Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nice Weekend

I am so glad you made it safe and sound Karen. We are watching the weather and it is starting to snow in Logan right now. You would have had a great drive home tomorrow. I am glad you got to come home. It was so much fun. I had a great time. Rachel you got such wonderful presents. Some of those blankets are going to be heirlooms. They are amazing. We took grandma out to Julies house and then to James house. It was nice to see everyone. I am going to rest tomorrow. YEAH LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Made it

Well I made to St. George safe and sound. Thanks for checking the weather, Rachel and Casey, I like driving better when it is not snowing. I had a fun time this weekend thanks for everything everyone. I am still going to skip church tomorrow though. I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Safe and sound in Logan

We made it safe and sound and so did Karen. The turkey is unthawing and stuffing is ready to be made. We are going to have a good day. Rachel drive careful. If you need anything you just let us know. LOVE MOM

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I see turkey in my future

Rachel we won't leave until I hear from you. You can drive with us. I am so excited for thanksgiving. I got to leave early also. I got home around 3 it was nice. I could get use to that. Well tomorrow I have to work a full shift and then I can leave. Karen please drive careful. It really wasn't that bad of a storm. It is suppose to be really cold however. Ice will be everywhere. Have a great Wednesday and I'll see you soon.



Well I wasn't that impressed with the blizzard, it wasn't that bad. They let me go home from work at 4 so we wouldn't get stuck in the storm and Casey got the evening off. It was nice. We went to best buy and got Casey some headphones and he did some doughnuts in the parking lot. The lunch at Olive Garden was fun, it was a nice day. I had a long lunch and left early. Well I am excited for you to come up tomorrow Karen and for Thanksgiving. Casey may go up to Clifton tomorrow if the roads are OK to see his Mom. I may catch a ride with Mom or Karen tomorrow if you guy are going up to Logan. I will call Mom after work tomorrow and let her know what is going on.


Well it is chilly here and cloudy. No precipitation yet though. I have to get up tomorrow at 5 so i can be to work at 6. I don't even like knowing there is a 5 in the morning let alone getting up at it. Well they did get me the stuff for the program so I better go and make the program. Then I have to pack. I hope that you all don't get snowed in. BYE

Monday, November 22, 2010

drum roll please

Well posted is the new entertainment center. It did not come in pieces we dragged it all the way. we did have a dolly but non the less we were successful :) well we went out for dinner it was tasty. then I had to drive to farmington earlier today to get a pay check it was nice to get paid. :) well I am beat have a great tuesday be safe in the storm!!!


New entertainment center

I found this entertainment center at Fred Meyer's and it was on sale so dad let me buy it. It was kind of a chore to get it here but it looks nice. Robin took a picture and said that she would post it. When I checked out they gave me another 30 dollars off. It was over 1/2 off. I really like it. It is so not me. I always go for light wood and this is black but it matches so nice with the book case that we had already. It hides all the cables really well. Robin says it is off center but we will survive. It was nice to go to dinner with Rachel. Get some rest you looked really tired. Karen we are under a blizzard warning for until Wednesday. We need to watch the weather really close. I am worried about it. Robin said she has minute by minute weather on her phone. Do you have that? Well I am excited for this weekend. I hope Logan isn't snowed in. LOVE MOM

Top Performer

I was a Top Performer again at work. We are going out to lunch tomorrow at the Olive Garden, it will be fun. I had a good day. Mom, Grandma and Robin all met me for dinner and then we went shopping. It is fun to hang out with everyone. I like it. When I got home Casey came home a little after and we watched a movie. I am sorry about your bank Karen, they try to get every penny out of you. Thanks everyone for the fun evening.


Well I got my statement for my new account and it had a 10 dollar service charge on it. I thought that was strange for a free checking account so I called and they reversed the charge for me. They also said that it wouldn't happen again. It was still a pain though. Work was good, just two more work days left until the holiday. It was cold today. I nearly froze. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Well my day was pretty much a copy of rachels. it was a good day though it was fun to see everyone. Well mostly filling up space on my section of the blog. Mostly to say HI to everyone I'm excited for thanksgiving!!!



I had a good day, Grandma's Birthday party was really fun. We had a good turn out and it was fun to visit with everyone. I really had a good time. Then we went out to Grandma Bodily's house and visited, it was good to see her and Sue. We are going to watch a movie now and relax. I am excited for you to come up Karen, it will be fun. This week is going to go fast.



Well today has been good, but cold and wet. I went to church and it was windy and wet. I did tell the bishopric that I was going to be gone on Wednesday. So we will see if they get me the stuff for the program in time for me to make it before I go. I am not holding out much hope though. Just three work days to get thru until Thanksgiving. I hope that Grandma's party went well. Did everyone show up? Well i hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...