Saturday, September 20, 2014
We kend
Today was fun I was shopping for tights and Karen called so I meet up at lowes. I had to get a tube to hold the form of tights while I paint. Karen got me a free one from lowes, she asked for empty tubes I could use and they had one. Then we saw a movie and had dinner, it was fun, then I went home and watched tv and paid bills, have a good Sunday
New Roof
We got all the materials ordered for the new roof. They are going to deliver them on October 6th. I am really excited that is all ready to go. We had a really fun day also. We tried out the new Veijo restaurant and it was really nice. We went to Smith and got C's things because Isaac is studying C in preschool. It was really fun. It was a nice day. I am so glad that your guys went to a movie and dinner. That was fun. What a nice Saturday. LOVE MOM
My day has been good. After lunch I went to SLC because my fridge has been saying it is time to order a new filter. So I went to Lowe's to get one. I called Robin and she met me there. Then we went to Gateway and saw Maze Runner. Then we went out to dinner. It was fun to hang out. I hope everyone else had a fun time in Logan and that you got all the roof stuff ordered. Have a good one. Bye
Friday, September 19, 2014
I want to be a scary doll. I found doll tights but they are 50 dollars, so this weekend I am going to try to replicat it for half the price. We will see how it goes. I out a picture below of what I want to replicate. Have a fun weekend.
The weekend is coming
We are exciting to have Grandma and Grandpa come and visit tomorrow. This evening Isaac said "I just love grandma, she is so beautiful." It was cute. We had a good day. We went visiting teaching this morning. It was good to go it felt like we haven't gone in a while, just phone visits. After lunch we walked around the hobby lobby and they had Christmas stuff set up and Isaac loved that. I made enchilada's for dinner and they tasted really good. Isaac has been trying to put together the days of the week and what we do each day so I made him a calendar. I think it will be good to do that for both of us. Well drive safe tomorrow and everyone have a good weekend.
Yeah for weekends
I am so ready for the weekend. It was a busy week. Monday is the big move and Tuesday I will be in the new building. I am so excited for that. Good luck Karen sleeping in. I hope you have a great weekend. We are headed to Logan in the morning to get all the roofing supplies ordered to be delivered. We are also going to buy material for Kyle's tree for the festival of trees. It looks like the target date for the roof is October 6th. I hope the weather stays nice. Not much else to report. Dad stayed home today and I took Trax to work. I always fall asleep on the way home. Someday I am going to end up in daysprings before I wake up again. Love you guys MOM
Made it
Well we made it to the weekend. My day was good. I was glad it was Friday. I am excited to sleep in tomorrow. Well have a great one. Bye
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Almost Friday
I am glad that tomorrow if Friday. I sure can feel that storm coming, my headache is there. Work was good today. I think everyone is getting ready for the move. I just got things done so I would be ready for the move. Congratulations Rachel on so much applesauce. That is nice to have. That is a lot of apples. Robin, I am sorry work was slow. That always makes for a long day. Karen, you should get rain by morning. Not much else going on with me. LOVE MOM
We worked hard today. Casey and Isaac picked a wheel barrow full of apples. He said that was only a third of the apples, we have a lot this year. We only did about half of the wheelbarrow and we did 14 quarts of applesauce. It took all afternoon and most of the evening. Casey also got the windshield in his car, yea. He dropped it off and we picked him up and took Isaac to the toy store since he filled his potty jar again. He got a lego logger truck. We tried real underwear today and he did really good. he had one accident but not bad. He was done this afternoon so we switched back to pull ups. I am just taking it to the next step. Casey has to work tomorrow and he is interviewing for the lead position which is exciting. Well it was another hot one today. I am ready for fall, this heat is for the birds.
So close
Today was good. Work went by slow today it was rough. We did go to spicy apple for lunch it was good. It's right around the corner from us. Then I came home and did dishes. Well not to much else with me just same ole, have a good night
Rachel your pictures are way cute. Still no rain here but I keep hoping it will start soon. My day has been good. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. Well I really don't have much to report so I will sign off. Have a good one.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
We had a good day. Casey's went to Clifton to finish fixing the truck. I needed the car to take Isaac to school so Casey's Mom came and picked him up this morning. They just got back and they were able to fix the truck and they had a good day. We had good day also. When Oliver was napping me and Isaac sat in the backyard and ate raspberries and watched the airplanes fly by, it was fun. He had preschool this afternoon. He get so excited for it he wakes up super early ready to go. He loves preschool. We went on a walk this evening and it was pretty. It has been so hot it was nice to get out in the cool evening. We saw some deer in a field and you could see their ears poking out. Everyone have a good night and stay safe.
Eating Raspberries
Oliver likes to be naked
Hump Day
This week has been weird. Moving can make people go crazy. I will be glad when Monday comes and it is all over with. Man it was hot today. I walked out to get the mail and I melted. It broke a record today. I am glad that Walter is doing OK and you got him some food. That will help him feel better. Every morning when we go to work there are 20 ducks walking around in front of our apartment. The little girl downstairs feeds them. It is so cute. Have a great Thursday. LOVE MOM
This morning our computers were down, we didn't get them to work till 12:00. We having been working on a huge swatch project. So I cut fabric swatches all morning while they are getting the computers up and going. Then we had production checks and I had to put on a gown. It actually didn't look to bad. I liked it, after work I bought Walter a burrito from cafe rio. He is doing good. Walking slow but starting to heal, then I came home and relaxed, I can't believe how hot it was I was all prepped for fall and it's still summer. Well have a good Thursday
I like the minion costumes also. My day has been good. I am ready for the heat wave to be over tomorrow. Work has been staying busy the last couple of days so it has been going by fast. I keep forgetting to mention that I have a rattle of Oliver's and a people magazine. I wasn't sure if I should save the people magazine or not. Well that is about it for me. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Heat Wave
Robin I love those costumes. I was thinking about minons also, those were cute pictures. I will ask Isaac but I think that he would be up for it. I just worry that everyone is going to be minons but maybe not. I bet everyone will be frozen characters this year. I hope that Walter is doing OK, tell him we are thinking about him. I am glad that it wasn't a major surgery. I am sorry about his grandma, that is hard. Mom, I am glad that you are moving. I am excited for you. I hope that everything goes smoothly this week. Isaac is doing so good without a binki. It is a miracle. He went to bed last night and tonight without any problems. He even watched TV today and didn't even ask for it. We had a good day. It was hotter than blazes. We walked to story time and it was pretty hot walking home. Jenn came over to sew today and that was fun. Her daughter is getting her mission call tomorrow, that is exciting. She may not have RA either which would be good, they are going to do more tests. Casey made black beans for dinner and they turned out really good. I hope that everyone is surviving this heat wave. Thanks for everything.
Those are cute costumes Robin. I love them. I was also thinking about Bob the Builders. There are so many cute costumes. It is going to be hard to decide. Well my day was busy. The totes for moving came today and next week at this time we will have moved into the new building. We went to Walmart on the way home tonight to get food. It was fun to walk around and see all the fun Halloween stuff. Isaac is really getting old enough to decide what he wants to be for Halloween. I hope he is doing Ok with no binky. It is hard. Have a great hump day. LOVE MOM
Robin I hope that Walter's surgery went well. Hopefully it will fix his stomach. My day was good. I stayed busy so the day went fast. I also had engineering meeting so that took up half of the morning. I am glad that the binky dog hasn't needed emergency surgery. He is a tough kid. Well that is about it for me. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye
Itsa good
Today was good nothing to crazy on my side. Walter said he made it through his procedure. He was just planning on sleeping all night. So I don't have a lot of info. I didn't hear more about his grandma so I guess she's ok. I'm glad Isaacs binky bear is working. I was worried I had an idea for Halloween they should be minions. I attached cute pictures to win the vote. :) have a good night
Monday, September 15, 2014
It's a Monday
Today was good work is moving along. I met up with Walter for dinner. They don't think that is grandma will last very much longer. They think tomorrow she might pass. Walter also has surgery to fix his stomach tomorrow. He has scar tissue in his intestines they have to cut out. So he's out for a few days. Well that's his craziness. My life is smooth nothing to much to report. Have a good night
Real World
I was back in the real world today and I like playing a lot better. I did have a good day it was just hard getting back to normal. It was an open house for the new building today so I showed dad where I am going to work and then we went and got his new glasses. He is having a little bit of trouble adjusting to the new lens but they look really nice. I am glad that Isaac is doing good. Not much else going on with me. I love you guys MOM
It's working
The dog worked amazingly well. Thank you guys for being supportive and awesome. Isaac did really good on the way home. He was kind of grouchy but I think it was just because he was tired. At bed time we did our routine and he was kind of crying so Casey laid with him for a minute. Then we got up. We could hear him in his room saying "I'm old, I'm old" over and over. It was really cute. So I went in their and said he was a big boy and that his dog would protect him and he went to sleep. I am really happy with the whole things, it has been amazing. Today was good. We had some errands to run this morning and it took most of the morning. We had lunch and then Isaac went to preschool and he had a good time. I made chillie for dinner and it tasted really good. The only thing is it was a hot day and dinner was hot, oh well. We visited Randy this evening and it was fun. Thanks again for the fun weekend. I love Aunt Karen's house.
My Monday has been good. Work went by pretty fast. A nap would have been nice, but I nap it thru. Thanks everyone for the nice birthday weekend. I hope that the binki dog worked Rachel. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Good Luck
Good luck Rachel with no binky. I am glad he did good going home. I think he will miss it but he will get over it. You might be in for a long couple of days. I sure had a nice time this weekend. Thanks Karen for everything. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. It is going to be hard to get back to the real world. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...