Saturday, June 11, 2011

Busy Day Also

Well we started our day out early and went to Logan. It was so nice to be up there. Dad got a panic call and we had to leave early and rush back down to SLC for work. We only brought 1/2 of the bed frame with the mattress. So dad went back to work and I went and bought a new mattress pad and sheets and also a new bed frame. It was only 20 dollars at RC Willey. Then I went out to see Grandma. Jeff was there so we visited for awhile and grandma had the fidgets so we got her up and took her for a walk and then she got tired and I got her a coffee and she drank a little and then couldn't get comfortable. Kay and Paul came and Jeff left and then I went to dinner with Kay and Paul. I decide to go back and check on grandma because she just couldn't settle down. She was sound asleep when I went back and I just sat there for awhile. I got home and Josh and Robin were there and I left and went shopping for groceries. Rachel if you want to come down with Casey tomorrow I am making roast sandwiches. Karen good luck with your Garlic and primary lesson. I hope both go well. 92 degrees sounds really nice to me. LOVE MOM

Good Bye Peach Trees

The peaches tress Dad planted had died so tonight Casey cut them down. It made me cry. Dad loved them and I kept thinking of Grandpa Bodily and Gumm lecturing Dad on how to prune them. Anyway it was sad to see them go but it looks nice with them gone. I will have to post pictures. We are thinking of having a peach tree wood burning barbecue maybe next Saturday if anyone is interested. Well after Mom and Dad left Casey took a nap I was able to get some more weeding done and when Isaac took I nap I finished his blanket me and Mom were working on. Overall it was a fun day. Isaac refused to take his last nap, he was more interested in being outside and cutting down trees. So hopefully he will sleep good tonight. They called Casey and asked him to work tomorrow so he is going back down. He might take Monday off and then we are all coming down to SLC on Tuesday through Thursday, so that will be fun. Thanks for everything.



Well i think summer is on its way. It was 92 degrees here at 2 o'clock. I got my homework for my class done. I hope that I am making progress. I went and got my some more garlic to plant in my garden. i killed the first batch. I hope that this one lives. I also went to deseret book and got a short video for my primary class tomorrow. Then I went shopping at Walmart. Then I came back here and finished my homework. It has been a busy day. I hope that everyone else has a good Saturday.

Friday, June 10, 2011


So today was good. I only worked one job so that was nice. I made some cookies in the morning and then went and gave flowers to grandma but she was sleeping so I just did a quick visit. Lagoon ran well there were a ton of people on the park it was beyond insane. well I am going to catch some shut eye


No Logan Yet

We didn't make it to Logan tonight. Dad had to work and it just got later and later. We finally had dinner at 8. Then he had to go back to work and we decided to get up early and go in the morning. I did get a lot done however. I have a load of things for the DI and I got rid of the brown chair. I put it by the dumpster. I hope someone takes it. I did laundry and ironed and watched Twilight. I know I lead an exciting life. I did make a small dent in the ironing. I am so far behind on that one. Love the pictures of Isaac. They are so cute. Good luck Karen on your lesson. I Love movie lessons. Easy to prepare. Don't get too hot.


Tearing it up

I mowed the lawn today, I was able to finish it and take a shower during Isaacs nap time. I did it fast and he took a longer nap. I wanted Cinnamon burst bread so I went to great harvest, they had some new sandwitches so I tried one that was peanutbutter, nutella, and marshmellows grilled. I was really good, I am going to have to start making them.

Made it

Well i made it thru Friday, yeah. It is starting to feel like summer down here. It is suppose to be 90 all week (and probably that and high until winter) but it has been a lot cooler than it normally is at this time of year. I hope that mom and dad made it up to Logan safe and sound. Robin how did it feel just working one job today? I like the picture of the backwards binky also. He definitely likes it better that way. For my lesson on Sunday they have a 10 minute video I am going to show. i haven't had a movie day yet. Hopefully they will not be too hyper to watch it. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE


I love the photos of isaac the one with the passifier backwords made me laugh out loud, so cute!! well today was good worked both places. I only work lagoon at night. woot one job day. I am going to try to go see grandma if I can. Well i better head for bed I am beat and I am planning to sleep in. :)


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Not much going on

We had a good day. I had a ton of energy this morning and that was nice. That is scary Robin, you need to get some pepper spray just to be safe. I don't have much else going on so I am just going to put more pictures of Isaac. :)

I made it safe

Well I made it safe and sound into the apartment. I told dad he couldn't walk home in the dark. I am going to go get him. I took Harmony to California Pizza and we had salads. It was fun. I bought Isaac a couple of new outfits. They were on clearance. I went and saw Grandma and she was out of it for a while and then she woke up and wanted to go look around and then she wanted a coffee so I made her a cup of coffee and she drank the whole thing. We came back and she went to the bathroom and then I got her back in bed and she just couldn't get comfortable. Up and down for over an hour. I bet she sleeps good tonight. Dad might have to go to Spain on Monday. Not sure how that is all going to work out but we will do what we have to do. WEll have a great Friday. I am planning on coming up tomorrow night but dad is still working so I will keep you posted on that one. I might just drive up myself if he isn't going. LOVE MOM

Almost Friday

I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Robin you be careful walking around if people are getting attacked. My day was pretty quiet. I was bored after lunch so it made the afternoon go bye pretty slow. i hope that you had a fun time at dinner with Harmony, mom. Where did you end up eating? Rachel i have been liking your photos Isaac is just so dang cute. I that he starts sleep thru the night soon. it makes me tired just thinking of getting up that often during the night. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. Love ya all. BYE

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


well today was good I just worked again at both places. Tomorrow is the last double duty then I just go down to one job for 2 days. work has been crazy at lagoon but its good to keep busy. I heard a girl at our apt. complex was jumped by a guy and when I came home there were police driving around. But I made it safe just everyone be safe when you are visiting the apt :) anywho I am going to get some sleep. have a great night



Rachel that picture is amazing. They do grow up so fast don't they. He really has changed. Karen I love your hand. It is amazing. Way to go. I am proud of you. That auction is fun Rachel. Cabin Fever Cake that is the best. I did get my hair cut and my glasses fixed. The rubber nose piece broke this morning. The glass place just so happened to be by Yellow Fin so for dinner I had take out california rolls. They were really good. Grandma wasn't have a great night. She mostly just slept. She didn't look really good and she was breathing so slowly. It kind of freaked me so Julie came and sat with me for a while. IT was nice to visit with her. All the worry about Lagoon today and the dinner is for tomorrow. I admit I am losing it for sure. I am glad everyone had a good night.



Karen, I really like your hand. It looks really hard to do, good job. We had a good day. We went to enrichment tonight and it was really fun. They did a service auction and Kaylesse suggested to help someone piece a quilt or bind a quilt, so I did that and it sold really fast. I think that it will fun. I got cabin fever oatmeal cakes, 9 yards of lace and someone is going to scan some picture in for me and put it on a CD. I thought we could do Grandma's pictures. I was looking at pictures today and here are two that show how much Isaac has grow, it is crazy. Everyone tonight said how big Isaac is.


Well the week is half over, Yeah. Work was good ,but I cleared off my desk so tomorrow might be boring. Oh well I will just hope a new project comes up. Well I hope that you got your hair cut and glasses fixed mom. My garlic in my garden died. I will just have to try again. So I will go to the nursery and get a new one on Saturday. You know what they say "if at first you don't succeed go back to the nursery". I forgot to tell you that your pillow was cute Rachel. Well i hope that the rest of the week goes great for everyone. BYE


well today was good just worked. all of you are so accomplished. I like your drawing karen, bodys are hard to draw, I like your pillow to rachel. But lagoon days is next week the 15th so we have time to plan. any who I am heading for bed


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I have been working on my project from gardener village also but I haven't finished it yet. My class is taking a lot of time because the summer semester is shorter than normal semester so they have to cram all that stuff in to 8 weeks. It isn't very good but here is my progress so far in class. (it is my hand if you can't tell)

I had a good day at work. I got a lot done so it was nice. It was nice and sunny here today. It was hard going to work was it was nice outside. i am sorry that you didn't get your hair cut mom. I wish you luck in getting it cut tomorrow. i don't think I would have the patience to wait 45 minutes either. I hope that Robin and Rachel and Josh have a great time at family day. Well i hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE


I forgot to tell you your pillow is cute Rachel. I am glad Isaac loves sweet potatoes they are good for him. I bet he is a lot happier with a full stomach.

No Hair Cut

Robin I can't go to Lagoon tomorrow. I promised Harmony a long time ago I would meet her for dinner at the mall. She has a class in Logan. Can I come next family day? I know there is more than one. I am sorry I didn't put two and two together until right now. I didn't get my hair cut today there was a 45 minute wait and I didn't want to sit that long. I went and saw Grandma. She was really confused and sleepy. I did get her a sprite and she liked that. Rachel are you spending the night in SLC? Let me know what your plans are. I am planning on coming to Logan Friday night and staying the night and then coming home on SAturday with the bed for Robin. That is all my news for now.


Catch up

Robin I am planning on coming to family day. That will be fun to have Josh come also. I am excited. Today was good. Isaac ate two and a half sweet potato things today, that was fun. Casey is coming home tonight so it will be good to see him. I keep forgetting to say that I finished a cross stitching that we got on Memorial Weekend. Here is a picture of my master piece.


sorry I haven't blogged I forgot with having a room. lol anyway nothing to crazy just work and more work. Lagoon is out of control we still don't have some costumes and the shows have been open for a week and zions is still the same. I think I might go out with josh this weekend. and I don't know if everyone still wants to go see the shows on wensday night but if its ok I think josh wanted to go to. anyway not to much else going to catch a few hours of sleep


Monday, June 6, 2011

Nice Evening

It was a little strange coming home to an empty house but I had a nice evening. WE went to dinner and then we signed the papers for our loan on the house. That was nice. Then we went and saw grandma. She fell this morning so they have her all wired up if she moves a big beeper goes off. I feed her some boost. Then we went and got gas in the car and groceries. It was nice to move at a different pace. I am going to go get my hair cut tomorrow. I am just going to someplace that takes walk ins. I am desperate to get it cut. It is so long and just not looking nice. I am glad you got a sewing table Rachel. That will be nice. It was such a pretty night outside. I love summer.



Well I made it thru Monday. I even got all the stuff done for my class that is due tomorrow. Now I am working on this weeks stuff. i hope that I get better at it is all I can say. Work was good today nothing too exciting to report. i hope that you got all your papers signed for the house stuff mom. It was super windy down here all day. I nearly got blown away a couple of times. I have noticed that since Robin got a room where no one wakes her up she now no longer posts anything on the blogg. You may have to disturb here a couple of times mom so she will give us updates on her life. Well i hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow BYE

Sweet Potato

I feed Isaac some sweet potatoes today and he really liked them. It was fun. I don't have much else going on. Saturday Casey set up our old dinning table in the sewing room so I have a place to sew now. I didn't think it would fit in there but it did. It will be nice. Well I hope that everyone had a good day and survived Monday.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

We made it

Karen, I am sorry it is hard when they are hyper. It makes for a long hour. We made it back to Logan safely. Isaac lost it again so we stopped for a while and I rocked him to sleep, he slept the rest of the way. It was a really nice evening when we got home so we spent some time outside it was nice. I hope that they blessing went well for Grandma.

Holy Hyperness

Well I usually have about 4 in my primary class, but today I had eleven. I had 5 boys and 6 girls. My usually hyper boy was there and he manged to hype up the other boys by the end of class. So it was a little challenging getting thru the lesson, but I made it. My beef stew turned out good. It is really windy here now. I hope that everyone had a good Sunday.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...