Friday, March 1, 2019

Ready to play

I am so ready for the weekend.  Karen came down and she made a random purchase tonight and got a new computer. She wanted one for when she starts school.  It was fun to have a random purchase night.  We did go to Costco and they didn't have any muffins.  I was really sad.  We will have to go shopping in Logan and get some for Ruth.  Everyone drive careful.  They fixed my front end on the car today and it doesn't make that horrible noise any more.  I am excited to get my window fixed also.  We will help with the bathroom when we get up there.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  I went running this morning and then worked out.  I watched Stephanie's kids for an hour and it was fun to have them.  Oliver and Thomas get a long really well.  We went to the store to get some grocery's.  We walked to pick up Isaac and it got really cold which we weren't expecting.  We went to the library for a while and then walked home.  Casey only worked until 5 and we worked on the shower a bit more.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow.  It will be good to see everyone.


Thursday, February 28, 2019


Work is getting better.  I am not sure if it is just because I am feeling better or starting to get the hang of things or getting help.  I really don't care it I just nice not to be so overwhelmed.  I went and hooked up with Robin after work and we found some really cute things.  It was fun.  She looked beautiful.  Rachel that video is really neat.  Isaac is getting a lot better.  Oliver is really getting good at writing.  That is neat  I found them cute shirts at Kohls.  Karen I am excited to have you come down tomorrow.  That will be fun.  Drive safe.  See you all on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


I went running this morning and I felt like I needed more direction so I downloaded an app and that helped a lot.  Isaac rode his bike to school which was fun although it was cold.  Casey also rode his bike but he forgot his wallet and keys so we picked him up for lunch.  We went to great harvest and it tasted good.  Afterwards my contacts came in so we went and picked them up.  The kids love going their.  One lady said that we didn't need to go to Disneyland when they are happy running up the ramp, it was funny.  Oliver and Ruth rode their bikes to pick up Isaac.  It is took far for Ruth and I ended up pulling her bike most of the way.  It was a pretty day though and we had fun.  We played play dough.  Isaac has been making stop motion videos and he did one with play dough that turned out good.  Casey worked late and came home in time to put the kids to bed which was nice of him.  Oliver has gotten the hang of holding his pencil and he loves to write now.  He is always saying the he needs to do his lessons and goes and writes.  At lunch we asked if Oliver wanted a pickle and he said no he is trying to act more like an adult.  We told him adults eat pickles, it was so funny.  Love you guys and hang in their Karen.  Spring is on its way.



Today was good but I was tired. I met up with mom after work and we went shopping. It was fun and we found some cute outfits. Jeramy said he would come up to logan on Saturday. So I thought I would bring Jenkins too if that is ok...
Have a good friday

No grass

I am jealous that you guys have grass. I still have about a foot of snow on my yard and it us snowing. So I don't think I'll be seeing my grass anytime soon. My day seemed busy. I kept getting emails and phone calls to do one quick thing. So the day went by pretty quick. I hope everyone had a great day.Bye

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Nice day

It rained here as well and it was so nice.  It will make everything start to turn green.  Work was work.  I am just doing what I can.  I was glad it was a hump day.  We went to Winco after work and got some treats.  We were all out.  It was so nice that is was still light when we got out of the store.  It felt so nice.  We are meeting Robin tomorrow night to get her ready for her trip to Chicago.  I am hoping you get to see the green river they dye for St. Patricks day.  That would be something to see.  Friday, Karen is coming down and we are going to Logan on Saturday.  Robin do you want to come with us?  Rachel you are a rock start to do all the work for us for the class.  You are amazing.  Thanks for doing that.  LOVE MOM


Oliver didn't sleep very well last night and I started today off being grumpy.  I worked out which was nice.  Thomas forgot his shoes and wouldn't walk so I ran and got Oliver's boots for him to wear so we were a little late.  While Oliver was at school I finished ironing the fabric for our class so we are ready to go.  Thank you so much for taking the class again.  All of our fabric is so pretty and I am excited.  I took a little nap after lunch and I felt better.  It rained in the afternoon but cleared up when it was time to get Isaac so we walked.  Most of the snow is gone it was so pretty outside.  We rode bikes after we came home for a bit.  Isaac had scouts this evening and had a fun time.  Casey worked late and when he came home he took the little kids to the church to run around for a while.  Today made us excited for spring and warmer weather, I hope that it lasts.


Oliver was so happy to see grass he was hugging it

Isaac was pretending to be a girl with a tumble weed ponytail


I am glad that the week is half over. My day was good. Work is still moving along. It actually rained instead of snowed here this afternoon. Maybe spring will come. I am glad you are feeling better Robin. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

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Image result for funny quotes

Image result for funny quotes

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


I was alot better today. It was nice to be on the mend. Jeramy bought papa Murphy's pizza and we watched a movie. It was fun. We had our shows today and I helped dress. Tomorrow is the same. I'm glad everyone is doing well


Nice day

I had a nice day today.  Work went well and I help trained the new girl today so that felt nice.  We met up with the Gumm Gang for dinner.  We went to Sizzler on 90th south and State.  It tasted really good.  Kay is having eye surgery tomorrow for her cataracts.  Sher was really nervous.  We came home and just chilled.  Robin, I hope you are feeling better.  Karen, I hope your arms get feeling better soon.  That really hurts because you use them all the time.  Rachel, I am glad you had a nice day.  We are planning on coming up to help with the shower on Saturday.  I am sorry Casey's boss passed away.  I remember you saying he didn't look very well at all.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Casey's arms are sore today also.  I am glad that you guys had fun.  I went running this morning and that went well.  Ruthie and Isaac woke up really early and they were tired today.  Oliver keeps waking up and sleeping with us every night.  While Oliver was at school I had to go back and exchange my contacts because they gave me the wrong ones yesterday.  We went to story time and that was fun.  Ruth is cute when she sings the songs.  We went to sams' club and didn't have time to walk to pick up Isaac so we just drove.  Imogene came and played for a bit and that went well.  Casey's old boss had to leave work a while ago for health problems and he passed away today.  He works with his son also so he was gone.  Casey was super busy so he worked later today.  We did get some more tile down which is good.  We are hoping to have the drywall down my this weekend.  Love you guys and I hope that Robin is feeling better.


Isaac dressed like a robot


My arms were so sore this morning. I guess throwing axes for that long can really make you sore. Work was good, but I spent most of my time in meetings. Then I came home and did laundry. I also got my transcipts in the process of getting sent off. So hopefully once they get them the will let me know if I am in or not. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, February 25, 2019


I started watching The Umbrella Academy and it is really good, I think you guys will like it.  Casey had a fun time, thank you.  It sounded like a fun day.  I went running this morning and then I worked out.  Me and Ruth ran errands while Oliver was at school.  We walked to picked up Isaac and we stayed at school and helped hang up posters.  It was good to do and I think the kids had a good time.  We didn't get home until 5:30.  Casey came home in time for bed which was nice.  Love you guys.



Nice day

I went to work at 630 this morning and got payroll done.  It was nice to have it all done.  We took Karen and Casey out to dinner after they threw axes.  It was fun.  It was nice to visit. Robin I am so glad you are feeling better.  I have been worried.  It takes a while to get over it.  I still wear out easily.  We are going to Logan on Saturday.  We are going to help with the bathroom and Casey said he would fix my car window. That is so nice of him.  Everyone enjoy the last week of February.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad as throwing was fun. My day was chill, it was nice. I still feel a bit off but I'm on the mend. It's nice to have a bit of energy. Tomorrow we are having our new collection shown to our sales people and I am helping dress the shows.



I only worked half a day today. Then I went axe throwing with Casey. It was a lot of fun. Then we met mom and dad for dinner. It was a fun day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Robin, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well.  I have been kind of sick to my stomach as well.  It is a bad illness.  I hope you get feeling better soon.  Karen, I am glad you had a day of rest.  That helps the most.  We hooked up with Rachel and the kids at the mall in Ogden and had a nice day.  We ate lunch at the food court and then rode the train and those animals around.  They are a lot of fun.  We are going to do that again.  We came home and just vegged.  I have to go to work early to do payroll but I think I have most of it done.  At least I hope.  I worked a lot on Friday to get it done.  Have a nice week.  The last one in February.  It is suppose to warm up so that will help.  Karen you might even get up to freezing.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. Me and Casey are going ax throwing tomorrow , so I am excited for that. I still don't feel 100% either but I am having in there. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Good job on the bathroom and applying for school. That is awesome.
I still feel pretty gross. It switched from fever to nausea. But I slept all day today and it was nice. I hope everyone has an good week



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...