saying it was squeaking and smoked filled the whole room, there was a distinct smell of smoke. luckly the girl saved my cloths and the building. opps I guess i should be banned form doing laundry. anyway church was good today, in our sunday school class we were talking about eternal marriage, well the teacher said that if you don't get married in this life you will still have a chance in the next life. This cute old man raised his hand and said "how do you interpret 132:16"  that all he said and my teacher went defensive.  the scripture says that if you are out of the world and have neither married or given away in marriage you will be an ministering angels in heaven. The teacher didn't know what to say or do, it completely threw him off gaurd. I don't know I think it just reminded me of  dad when they ask a question about the scriptures and they by pass it because its not how they read it. it made me laugh. i have strange humor though. Oh mom, the temple is pretty far we drove and was a 40 minute drive and if you take the transit I heard it can be 2 hours with all the bus stops and train stops. I have a question do you want me to email you the subway map for when you come up? or do you want me to mail you that book about toronto so you have it? well I hope you have a great one love ya. 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...