Saturday, April 3, 2021


 Karen spent the night and we got up and went to morgan to buy meat at bingham meats. We had kabobs tonight and they were good. I bought a meat bomb to try next weekend. We tried this diner at taggart and it was good. There is nothing else there just a diner. It was really busy. The food was good. We are spending the night at kamas. Rachel I hope hiking is fun. Robin I hope you had a good day. Love mom

Friday, April 2, 2021


 Today ended up being really busy.  I walked and went to exercise class.  We met Casey for lunch and the appraisal guy called and said he could come at 2.  So we hurried and cleaned the house.  It took the whole two hours and I was sweating.  It looked nice.  Ruth and Oliver had a birthday party after school.  They had a fun time.  They did a spy themed party and they had to find clues.  Isaac had a friend come over and play while they were gone.  After we picked up and dropped the friend off we went and cleaned the van.  It was dirty.  So now we have a clean house and van.  We went grocery shopping and picked up Panda for dinner.  Then we spent the night packing up.  We will be back on Tuesday night.  I am glad you guys had a fun day.  



Nice day

 I worked for a little bit and then Karen came and we met Robin at buy buy baby and got her a pack and play. It is nice. We went to old navy and target and then fuji's for lunch. We took everything to lehi and dropped robins car off and then went to my place and got taxes. Yeah that is done for another year. We went to fashion place mall and h and m had some cute outfits for luna and a pair of shorts for Oliver and isaac. We ate at red rock. Robin and karen were craving bruschetta. Karen is spending the night and then we are heading to kamas tomorrow. Rachel have a nice trip. Love mom

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Quiet day

 Work was quiet. I did an april fool's joke and it turned out fun. It was a cup upside down and said doing lift this unless you want to kill it. There was nothing in it. I.came hi one and we met the gumm gang for dinner. Itwas so nice to see everyone. They all looked good. We went to target and it was fun to walk around. Me and dad went over to the spaghetti factory and reserved the date and time for the shower. That made me feel better. Love mom


 Today was good.  It was cold this morning on our walk. We helped in Isaac's class and put together math timings for next year.  Preschool was fun and we did Easter egg hunts.  It was a pretty day and was perfect for doing that.  After school we went to the BMX bike park.  Oliver kept saying his friend William would be there and he was.  Williams Mom said he had been talking about Oliver being there also.  They ended playing at the park for a while.  Ruth fell at the park and was sad.  Then the boys started to ride their bikes on the course.  They did really well and had fun.  Oliver fell and hurt his lip and arm so we came home.  After homework we watched show for a bit to rest.  Have a fun day tomorrow.  I wished I lived closer.




Today was good. I was tired again so I left 2 hour early and took a nap. Then Jeramy came home and we took jenkins on a walk. I didn't feel good so we went out to eat. It tasted good and made me feel better. I think it's because I got some caffeine. Then we watched shrek 2 in hulu. 



 My day was good. It actually went alot faster than I thought it would. Then I came home and watched a lecture. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 Thanks for the packages Karen and Mom.  You guys are sweet. It was good to talk with you.  I walked and went to exercise class.  We did High today which so fun.  My visiting teachers came while Ruth was at school.  Ruth was superstar and she was so happy today.  It was a pretty afternoon so we took Tony to the dog park.  He peed on a lady which was embarrassing. Ruth had fun finding all the balls and throwing them for the dogs.  We got milk shakes on the way home.  We walked to pick up Oliver.  Isaac stayed late to go to a party for being a good reader.  He had fun.  They did a lot with robots.  After dinner we went to the climbing gym.  It was really busy.  We were doing races and Ruth thought who ever won between her and Casey could pick where to get ice cream.  Casey won and we went to Charlie's.  Love you guys.



Hump day

Today dragged for me also.  It was so quiet. Everyone is on spring break here.  I did get a lot done so that was a good thing.  I am excited that tomorrow is my Friday also.  I did go to work early and stay late so that might be why it dragged.  I can't believe that tomorrow is April fools day.  I found a good trick for work.  You get a cup and write do not lift this cup unless you want to kill it and then there is nothing there.  I am going to make one and put it out by where people do screenings.  I thought it might be funny to see if any falls for it.  I do have to go into work early because the person who is doing screenings is on vacation and the person covering for her hurt her back.  I guess you might call me last straw.  :)  Enjoy the sunshine.  It was so nice.  It was 8 and I just closed my blinds because it was getting dark.  LOVE YOU ALL  MOM 


Today dragged quite a bit. I think its because tomorrow is my Friday. I was so tired so I was a slow worker today. I took jenkins on a walk and we made breakfast burritos for dinner. 


 Things are going good here. Work was quite so it dragged a bit. Tomorrow we are having a BBQ because one of the guys that started white night is retirering. Today I put half of the money down on my new windows. Now they can order them. Hopefully they come quickly. I was good and did my dishes after work. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 👋

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 Today ended up being busy.  It was super cold this morning on our walk.  Isaac started soccer this afternoon so I went and got him cleats and shin guards so he would be ready.  I started quilting my postage stamp quilt.  I spend most of the time unpicking but I think I have it right now.  Ruth died an Easter egg at school and thought it was awesome.  After preschool me and Ruth got a hair cut.  We had a fun time and I feels good to get my hair cut.  While Isaac was at soccer practice we ran to the store to get their friend a birthday present.  They are going to her party on Friday.  It took forever and the store was super crowded.  The kids were hungry when we got home so we had dinner.  We did homework and then went on a bike ride.  Me and Tony ran and we were able to keep up with everyone.  It felt good to run and I did better than I thought.  Tony is a machine.  Love you guys.




 It was a slow day and I was not motivated but I survived work.  We did go to the gym after work and that was nice.  I always feel better afterwards.  It is so good for me.  We just finished up the first season on counterpart.  It has us hooked.  Robin I am the over 50 horse.  I get so tired in the afternoon.  That made me laugh.  The pivot one also.  You find funny things.  Won't be too much longer and we will be seeing pictures of Luna on the blog.  I am going into work early tomorrow so that should be fun.  I have to do screenings.  I hope that Isaac had fun at soccer.  Do the other kids start soon?  Karen good luck with your physics.  LOVE MOM 


Today was ok.  Nothing wild. I just worked. We took jenkins on a walk and went to panda for dinner. I did dishes and the just relaxed. 


 My day was busy. I had meetings this morning. Then I came home for lunch an just before I was going to go back to work the window people called to say they were coming over. So I stayed and they verified all the window dimensions. Then I went back to work and finished the day. Then I came home and did school work. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, March 29, 2021


 It was windy this morning but we still walked and it ended up not being too bad.  I went to exercise class also.  While Ruth was at dance class I bought things for easter baskets.  Their really wasn't any easter candy but I think everything will be fine.  After school everyone had their hour of video games and then we went and delivered primary packets.  The kids were really good to help and even had fun.  Then we went to the park and played for an hour.  We brought Tony with us to deliver things and the park.  He had fun and the kids had fun.  We got a lot of mail today.  My new shoes came, a new pan, and Mom and Dad sent walking sticks.  It was fun.  Love you guys.




 I am glad that it is a short week also. Work was good. It is really just the same old same old there. It was super windy here this afternoon. I did call the window place to tell them I wanted to go ahead and replace all my window. The wanted to come tomorrow and double check the sizes on the addition because they weren't sure I wanted to replace them. Then I came home and did school work. I am trying to work a little ahead so I can just play this weekend and not have to do any school work so wish me luck on that one. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


Today was pretty mellow. Nothing to wild work was slower so that was nice. Then we went in a walk and just relaxed. I was tired and I was worn out from the island lol. I have Friday off for easter so it's nice it will be a short week 


 Sorry I didn't blog last night, we are watching a series on Prime and we got sucked in.  It is Counterpart.  It has some fastward scenes but it is an interesting show.  So we were watching that and I fell sound asleep.  Robin you island is amazing.  Good job.  Rachel it was fun to hook up yesterday.  I had so much fun.  I worked today and the neighbor girl is selling kirby vacuums and is training and so they wanted to practice on me.  They said it was an hour and it turned into 2 and half.  I was working and watching.  They have to do 15 referrals a week.  That is going to be impossible.  Oh well, I watched.  I would rather have a robo vacuum.  Not much else to report on my end.  Ruth called me to make a plan for Lagoon.  She is so much fun.  She makes me laugh.  It was really windy here today but it didn't rain.  I did go to Smith's on my lunch hour to get some coke.  I had run out.  LOVE MOM 

Sunday, March 28, 2021


 Robin, I am impressed with you island. It is looking really good. My day was good. I slept in for a bit. Then after lunch I started on my other physics lab. I needed 3 x 5 cards so I walked down to food town and got some. Then I did my lab. By the time that was done it was dinner time. After dinner I was just lazy. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


We made some headway on the island. We still need to cut the top, make legs, and finish painting it. I messed up one of the doors so we had to recut it. I'm tired now. It wore me out. So I'm just being lazy the rest of the night


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...