Thursday, June 6, 2013
No instacare
Dad called about 4 and said his feet were feeling a lot better so we waited until I got home and they did look better so we didn't go to the doctor. I should have emailed you and let you know. I didn't even think about that sorry. I love Isaac's hat. That is so cute. We went to Lowes and got everything for Saturday. We are ready to clean up a yard. YEAH. Robin do you want to do something on Sunday? I wasn't sure what your plans were. I know Saturday has become crazy for you. I am so glad it is Friday also. I think you need to carry a walking stick with you Karen. That will keep them away. Work was good. Just busy. We are going to come to Kamas tomorrow after work. I just love this time of year. I am glad that Isaac likes the pool. That will help keep you guys cool in the heat of the summer. Have a great Friday. Good luck with the boy scout camp. I think it will be fun. You will learn a lot of what boys like to do. I think it will be fun for Casey to have Isaac. LOVE MOM
Today was good. We went to Stokes Nature Center and they taught the kids about frogs. They made frog hats. I attached a picture of Isaac's. After Isaac's nap we went to the swimming pool. Isaac really liked it and didn't want to leave. He got kind of cold near the end though so we had to go. We will be there a lot this summer. Tomorrow I am going off with the boy scouts. Wish me luck. Isaac is staying with Casey and Randy. I think that it will be good. Casey is excited to spend the day with him. Karen that is crazy about the birds, it is just like the movie. I hope that Dad's feet are alright.
One more day
Well the black birds are on the attach. They must have started nesting this week. Hopefully they will calm down soon. I went to Walmart after work today to get some stuff for the company party tomorrow. On the way there they were herding cows down the middle of the road so it took a little longer to get to Heber than usual. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day at work was good. I started on a project in the morning that I didn't think would take me very long. But it ended up taking most of the day. Oh well. I hope that dad's feet are doing okay. Did instacare give him drugs for them? Well I hope that everyone has great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
its a foot
sorry about dads blisters they suck. and your teeth to rachel recover fast. well nothing to crazy for me I went to work at 6 and I was so tired I came home and took a nap. I slept till like 8:30 then I thought I should be productive so I made salted carmel rice crispy treats for everyone at work. my kitchen self impodes so fast so tomorrow is cleaning kitchen day. have a good one
Robin I really like your painting, that is really neat. Good job. We had a fun day with Grandma today. North Logan has a new water park kind of like the gateway so we walked there and played. It was a lot of fun. Then Casey picked us up and we went to lunch. Then I was off to the dentist. I think that I will be sore for a couple of days but I am glad that it is over. It is going to be nice to have everything fixed. We had wok on wheels for dinner and then Mom took off. I went to the store but Isaac was kind of grumpy. I think that he is tired. Well the plan for now is that we are coming down this weekend. Casey is doing a bike ride with his friends and I am going to drop him off and pick him up. He should have a good time. I finished a quilt Tuesday with Jenn and I attached a picture.
Robin I like the one with the hat best also. It looks awesome. I am way impressed. Rachel I hope that the dentist wasn't too traumatic. I hate going to the dentist. My day was good. Of course this morning one of the black birds did fly at me. I may have to walk on the other side of the road for protection. Or maybe start running to work. I got a few more of the boards off the play land. Yea for me. Well have a great one. Bye
Love the hat
Robin I love that picture. I like the one with the hat the best. Good job. I am up a Rachel's house today. She is going to the dentist. It is nice to just hang out with Rachel and Isaac. Rachel has a 3 hour dentist appointment. Poor thing. Have a nice hump day. I think that Rachel and Isaac might come down this weekend. We could hang out on Sunday. LOVE MOM
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
i see
Maybe I will try to come down on saturday. I will see how things go. Work had been super busy and I went in at 6 today and tomorrow. so much for and easy 8 hour day.. o well at least its one job. I started an art project tonight I am not sure about it yet I still am messing with it. I posted a picture below. I also tried to make some cinnamon things. I got the recipe from a lady at pioneer. so it was fun to play around in my apartment a bit. not to much else have a great night

Well today the CEO, John decided to step down. He is just going to run the charity operation now. The new guy he pointed is nice though. Other than that is was a pretty quiet day. I walked to work. It was really pretty outside. Robin the dump day starts at 8. We should be done by lunch. So if you want to come early we will still be done by your shower. If you want to that is. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, June 3, 2013
Made it through
Well I made it through work today. It was hard going back. I do love to play. I am glad I get Wednesday off, ease me back to working full days. We could go on Vacation in August if that is easier. We are only talking a couple of weeks. I am really good with anything. I am going to come up to Logan tomorrow night. That way I will have all day to play. I haven't decided if I will leave right from work or come home first. I will let you know what I decide in the morning. Have a great Tuesday. I sure love this weather.
Sorry, I just got a baby shower invite for saturday. its at two. I can help out after though karen. sorry or maybe sunday I can help out a bit. Rachel in july I can't take off time but I can maybe just meet up for the weekend. I can leave friday and come back sunday. sorry I don't get my bonus vacation times if I take off any time It goes till august. I fail at fun time.... well not to much else going on with me. My body woke up at 3:30am and I could not get back to sleep. I hope to get to bed and stay asleep tonight. well have agreat night
Today was good. Isaac is still not a 100% so we just took it easy most of the day. This morning we went on a walk and played at the playground for a while. Isaac took a long nap and I was able to get a lot of sewing done. We watched Cars this evening and just relaxed. I have an plan for a vacation this summer. We want to go to Yellow Stone the week of my birthday in July. I am not sure how much vacation everyone has but we were thinking two or three days off and then the weekend. I really want to do this so let me know what you guys think. I am excited for a vacation. :)
Robin, I have already booked mom and dad (and anyone else who wants to help) on Saturday. It is free dump day so I rented a trailer and we are getting rid of the pile in my backyard. We can go on Sunday though. My day was good. It was really nice out. I walked to work. On the way home there were these black birds flying over head and I flashed back to Dugway. When those black birds would swoop out you. So it nearly gave me a heart attack when one crowed. I was close to hitting the dirt. Other than that it was just the same old same old. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, June 2, 2013
its in the bag
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Things are going well. the show has closed YEAH!! the girls I dressed tipped me very well so I felt rich. I decided that june is going to be my crazy and fun month so I spent my entire tip money on cloths. it was lots of fun. I even bought some earrings at claires. just some clip on ones. I also colored my hair brown. My gray hairs were starting to peak out. I did manage to go grocery shopping since I had zero food in my house. and also did the dishes so I was a bit responsible ;) it was nice to have it so warm out side. I loved it. What are you guys doing next weekend do you want to go to bear lake?? and get some raspberry shakes? have a great monday
I love the bag Rachel. That is really cute. Congratulations. I am sorry about the leather. We will have to juice them next time and add some applesauce. I think that will be better. Sorry about that. We drove up to Kamas this morning to give Karen her raspberry and blackberry starts. We got them all planted and then she made us spaghetti for lunch. It tasted so good. Thanks Karen. We didn't do much else the rest of the night. Dad's feet are really sore so we just took it easy. I can't believe it is June already. Time is going so fast. That pout, pout book is really cute. I am glad Isaac has liked it. I hope you got lots of rest Robin. This week will seem so strange with you actually having time to sleep. Have a nice Monday. I am going to Logan on Wednesday to help Rachel go to the dentist but other than that is should be a quiet week. I am hoping to get my hair cut one day this week. It is starting to drive me crazy. Thanks for the pictures Rachel.
The pout put fish has been a big hit with Isaac, thanks Mom. The fruit leather in the oven didn't turn out, it was too hard. I pulled out the dryer last night and am using that to dry and I put the rest outside. It isn't really working out though. Their are just too many seeds. I am kind of bummed out it but I guess we know for next time. I need to read how to get the seeds out. I think that I am going to make leather with the apricots, I think that will turn out good. We had a good day. We just watched Cars this morning and Isaac laid on the tramp, I attached a picture. Then we went to church and Isaac did pretty good. I wore the skirt I made and it was really cute. It was fun to wear. The ladies in nursery told me out a new water park that just opened in North Logan by the library so we are going to go tomorrow and try it out. Isaac took a two hour nap and I was able to finish my bag. I love it, it turned out good. I made a roast for dinner and that tasted good. Then me and Isaac went to the park and played all evening, it was really fun. Casey just made it home safe. Thanks again Mom for the fun weekend. I am glad that you got a new garden Karen, I hope that it doesn't freeze again. I am glad that your show is over Robin, get caught up on your sleep.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...