z hair is chopped. I like it, my hair feels so light and flowy. I went more of a red color its fun. Well today I worked and then hair. I love the fence now isaac can look at tires all day long. now you just need a sun roof so he can look in the rain :) lol well not to much else have a great friday I am excited for the weekend
Rachel that looks so nice. It really brings out the brick work. I love it. Casey sure did a good job. THat makes me feel better also that Isaac can't get out in the road. He is so curious about cars. This is good for him. He can look at the truck all day and still be inside the fence. Thanks for all your hard work. I am excited to go look at houses with Karen tomorrow. I am hoping time wise it all works out. It is going to be close on the dinner time but I am sure we will be up there by 6. It feels like friday to me. I am excited to have a day off. Well have a nice Friday. LOVE MOM
Casey finished the fencing last night. It is so nice. Today Isaac was walking by the truck and I didn't have to worry that he would go out in the street. Today was good. We just took it easy since we were out so much yesterday. We did go and get Marissa a present, I feel better getting that done. We mostly just played outside and went on a walk. Casey went shooting tonight with Collin. I am glad that he got to go shoot his new gun. I am excited for you to look at houses Karen, that is exciting. I hope that you have fun at the graduation Mom. I hope that your hari cut turned out good Robin. :)
Robin that is a good call about not styling your hair in front of your face. I have had a nice day today. I made an appointment to see 2 houses tomorrow and mom is going to come and look at them with me. It should be fun. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. Yeah. Well have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. BYE
I worked a little over today and then Charlie came over. It was good to visit. Then just as he was leaving the bishopric came over. That was weird. I am excited for your haircut tomorrow Robin. It will be fun to have something different. I am going to do laundry tomorrow. I have no clean clothes. Isaac is at a hard age for sitting for too long. I will have to babysit sometimes when you need to visit. I have a lot of vacation. That is good that Casey's mom is moving into that house. I just love that house. It will be nice to have someone to take care of it. She will have to get goats. If she needs anything that we have in boxes she is more than welcome to have it. We need to start getting rid of junk. Well have a great day. LOVE MOM
For the bangs I just wanted longer bangs I don't think I am going to style it covering one eye. But I will make sure that they don't look dorky. but today I worked early like 6 to 6. tomorrow is going to be another long day. I am excited for the paycheck. :) maybe some love sac time lol. well going to bed, I'm tired
Today we spent a lot of time visiting with people and it is hard to do with Isaac. He does pretty good but it is hard to pay attention to him and a conversations. By the end of the day he was done. We went visiting teaching in the morning. Then after his nap we visited to insurance agent. Then we went to joanns and they were having really good sales but Isaac had had enough so I grabbed some batting and we came home. Casey's Mom moved to Clifton today. I guess that Allen is flying out this weekend. I hope that it works out for them. I think that it all my news. I need to go shopping tomorrow for the shower. I waited until the last minute.
Well my day was good. I am glad that the week is half over though. I am excited to see everyone this weekend. Good luck with your hair cut Robin. I don't think I would like the bangs in my face but if you like it I think it will look cute. Well have a great rest of the week everyone.
well today I worked most the day I like working over time but it makes me tired. Tomorrow I am going in at 6 it will be a long day. well not to much else happening have a good one
Robin, I don't like the bangs on that hair style. I think that would drive me crazy. They seem too short to pull back so you would have to do them everyday. That is my thought. I like the layering on it though. I guess there has been a new wheel of time book out since 2010 and I haven't read it yet. I am out of the loop I guess. I bought it today so I may not get much quilting done because I am excited to read it. Today was good. It seemed to have rained last night because everything was kind of wet but it never rained in the day. It was really pleasant outside and was nice. I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and Isaac took a 3 hour nap so I just kept sewing. I have all the trackers done and am half way done with all the trucks. I think that it is looking good. Casey is finishing up the fence tonight, it is looking really good. Well I am off to read. :)
Robin good luck with the shorter hair. My day was good. It did snow this morning though. It didn't stick to the ground though so that was good. I got all my insurance papers to fill out. Exciting I know. I am excited to see everyone this weekend. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow. BYE
today was good work went well. Then i met up with amber (from lagoon) for lunch. it was fun. I am going to work overtime this week so that will be good excited for the paycheck. I have decided to cut my hair on thursday. I am so excited it will be so nice to have shorter hair. I posted a picture of the style I am thinking of i think I am going to go a bit shorter though. I am excited for this weekend it will be fun :)
I had a busy day also and then we need drugs so we went to Sam's. It was fun to walk around. I always buy too much but it was nice. I have dinners for all weekend now so we can play and play. I was going to make barbeque pork with baked potatoes and then some hamburger pie (for Isaac) and then some chicken. I haven't figured out how to do the chicken yet but I have all week. I also found the cutest book for Isaac. It is a wake up book. I thought he would like that. I am glad you liked your MP3 player. I love mine also. I don't know what I would do without it now. Well have a great Tax Day. I am glad that Casey got a gun. It is fun to be able to do those things. Dad was going to see if he could get insurance for you guys through Seer. Casey still works there. LOVE MOM
Today was good, I got a lot done. Casey needed something mailed so me and Isaac walked to the post office and did that. Then we meet Casey for lunch which was fun. On Isaac's nap I mowed the lawn. The yard is looking really nice. I think it is all coming together. It is no old person lawn yet but it looks nice. The guy across the street has mowed his lawn 5 times and I am just on the first time. Then when Isaac got up we went grocery shopping. Casey went looking at guns on Saturday with Collin and found one he liked so we went and bought it tonight with the tax refund money. It was fun and Casey is excited. Kelly and his friend needed to scan something so they came over and that did that. It was good to see him. Well everyone have a good night.
Well I made it thru Monday. I couldn't fall asleep last night. I think it was because I took a 2 hour nap. So morning seemed like it came really early. Oh well. Work was good. I brought my MP3 player to work and it was nice to listen to music and not just sit in silence. Have a great week everyone.
I have a whole bunch of bow ties also. I think I will get them out and finish them up also. It is such a cute quilt. I have some at work. When I first started I would work on them on my lunch hour. Then I got trigger finger and I never finished them up. I am going to bring them home and work on them at night. That will be by next quilt. WE made it to church, the whole time. It was nice. It took us 7 months to find the right ward. Good luck Karen. I am excited for next weekend. It will be fun to play. Not much else going on with us. I took two naps and just was lazy all day.
Robin, that sounds like a fun weekend. That sounds fun to get a manicure, I have never had one. Karen I hate finding the right ward. It should be a easy process and it never is. The church should work on that. We had a good day, it was really laid back. Casey didn't work today and that was nice. We went to sacrament meeting and then came home and gave Isaac a much needed nap. Casey worked on the fence some more and has the gate all done and half of it hung up. It looks so nice, I love it. I sewed during his nap. Last night I was working on my bow ties and I finished them, I have had them around for years and I decided I need to get them done. I started to sew it together and it looks so nice. Well it sounds like a lot of things are coming up, we are going to be busy. It will be fun to get together this weekend.
sorry I forgot to blog last night. Yesterday was busy I went to get my car fixed and didn't fix anything everything was going to be 100 dollars here and 100 dollars there I just wasn't ready to pay that much I guess for a noise. and dad help me fix my windshield wiper. I also went shopping for a bit and got some new jeans. It was fun to shop. Then I had a photoshoot today that the photographer wanted me to get a manicure since my hands were in the shot. So I got that done, my hands look so girly now its fun. Then today I went to the photo shoot it was fun we had a good time. so that was my weekend in a nut shell. :) love ya
Well I found a church to go to this morning. It was the wrong ward in the wrong stake, but I am getting closer to finding the right one. I made chicken enchiladas for dinner, It was good. I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE