Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Oliver didn't sleep very well last night and I started today off being grumpy.  I worked out which was nice.  Thomas forgot his shoes and wouldn't walk so I ran and got Oliver's boots for him to wear so we were a little late.  While Oliver was at school I finished ironing the fabric for our class so we are ready to go.  Thank you so much for taking the class again.  All of our fabric is so pretty and I am excited.  I took a little nap after lunch and I felt better.  It rained in the afternoon but cleared up when it was time to get Isaac so we walked.  Most of the snow is gone it was so pretty outside.  We rode bikes after we came home for a bit.  Isaac had scouts this evening and had a fun time.  Casey worked late and when he came home he took the little kids to the church to run around for a while.  Today made us excited for spring and warmer weather, I hope that it lasts.


Oliver was so happy to see grass he was hugging it

Isaac was pretending to be a girl with a tumble weed ponytail

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