Friday, May 25, 2018


My day was good as well. Work is still busy so it went by fast. The i mowed my front yard when i got home. Sunce it went pretty quick I also pulled out my weed wacker and did that for a little bit. I hope everyone has a one bye


Today was another busy day but good.  I took Leona to the hospital for a blood draw.  I didn't know I needed some paper work so I had to run home really fast to get it.  It didn't take long to do and it was fun.  The little kids didn't want to go to story time so we just read books at home.  Isaac had his 1st grade program after lunch.  Randy and Casey were able to come.  Isaac didn't sing much and seemed bored by the end.  He says he was singing but he wasn't as expressive as everyone else.  It was still cute and he did a good job.  It was so hot that the kids finally talked me into using the 3D pool.  It was a lot of fun, thanks Robin they loved it.  The girls came over and played they loved it also.  Casey worked late since he came to the program and then he went to instacare for his cough.  A lady at young women's son got married so I took the kids up to the reception and then we played on old main for a while.  It was fun.  Thanks for helping us with the deck, you guys are the best.


Curvy Unicorn

Everytime I think of unicorns it reminds me of the curvy unicorn picture.  Robin that was so funny.  Work was crazy busy today and I was so glad when the day was over.  I am excited to come to Logan this weekend.  Not much else going on with me.  I am going to be early so I can get moving in the morning.  I hope everyone had a nice day and that Isaac's program went well.  See ya soon.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Today was good. The power went out but they conveniently planned a meeting during the down time. Then I left early because I have tomorrow off. I think i will  just drive down to Logan then I can leave whenever works best. Did you still need clown outfits mom. I can bring them spent this weekend of you need them.



We left early this morning and the traffic was so nice.  We made it to Logan in record time.  We even had time to get donuts for breakfast.  It was a fun day and I love watching 3 year old graduations.  They are so cute.  Tomorrow is the big luncheon.  Wish me luck.  We are going to Logan on Saturday morning and spending Saturday and Sunday.  I wasn't sure was Robin and Karen were doing.  If you want to ride with us.  We will have plenty of room.  LOVE MOM


Thank you again Mom and Dad for coming up and making today so special.  They made it up before Isaac went to school and brought doughnuts which the kids loved.  Oliver's graduation was good.  He was really nervous and held on to Mom's hand.  He did really well and was really cute.  I didn't take good pictures and Oliver isn't one for smiling for them.  We made it to pizza pie cafe for dinner.  The boys love the Donkey Kong game and we stayed up late playing it.  Dad bought a deck planning book and I think we worked out a lot of what we need to have happen which is nice.  Love you guys.



Well today was good. The only note worthy thing was they turned off the water at work for about 3 hours this morning.  It sucks not having water at work. Other than that it was good. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Today was good. We can a taco potluck and watched coco the movie. Then I just came home and relaxed. My wrist still hurt and I was tired. Just same ole. Lol hope Oliver's graduation is fun.



I am so glad that the week is half over.  Work was busy, but I am making progress. I got my laundry done tonight. It is nice to have done.  I hope Oliver has a great graduation. Have a great Thursday everyone. Bye


Today Isaac went on a field trip to the zoo and then they had bounce houses.  He got sunburned and had a fun time.  I took the little kids to the fun park for story time.  We haven't been in a while since we volunteer on Wednesdays.  Oliver had a fun time and made a ton of friends.  Ruthie thought their was too many people, she wasn't happy.  They both were bored near the end so we just went and played in the soft play.  We picked up Casey for lunch and went to a park and ate.  It was fun.  Isaac wanted to play at his friends house after school so he was gone until dinner.  Casey had scouts so he was later getting home.  We played with sidewalk chalk and Casey fixed my bike, it has been having some problems.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow, it will be a fun day.


Big Busy Day

I went to work early to help set up a class and then stayed a little late to work on some stuff.  It has been busy.  I am excited to go to Oliver's graduation tomorrow.  That age is always so dang cute.  I can't believe how good Ruth is talking.  She is doing so good.  Not much else going on with us.  We just chilled and watch Dunkirk.  It was a dumb movie.  It is on Vuduoo but I got a thumbs down from me.  Everytime I think of Unicorns now Robin, I think of your rhinoceros. It just makes me laugh.  Everyone have a great day.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Today was good.  Last night Oliver slept with us and he was so close to me I slept in his bed.  I didn't hear it but Isaac and Ruth woke up early and then they went downstairs and played.  Casey checked on them before he left and said it was cute.  I didn't babysit this morning because Eva was sick.  We went to Joann's and walked around.  Oliver had school for the last time and they did a teddy bear picnic.  He brought the bear he made.  While he was gone I took Leona to the bank and Walmart.  We had fun but she was worn out.  Ruthie was falling asleep in the car when we dropped her off so I put her down for a nap.  I cut Oliver's hair so it wouldn't be so wild for his graduation.  The boys had swimming lessons and I had to wake up Ruthie and she cried and cried.  Callen is making a store in Clifton and Isaac was helping her think of things for the menu.  He came home and wrote up a menu so tonight we made one of the sandwiches for dinner.  It is a bacon garlic sandwich.  I made the garlic like at red rock so we could spread it on.  I don't think he liked it because he didn't eat it but I thought it was good.  It was a good experiment at least.  I had young women's and we made mail boxes for girls camp.  It went late.  I am glad that everyone is doing good.  You guys are the best.


This sums up Ruthie's day

Lightening storm

I only worked half a day today but man was it busy.  I left at noon and me and dad had MRI's.  We both went at the same time so instead of it taking 2 hours it was only an hour.  That was nice.  We came home and rested and then met Karen in Park City for dinner.  Afterwards we bought the kids Donkey Kong for being such good students and then Karen bought a new mower.  I tried it out on her back yard and it was nice.  It always looked like it was going to storm but it seems to miss Kamas.  It was a beautiful storm on the way home however.  The lightening was amazing.  Have a good hump day.  The girl I work with bought me at 25 dollar gift card to Texas Road house for helping her.  I thought that was nice.  Robin, I just love your sayings.  The make me laugh. I love the fabric one.  It is so me.  LOVE YOU GUYS  MOM


My day was good.  Work was busy, so it went by quick.  I left work a little early and picked up my new glasses. Then i met mom and dad in Park City.  We went to dinner at Red Rock. I love their brucetta. Then we went to Best Buy. I got Mad About You series. It is funny. Then we went to Home Depot and I got a gas lawn mower. It is nice. Then mom was super nice and mowed my backyard. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

It's coming

Today was ok. I'm really tired. I think I'm getting a bit of a sore throat. I'm thinking it's allergies. Work was good we are having a taco pot luck so I went and bought fajita chicken I figured it was cheap,easy, and delicious. Have a good night


Monday, May 21, 2018

It's a day

Good luck with your doctor's apts mom an dad. Today was alright it did go by fast. It helps to know I have Friday off I'm pretty excited. I was tired today from napping yesterday. Lol have a good tues



I didn't blog last night, sorry.  Yesterday was good.  I had meetings all morning and then we had church.  Casey worked after my meetings until dinner.  Today was good.  I didn't babysit this morning which was nice because I had a lot of errands to run.  We got Stanley some food, grocery shopping and then lunch at sam's.  We got a new coffee maker for Casey at Sam's and it seems like it is really nice.  Oliver had school and I went visiting teaching while he was gone.  After dinner we worked on putting the siding on but we didn't get much done, we will keep working on it.  Good luck with your MRI Mom.  Love you guys.


Working late

I stayed late tonight to work on entering ideas but I got busy on another project and never even started them.  Crazy.  I am leaving work at noon to get me and dad's MRIs.  I think it would be better is we just took that money and went to Hawaii to see the volcanoes but that is just me.  I worked and then came home and had dinner.  You don't get a lot done when you work late.  We are going to meet up with Karen tomorrow and see if we can find her a better lawn mower.  Hope everyone had a nice day.  I got off trax and there was a huge clap of thunder.  It was pretty cool.  LOVE MOM


My Monday was good. I got a few things knocked off my to do list at work so that was nice. It did rain here a but thus evening. I like listening to the rain. Good luck with MRIs tomorrow mom and dad. Bye

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Lazy days

I had a lazy day as well.  I got up late and took a nap.  I still feel tired.  I am glad we all had a quiet day.  Enjoy the week.  LOVE MOM


My day was quiet as well. It was nice to sleep in. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was good nothing crazy I slept on my wrist weird so I took it slow today I didn't go on the hike the weather was bad. Hope everyone has a good week



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...