Saturday, May 14, 2016

Nice day

We had a really nice day hanging out with Karen.  Captain America is a good movie and she bought some fun stuff.  Her smoker wouldn't fit in the car so we drove the jeep up and put it together and tried out the weed wacker.  It was a lot of fun. Thanks Karen.  Rachel, I hope you are having a wonderful adventure.  Robin, do you need some pro biotics?  I can come and bring you some.  Your poor stomach.  I hope you get some rest.  It was so windy here today.  LOVE MOM

wacker, smoker, and a stove

Well I decided to spend my tax return today. I met mom and dad for lunch. Then we went and saw Capitan America, it was good. Then we went to Lowe's and I bought a weed wicker, a meat smoker, and a new stove. I was going to try the smoker out tonight, but you can't use it in the rain and a storm is definitely coming in. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye


Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. It was so pretty I went to sugar house park and walked the loop and came home. I was tired so my nap turned into bed time. I have to work scheels all weekend. My stomach is on edge so I'm just going to take it slow when I'm not working. Not much else have a fun weekend


Friday, May 13, 2016

We are off

We are off to Lava hot springs and pocatello tomorrow.  It should be fun.  Today was pretty good.  We worked hard.  It was story time at the library and we walked to it.  The kids did really good and it was good to get out.  It was pretty hot on the way home and I ended up with all three kids in the stroller.  It was a lot of push.  Oliver wouldn't take a nap today.  So when Casey got home we all worked, mostly Casey, on the garden.  They got the corn part all done and planted.  It looks nice.  Oliver fell asleep for a bit after dinner and then was grouchy.  Everyone have a great weekend and thanks for everything.



It was a good day at work for me as well.  I am starting to get a few things caught back up and that feels really nice.  Dad took me to the mall after work and we walked around.  It felt nice to just move a little bit.  Not much else going on with me.  Karen is coming down tomorrow and we are going shopping for a weed wacker and going to see Captain America.  Rachel have a safe trip.  Robin, I hope you have a quiet weekend.  LOVE MOM

Made it

Well my day has been good. I got my desk all packed up for the move. They are putting in the new furniture this weekend. I went to the eye doctor.  My eyes are good. My prescription didn't change and he didn't see any problems so that was good. The I went and picked up my prescriptions at Walmart. So that was my day. I hope everyone had a great Friday the 13th.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Stealth bomber

The kids didn't sleep well last night, all three of them.  I was worried we would have a rough day but Oliver actually was happy some of the time today.  I felt in his mouth and the other molar was poking through.  Isaac had school and I had to wake him up for that.  He had fun, a police officer came and they also pretended they were fire trucks and squirted things.  We had a quick lunch and then I had my quilt group. It was fun and everyone liked my red quilt.  We left a early because Ruth and Oliver were tired.  Casey met with a lady today that helps with contracts, she told him to make business plan first so he is going to work on that.  Casey and Isaac went and bought some seeds to plant the garden and we started digging up stuff this evening.  We bought dinner so me and Oliver went and got some bread sticks and sandwiches, it was fun to just go with Oliver and have some time with him.  Here is hopping that everyone sleeps tonight.  Oh we read a book about a stealth bomber and now Isaac has talked about them no stop.  I told him I saw one at a air show one time and now he wants to see one.  He was telling the ladies at the quilt group about them and they said their is one at the air museum in Layton.  We will have to go one weekend.


Scary Movie

With Friday the 13th, I am going to have to watch a scary movie.  That would be fun.  Not much going on with me.  Work was so good today.  It was so quiet.  I loved it.  We went grocery shopping after work.  It was nice to get some stuff for lunches.  Not much else going on with me.  My cough is a lot better today.  I took some ibuprofen and it was like magic.  Go figure that one out.  Have a great Friday.  Rachel have a fun trip.  Karen good luck at the eye doctor.  I hope you had fun with your Visiting Teacher.  Robin, I hope you get some rest.  LOVE MOM

Half day

I only have to work half day tomorrow.  I have an eye doctor appointment so nothing too exciting. I get to move to my new desk tomorrow so that should be fun. It is a desk the you can adjust so you can stand or sit while on the computer. I hope everyone has a great Friday the 13th tomorrow. Bye

Image result for friday the 13th jokes

Friday 13th

Today was good. Nothing to big going on. I had to work at scheels tonight so that was ok. I'm tired. I am so glad tomorrow is friday :) well not much else with me. Have a great friday.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Rolling along

Today was good I'm getting a bit caught up on work.  I had the night off and me and Walter went to olive garden for dinner. It was good. Then I was tired so I just came home and watched netflix. Almost done with the week :)  have a good one



Karen, I really like that sun.  Good job and thanks for the picture.  Mom good job on saying No, that is hard but you can't do everything.  Thanks for coming up for the graduation, it is so fun and the kids are so cute.  Today was good.  This morning at breakfast Oliver was crying and saying no Isaac's house, he just wanted to be outside all day and that is what we did.  It was so nice outside.  Oliver did take a nap and the water melting beads came so me and Isaac did that, it was fun.  After dinner we went up to Green canyon and walked around.  It was a lot of fun and felt good to hike a bit.  I didn't get any pictures up their, I didn't bring my phone.  Well have a good night and a good Thursday.


Hump day

I made it through hump day.  I feel like I turned the corner at work. I told someone no today.  I just couldn't do it and it felt really nice.  I am going to get caught back up.  Not much else going on with me.  I still have a bad cough and I had to leave a  meeting twice that I was taking notes in because I couldn't stop coughing.  Embarrassing.  It is such nice weather outside today.  Karen I love your sun.  It is perfect for you room.  Robin, I am glad you had a good day also.  Rachel, I am all set to come to preschool graduation.  I think that will be so much fun.  LOVE MOM


Well work was good. Nothing too exciting there. After work I noticed my lawn was getting long so I mowed it. Yea for me for being responsible. I also decided that I needed something on the wall in my blue living room so I attached a picture of what I got.

I think it will be pretty. Robin six will work great. I am excited. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hour over

Today was good I lost track of time at work so now I'm an hour over. But I got alot done. I just need to burn the time over the week which I won't mind. I hope my federal tax return comes soon. I'm jealous. Go buy something fun. Karen the comedy guy is at 6pm on may 21st. I wasn't sure if that was to late for dinner. But it's Texas road house. And we are eating first so it will be around 6. Anyway that is all for me I had the night off. Walter took me to cafe rio for dinner. We were going to see the captain America movie but it was packed. So we are going to try tomorrow. Have a good night


Puddle Jumping

Karen sorry we didn't see Captain America and sorry about your weed eater, we failed.  I am glad that you got your tax return.  Mom I hope that you start feeling better and get over that cough, that is no fun.  Today was good.  Oliver is still cranky but I am staying patient.  We played outside this morning and read books which was nice.  It was nice this morning then rained all afternoon.  Jenn came and sewed and we had a good time.  She is going to sub for my Sunday school class this weekend which is really nice of her.  Casey got his car inspected after work and ran some errands.  Isaac said on the Mother's day card that he likes doing crafts with me so I have been trying to do more with him.  We did crafts all afternoon and evening.  It was fun and he was really happy.  Casey had scouts and after he got home the rain had cleared so we went on a walk.  The boys started jumping in puddles and having fun so we didn't go far.  It was nice to get out a bit.  Thanks for everything.


Sound asleep

Sorry, I missed blogging last night.  I fell sound asleep on the couch and didn't wake back up.  This cold is kicking my butt.  I hope I am just about over it.  I haven't coughed so much today so that is good.  Work was good.  I went in late and stayed late.  I just couldn't get moving.  I am starting to feel good about work.  I am down to 75 emails from 350.  That is amazing.  Still a ways to go but I am working on that also.  Karen that is sweet you got your tax return. Our shouldn't be too far behind.  Everyone have a great hump day. LOVE MOM


Well I got my federal tax return today. Yea! Work was good. I had engineering meeting this morning and it did run long, but that just made the afternoon go by faster. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 9, 2016


Randy picked up Isaac for school and Oliver wanted to go with so he went grocery shopping with Randy.  Me and Ruthie went for a walk which was nice and then I sewed while she napped.  After school Isaac went up to Randy's house and Oliver and Ruthie stayed here and took naps.  When Casey got home I went grocery shopping and he made bread which was really good.  I forgot to say that I cut the boys hair yesterday, it looks a lot better.  We got out Ruthie's jumper today and she liked it.  The boys really liked it also, it entertained all of them.  The weather was really weird today.  It was nice to have some sunny times.  Everyone have a great night.  Robin, I am glad that she liked the table runner, it was really cute.



Thanks for the fun weekend. Walters mom liked her table runner. Work went by fast today. It was basically clean up for missing friday. Then I worked at scheels. The weather was so crazy today. It was a mad house for a good 20 minutes. Then it was sunny. It was cool to watch from the office though. Well not much else with me. Have a good night.



Well my Monday was good. Work went by quickly so that was nice. It rained here a bunch this evening.  I did get the stuff mailed off for the demolition derby. I hope everyone had a great day.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day Mom, we love you.  I am glad that you had a good day.  We went to bed late last night so the boys slept in till 10:00 and I woke them up.  They were tired.  Ruthie got up at 8 and then she took a nap at 9:30 so I sewed for a bit which was fun.  Church is crazy.  Oliver was grumpy so Casey took him out to the car, he was screaming the whole way out.  Ruthie pooped so I took her and Isaac out.  The primary was singing so we finished up in time to get Isaac up to the front.  Then we sat in the back again and Ruthie was crying so we just stayed in the hall after that.  Oliver wouldn't go to nursery and Ruthie was tired so Casey just took them home.  After church I looked in Oliver's mouth and a molar had come in so hopefully the others will be in fast.  Ruthie rolled over from her front to back also, she is getting it.  While Oliver and Ruthie napped Isaac watched a movie with Casey so I got to sew again, it was fun.  Thanks again for the fun weekend, I am sad that the quilt show is only once a year.  I want to play Catan again, that game is so fun.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...