Saturday, June 11, 2011

Busy Day Also

Well we started our day out early and went to Logan. It was so nice to be up there. Dad got a panic call and we had to leave early and rush back down to SLC for work. We only brought 1/2 of the bed frame with the mattress. So dad went back to work and I went and bought a new mattress pad and sheets and also a new bed frame. It was only 20 dollars at RC Willey. Then I went out to see Grandma. Jeff was there so we visited for awhile and grandma had the fidgets so we got her up and took her for a walk and then she got tired and I got her a coffee and she drank a little and then couldn't get comfortable. Kay and Paul came and Jeff left and then I went to dinner with Kay and Paul. I decide to go back and check on grandma because she just couldn't settle down. She was sound asleep when I went back and I just sat there for awhile. I got home and Josh and Robin were there and I left and went shopping for groceries. Rachel if you want to come down with Casey tomorrow I am making roast sandwiches. Karen good luck with your Garlic and primary lesson. I hope both go well. 92 degrees sounds really nice to me. LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...