Saturday, January 31, 2015


Thanks for the fun day.  I really need to get out and about like that.  Thanks.  The boys were so cute.  They seemed to really enjoy both museums.  I know I did.  Not much else to report.  I did go grocery shopping also so I am set for the week.  I have dad a couple of probiotics when we got home and I bet tomorrow he will feel a lot better.  He couldn't take them before the test.  Have a nice Sunday.  Enjoy the beautiful weather.  LOVE MOM


Well thanks everyone for the fun day. I even went to Walmart and got the groceries I needed. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow . Bye

Friday, January 30, 2015

I did it

Today was good nothing to crazy. I went out for lunch with the girls from work. Then I came home and worked on a costume project I started to get tired and frustrated so I layed down a took a nap it was nice. Sorry I missed your call mom but I will meet you at the tree house thing at 10.



I am excited for tomorrow.  That will be fun to hang out.  I think we are all driving separate cars.  We will meet at 10 at the Treehouse Museum.  Not much going on with me.  Dad had his breathing test and the tech said it was positive for bacteria.  I guess it has to be analyzed by the doctor and then sent to our doctor and then they can prescribe an antibiotic.  That is a lot of work for an antibiotic.  We got up at 5.  I am tired.  I am going to bed early.  Last day of January.  Rachel it sounds like such a fun day. YEAH.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


Karen, that is weird it snowed their.  Kamas is so cold.  Casey made a turkey yesterday so we had that for dinner.  I made mashed potatoes and stuffing and Casey made some gravy.  It was like Thanksgiving, it tasted good.  Today we did some shopping and it was so fun.  We went and got some fabric.  Then we went through a car wash and then grocery shopping.  Isaac wants to make valentine cookies so we also went and got cookie cutters.  Oliver took a long nap we me and Isaac played.  Well we will see everyone in the morning.  Drive safe.



Well it is snowing here tonight. I guess it is more like slushing . Very wet snow. My day has been pretty good. Although this morning I got asked for a change of material on a few prints. So I got it all changed and then after looking at all the parts in inventory they decided to not do that change. So then the second half of the morning I changed everything back to what it was before. So at lunch after all that work I was at the exact same place I was when I got to work. So although I was busy all morning I didn't feel very productive. I am all set to meet everyone in Ogden at ten then. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, January 29, 2015


I have a plan.  We can drive up to Ogden and the Treehouse Museum opens at 10:00.  We can play in there for awhile and then go to lunch.  We can all drive together or meet there.  I am good either way.  I am excited to play.  It has been a long week for me.  I am not sure why just some weeks are better than others I guess.  Robin, I know this is dumb but I am glad Walter wrote you.  I guess I didn't want it to end with a big fight.  I got all my laundry done tonight, Dad has to be at the U hospital for his breathing test at 7:00.  I think it sounds kind of corny but we will give it a try.  If it takes too long I am going to walk over to work and he can finish up the test.  Well have a nice Friday.  I am kind of glad that January is over with.  I know I shouldn't wish my life away but I love sunshine.  I am so glad Casey got a computer that is just too much fun.  I love the pictures.  That is so cute of Oliver and I can't believe how high Isaac can jump.  LOVE MOM


Karen we are meeting in Ogden at 10 at the tree house.  You probably could ride down with Mom and Dad if you wanted.  Thanks for coming.  Robin, that is interesting about Walter, thanks for the update.  Today was good.  Casey bought his computer last night on amazon and it should be here on Monday.  It is pretty exciting.  I didn't realize that most laptops are touch screen now.  Casey's isn't because he wanted a fast computer, it is awesome.  This morning we just played and finial made the cookies Mom got.  I burned half of them but I was alright with that.  Isaac and Casey were able to jump on the trampoline which was fun.  Calleen and Allen came to visit.  She has had trouble backing bread in her wood oven so she baked some here, it was really good.  Then we went took the to Sams so they could use our card.  It was a nice afternoon.  Oliver and Isaac and doing a lot better.  Oliver's cough is still bad but he is over the worst and he is still sleeping (Yea!).  Well I hope that Friday goes fast for everyone and I will see you on Saturday.



Well my day was good. I really don't have anything exciting to report. Work seemed a little long, but I made it thru. Do we have a plan for Saturday yet? What time are we meeting? Where are we meeting? You know that sort of information. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone has a great one. Bye

But it's thursday

Today felt like friday. So it was a long day knowing I have to work tomorrow. I can't believe next week is febuary. It's been a crazy month. Walters started writing me. He wants to go out for dinner but I told him I need to know we can work through issues if we even think about going out for dinner. So I just figured take it a day at a time and see what happens. But I thought I would just update on my drama. Not much else just relaxing and watching netflix. Have a good night


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hump day

It was a busy day for me.  The waffle contest went really well.  My waffle iron blew a fuze but other than that everything went well.  I used someone else waffle iron.  They were really good 6 people made waffles.  The person that won made butter pecan with bananas.  They were really good.  I thought they should have won.  It seemed like I was running all day.  Robin that is such a fun place.  I am so glad you are working there.  Karen, you have a great place also to work.  Casey needs to find a place like that.  Scouts went really well tonight every one brought a collection and showed it.  It was really fun.  I hope tomorrow is a little quieter.  I am excited to hook up Saturday.  Robin we will get you back to work in plenty of time.  It will be fun to get out and about.  I am so glad that Isaac and Oliver are feeling better.  That is fun they are back to running.  That is so weird about the computer.  You should go to Sam's and look around.  LOVE MOM

Run Run Run

Wow Robin, you work for an awesome place.  I have never heard of a work place doing that.  That is fun you have a luncheon at your work Karen, I hope you win some money.  Mom I hope that your waffles turned out good.  Today was good.  Oliver slept really well last night and didn't fever at all.  He is doing better.  Isaac is all better is running all over the place.  We sent him to school and he did really well and had a good time.  Afterwards we went to best buy to look for a computer for Casey.  Isaac ran and ran and ran all over the place.  We found one and was going to buy it but they discontinued it so we couldn't buy it, it was weird.  So we are still looking.  It was a nice day.  Thanks for meeting this Saturday, it will be fun to meet up.  Thanks.


Fun work day

Today was national have fun at work day. So every 2 hours we would go play 30 minutes of games. So I didn't do much work but that's ok. Then my shoe broke my toe broke through so I went to Gordmans and bought some new shoes. Then I went to hobby lobby to get some fabric for a project that a photographer guy wants to do. I can meet up on Saturday but I work at 5 so I will probably will only be able to do something till the late after noon. Have a good Thursday... robin


Well we made it halfway thru the week. I am glad that we are on the downhill side of things. I am up for a retry of the Ogden adventure. Mom I am glad that your waffles turned out good. That sound like a fun time at work. The luncheon for my work is a week from Friday. Well I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I was thinking of trying a redo this weekend in Odgen if that works for everyone.  Let me know what you think.  I am glad that everyone is doing good.  Isaac and Oliver seem to be doing better.  We had cabin fever a bit today so we took Isaac's five dollars and went to red balloon toys.  Both boys got a new train.  It was good to get out of the house for a while.  Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.


Getting dressed

Race track improvements

Love clearance

Work was good.  Nothing too exciting and I love that.  I am ready for a weekend.  Tomorrow is the food competition and it is waffles.  I am making Robin's apple waffles.  Everything is made I just need to combine the wet with the dry ingredients tomorrow before the competition.  I went to the Valley Fair Mall with Kay and Julie tonight and they had really good clearance.  I got me some new things and it was so cheap.  I was so excited about that.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Tomorrow night is cub scouts so that will be good.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. It did rain a little bit here this evening but not much. Work is moving along. I did have engineering meeting this morning so that took most of the morning. Then in the afternoon I had to get my picture taken because they are apparently putting on the Graco website. I just have to say that I don't like getting my picture taken. Oh well at least it is over with. I cooked corned beef in my crockpot today for dinner and it tasted really good. It also made my house smell really good. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good I worked at maggie and scheels. So nothing to big just mostly working. I can't believe next week is febuary. It's been a crazy january. have a good night


Monday, January 26, 2015


Mom she liked her purse. They all thought it was cute. Work was good nothing to crazy. This one random  girl knew the owner so they set up an entire changing area upstairs for her wedding crew. They had bagels and water so she could try on a few wedding gowns. It was kinda over the top. But I guess it's all who you know. Hope everyone has a good tues.


Made it

I made it through Monday.  Karen it was so busy today, I didn't even notice the missed email.  I am sorry.  I hope it works tomorrow.  That is so cute Rachel.  Oliver will be entertained now for awhile on the stairs.  I hope he gets feeling better.  Karen that is so nice of you to send Isaac that magazine. He is going to love it.  Robin, I was curious how the lady liked the purse.  It was so cute.  I loved it.  Dad tried work today.  He is doing a little better.  His neck is still really stiff but we tried the tens unit tonight so hopefully that will help.  I bought him some more of those pads you liked Rachel.  Be careful in the storm tomorrow.  I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner at the Valley fair mall.  LOVE MOM


Karen, thanks again for the magazine.  That was fun and it is a cute magazine, thank you, it was fun to get.  Oliver figured out to how to climb the stairs.  He did two steps yesterday and all of them today.  He does it cute, he doesn't use his knees he puts his foot down.  Oliver is still not feeling good but Isaac is doing a lot better.  We kept him home from school just to give him another day.  He didn't watch any shows today we played all day which was a good change.  I finished quilting another quilt.  I need to sew on two bindings now and then I will attached pictures.




Well my day has been good. Mondays do seem like long days though. Rachel I am glad that the magazine finally got there and that Isaac liked it. The picture you sent was cute. Mom I tired to email you after lunch but it got sent back to me as spam. So I just gave up. But I wanted to get credit for trying at least. After work I went to Walmart and got some groceries. I figured since they are predicting stormy weather the next two days it would be good to go before then. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Another day at home

We had a quiet day also.  We stayed home from church and just played at home.  Isaac is doing a lot better but Oliver has it now but he is up and moving all over the place so I think he is doing alright.  We played race cars today and that was fun.  We did sit outside for a couple of minutes and wait for Casey to get home.  It was a pretty day.  I love your bag Robin, that is fun.


Quiet day

We had a quiet day today.  We did go to Walmart and get some food and stuff for scouts on Wednesday.  I wanted to make a small sort of belt the kids could put their badges on.  Me and dad made one up this evening.  It was fun to do.  Thanks for the recipe Robin, I will make them up.  I also love the bag.  You are getting really good at those.  Dad still has a sore neck.  Bryan said he had spinal meningitis and he is worried he has that.  I think he just has a really stiff neck.  I went and bought those capsasin patches that you like Rachel and I put one on him.  I think those will be nice for him.  Well have a nice Monday.  We are almost done with January.  LOVE MOM


Today was good a girl at work wanted me to put her daughters name on a purse. She couldn't find one so last night she asked if I could make one. So today I made a bag for her. Mom I put the waffle recipe below. I hope your waffle day,at work is fun. Have a good one.


Cider Syrup

1. cup sugar
3. tablespoons Original Bisquick™ mix
1.  teaspoon ground cinnamon
2. cups apple cider
2  tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup butter or margarine


2 1/4. cups Original Bisquick™ mix
1 1/4. cups milk
2.tablespoons sugar
2. tablespoons vegetable oil
1  teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 egg
1/2 cup finely chopped apples

In 2-quart saucepan, mix 1 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons Bisquick mix and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Stir in cider and lemon juice. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils. Boil and stir 1 minute; remove from heat. Stir in butter.

Heat waffle iron. (Waffle irons without a nonstick coating may need to be brushed with vegetable oil or sprayed with cooking spray before batter for each waffle is added.)

In large bowl, stir all waffle ingredients except apple until blended. Stir in apple. Pour batter onto center of hot waffle iron. (Check manufacturer's directions for recommended amount of batter.) Close lid of waffle iron.

Bake about 5 minutes or until steaming stops. Carefully remove waffle. Serve with syrup.


I had a fun time yesterday as well. I am glad that the kids are feeling better. Today was good. I got a nap and everything. I also paid my bills. Exciting times I know. Well I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...