Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Heat Wave

Robin I love those costumes.  I was thinking about minons also, those were cute pictures.  I will ask Isaac but I think that he would be up for it.  I just worry that everyone is going to be minons but maybe not.  I bet everyone will be frozen characters this year.  I hope that Walter is doing OK, tell him we are thinking about him.  I am glad that it wasn't a major surgery.  I am sorry about his grandma, that is hard.  Mom, I am glad that you are moving.  I am excited for you.  I hope that everything goes smoothly this week.  Isaac is doing so good without a binki.  It is a miracle.   He went to bed last night and tonight without any problems.  He even watched TV today and didn't even ask for it.  We had a good day.  It was hotter than blazes.  We walked to story time and it was pretty hot walking home.  Jenn came over to sew today and that was fun.  Her daughter is getting her mission call tomorrow, that is exciting.  She may not have RA either which would be good, they are going to do more tests.  Casey made black beans for dinner and they turned out really good.  I hope that everyone is surviving this heat wave.  Thanks for everything.


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