Monday, January 26, 2015

Made it

I made it through Monday.  Karen it was so busy today, I didn't even notice the missed email.  I am sorry.  I hope it works tomorrow.  That is so cute Rachel.  Oliver will be entertained now for awhile on the stairs.  I hope he gets feeling better.  Karen that is so nice of you to send Isaac that magazine. He is going to love it.  Robin, I was curious how the lady liked the purse.  It was so cute.  I loved it.  Dad tried work today.  He is doing a little better.  His neck is still really stiff but we tried the tens unit tonight so hopefully that will help.  I bought him some more of those pads you liked Rachel.  Be careful in the storm tomorrow.  I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner at the Valley fair mall.  LOVE MOM

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