Thursday, September 9, 2010

wouldn't you know it

Well today I worked at xpose for 2 hours and then I applied for some jobs. I bought karen a birthday present dun dun dun. I hope you like it. If not its flammable we can make a fire :) just kidding. well I am going for sure to I haven't heard anything form the movie peeps so I made a decision to go. I work at lagoon in the morning but should be done by four-ish. well I hope that everyone has a great night. drive safe and I will see ya'll tomorrow. :)


Almost Friday

I am so excited for this weekend. My baby is going to be 30. YEAH. Tomorrow is BreeAnn's babyshower. I finished up the blankets tonight. They are OK not perfect but OK. I like them. I will try to leave here around 2:00. I need to get some fuel and etc. I am ready for an adventure. I will see you all tomorrow. LOVE YOU LOTS MOM

Josh Groban

Josh Groban has a new CD coming out in November and he put his new single on his website that you can listen to, here is a link It actually came out yesterday but I couldn't figure out how to share it so today I decided just to put the link on the blog. I had a good day, work is good. Casey took me out to dinner and it was good to see him. I also got two new audio books today. When I lived in Clifton I would wait for the 9th so I could get new books but now I am behind since I don't listen to them as much. It is still fun to get them. Well I am exited for this weekend, it will be fun.



Well my ceiling was damp when they came and checked my place today so now I have 4 fan and a de-humidifier in my living room. It is alittle nosey, so I am in my room and I am going to watch netflixs online. i have been watching Better Off Ted and Robin you are right it is a funny show. I have been enjoying it. Well i tried to get out of getting a calling tonight. The first consular wanted to come over here at 8 and I thought with the fans I could get him to cancel. No such luck he said he didn't mind. Oh well you can't say that I didn't try. Well at work the final decided to hire a temp for the engineering secretary. She has been out on medical for 2 months now. I have been trying to help so that her piles won't get to big, but there is no way I can do it all. Tom asked me today if I was keeping up with it and I told him there wasn't a chance that I could. At least not and do my job at the same time. So he went and got approval for a temp. I am so glad. I hate scanning. It is so boring it is like watching paint dry. Well I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Don't worry about the fans they are just here tonight. Have a great Friday

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nice Anniversary

We went to Bennihanas for dinner and then walked the fashion place mall. It was really nice. Rachel I left the newspaper and a gatorade bottle for you and Casey in dads jeep. I thought it might be nice for Casey's bike ride. The doctor's went good for grandma we are going to keep her on her medicines. He said she could have improvement for a couple of more months. So that is good. It was nice to be able to be with dad for our anniversary. Well I am so excited for friday. Rachel 4 is great. I am not leaving work until at least 1:00 which means 2:00 we won't be any earlier than 4 so you can work even later if you want. I was thinking of eating dinner in SLC and then heading out but we could also eat at Thanksgiving point. Just some suggestions. I can't believe how far the baby has moved on his calendar. We can see the 20 weeks now. Boy that is moving right along. Karen I am so glad the fire wasn't bad I almost thought you would be up here for your birthday. Pumpkin pancakes sound so much fun. LOVE MOM


Today I meet mom and grandma for lunch it was good to see everyone. I hope grandmas appt. went well. Happy anniversary. Then I worked at lagoon. everyone is getting there dance moves down for frightmares. I think it should be pretty fun. family days are the 24,26 of sept and oct 1,2 second. I think I will double check but I think those are the days if you guys want to go. well I don't work on friday but I am still not sure about the weekend. I think I don't have to shoot but I'm not positive. sorry my schedule kinda sucks to plan. anyway have a great thursday.


Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, I hope that you had a nice evening. Karen it sounds like you had a very eventful week, that is crazy. One good thing is I got you a Birthday Present today and I think that you will like it. I also got a pumpkin pancake mix to make you a birthday breakfast. I have a question about Friday, what time do you want to leave? I was thinking of leaving work at 4 but I didn't know if that was too late or if I should leave earlier. I think that Brianne will really like your presents Mom, they are really cute.


Well the apartment above me caught their stove on fire today. My apartment is fine. The sprinkle system put it out. They had to come into my place and clean up a little water in my laundry room, but other than that I am good. What a week. i had my fridge die, I had to go to the dentist, and then a fire. I hope that it calms down. Other than the fire I had a quiet day. Work was good. it was a little boring in the morning but then it pick up in the afternoon. I hope that mom and dad had a good anniversary. I am excited to see you all this weekend. Love ya BYE

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So today I went to taco bell and the hot sauce packet said "Will you marry me?" It was so funny I took a picture. So I'm planning a fall wedding with soft shell tacos for our meal :) ha ha ha so funny. Tomorrow lunch will be great I will meet you at the restaurant. :) i'm glad that your baby is doing well rachel. the countdown is about to break the 100 day mark. well I hope everyone has a great wensday.


Feels like Monday

It is so nice to be tuesday because it feels like Monday. The week is going to fly and then the weekend and I get to go to ST. George. I am excited to celebrate Karen's big 30th. Not much going on with me. I did talk to everyone tonight to coordinate tomorrow. I am going to meet Robin for lunch if that is OK and then going to dinner with dad for our anniversary. 34 years boy that makes me feel old. Well have a great day.


The baby is doing good

I went to the Doctor today. We had to wait forever again, it takes so long. I really like my Doctor though, he is really nice. The baby still has a heart beat and was moving around. The right side of my face has been kind of swollen and I asked him about it. He said that retaining some water in your face isn't going to put pressure on my facial nerve and facial swelling isn't going to cause bells palsey. He was good to talk to me about it, basicly there is nothing you can do to prevent. I have to do the glucose test next time. I just have to drink that sugar water a hour before I go in and then the draw some blood. Then me and Casey went out to dinner. It was fun. Karen, I am sorry about your teeth, that sucks. They will start feeling better now though. Robin I am sorry that you went to Odgen, that is a long drive. Mom have a safe trip down tomorrow and have a fun Anniversery.


Well I went to the dentist today. I hate going. I had a filling fall out so I went to get it fixed and they talked me into a teeth cleaning also. So i had to get a crown on the tooth and it is a little tender. I hate teeth. Oh well. Other than that it has been a good day. Work was just the same old same old. It did rain here a little bit. I think that it rained just because I washed my car on Saturday. It waited until my car was not under covered parking for a long period of time and then boom rain. Now that my car us under covered parking the rain stoped. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, September 6, 2010

picture this

Well today the girl I helped moved the other day wanted me to help hang pictures. So I drove up and helped out. I was kinda tired but I made it. We went to the pizza factory for dinner. I love there breadsticks. well nothing else to exiting. Have a great time


12 more boxes

Well I used the rest of Rachel's boxes and got a lot packed up in the closets downstairs. It is hard to tell if there is a difference or not. It was nice just to have a quiet day. I did get all my laundry done also. Good luck at the doctor's Rachel. You are looking really good. We are coming down on Wednesday. Do you just get 1/2 hour lunch? I wasn't sure if you wanted us to meet you for lunch. WE have to be in bountiful by 1:00 The more I write the more that sounds like it isn't going to work. Oh well it was a good idea. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow. I am excited for Friday. It will be fun to go to St. George. Well have a great Tuesday. I love having monday's off.


Laid Back

I had a good day, it was nice to have a quiet day. We slept in and then Casey went to work. I brought lunch up later and read my book at the lad for a while. I came home and played Mario Galaxy most of the day. I wasn't very productive. I have a Doctor appointment tomorrow but there are no more ultrasounds. It will be werid not to have one, it was nice to see him and make sure he was doing alright. I think that this week will go really fast since we didn't have to work today.

It's clean

Well I got my place cleaned up a bit so that everyone that comes and visits won't have to trip over all my stuff. It was nice having a day off. It does feel a bit strange having a day off work and not being in Logan or SLC. But I did get all my stuff cleaned up from my trip. I hope that everyone had a good holiday today. Robin that will be cool if they changed the date. We can go see Resident Evil and see if we can see your zombie. Well have a great night. BYE

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I love sundays

I had a good day I took a 2 hour nap. That was nice. We went to church and made it through 2 out of the 3 so that is making progress. Tomorrow I am going to work on closets and hopefully they won't look so busy. Have a great holiday.



So the shows for the summer are over.... YEAH thats about 20 songs i'm not going to listen to for a while :) and i am not 100 percent positive but I think my movie date changed this weekend so I can go to st george. :) i will let you know when I know for sure but that is the word on the street. I'm glad mom and rachel had a good time. I love your quilt. I 'm glad that is treating you well karen. I hope it gets cooler soon. :) well have a great labor day!!


Good Weekend

I have had a really good weekend. It was fun to go to Logan yesterday. We had a good time sewing. We got a lot done and it was really fun. Here is a picture of a block of my Sea Urchin quilt that I did yesterday.

This morning I was so sore though, I am not sure why. It took me a while to get going. Casey had to work so I went up to the lab and sat with him all day. I made some Mac and cheese for lunch and took it up and then we came home for dinner and had nachos. I just stayed home and he went back up. I think that I am going to watch a movie now. Robin thanks for the baby clothes, you are so sweet. I am glad that you applied for a job at the makeup place. I think that would be fun. Karen I am glad that you had a good weekend and that sucks about your freezer. I am excited to see you next weekend. Thanks for the fun weekend Mom,I am spoiled.



Well I had a good Sunday. It is really windy here today. I haven't done too much today, but it was nice to relax. I am glad that mom and Rachel had a fun time sewing yesterday. My fridge is still running so that is very nice. Tomorrow I am going to clean up my place. It needs to get organized after vacation. Well have a great holiday tomorrow everyone


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...