Saturday, March 12, 2022

Friday, March 11, 2022


I was so glad today was Friday. I had a lunch with some vendors of ours. The daycare called and said Luna hadn't been eating normal and was acting off. So after I got back I picked her up and worked the rest of the day from home. She fell asleep in the car and slept for 2.5 hours. She started eating again. So hopefully tonight goes ok and she sleeps alright. 


 Work was good. They had ordered treats for st Patrick's day at WinCo for everyone at the hospital and they don't take credit cards so I had to be the second person to take 2000.00 dollars cash down and pay for them. It was fun. We just vegged tonight. I am excited to come up tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. Love your Tshirt Rachel. Karen that is so cute. Love mom


 Today was good and we had fun with the kids out of school.  We went to the park this morning.  The boys walked Tony and the girls drove.  It was fun to be outside.  Isaac walked Tony home and he pulled him over.  Isaac scraped his knee.  Oliver's friend Ewan came over and they played so well together.  Then we went to the jump zone.  It was super crowded and Oliver had a hard time.  We met Casey for dinner.  The kids are watching a new movie on Disney.  Karen sent me a funny shirt.  Thanks Karen.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow.  Love you guys 




 I am glad that the weekend is here. Work was good. Just the usual here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, March 10, 2022


 Work was good. I left early to take dad to the doctor. We talked for a while and they are going to take blood but it got too late and dad will have to do it tomorrow. We did go grocery shopping. It was getting bare. Oliver is so dang cute. I love how he poses. Luna is so cute she must be getting ready to grow. They just get so hungry. Karen congratulations on your paper. That has to feel good. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We are excited to go to Logan. Love mom


 Oliver's baptism is at 12:30.  Mom ordered a meat tray and we are going to have sandwiches for lunch at our house before the baptism.  Sorry for the horrible time.  It just didn't work out great.  Thanks for coming up for it.  Oliver is super excited.  I had Oliver try on his suit today and took pictures.  He looked handsome.  I made the program for the baptism and put his picture on the front.   Today was good and I may have been too emotional.  I turned down the job today.  I don't know if that was good but I think I can find something more flexible.  This morning  we were out of paper so me and Ruth went to the store.  Ruth had a doughnut party at school that she was so excited for but it wasn't as fun as she thought.  She had dance and called me to say she didn't feel well so I picked her up early.  Isaac woke up at 5:30 to finish his homework.  He was being so responsible.  Isaac wanted to go to the library after school with his friends.  He was so cute about it and had a fun time.  Their was a relief society activity tonight.  Everyone has been so nice I thought I would go and talk with everyone.  They had everyone go around and say their favorite things.  I sounded dumb and I have been so emotional about it.  It is dumb.  




Today was good but cold. We are all feeling better and it's nice to have a break from illness. I found a cut bunny cut out on Etsy. Luna fell asleep on our ride home so I cut a few out. We are eating lunch with some vendors so I thought I would give them one. I forgot to take a picture. Hopefully if she sleeps again tomorrow I will get some cut for you guys in time for Saturday :) Luna ate through the whole house today. She had a harder time falling asleep but finally crashed. Lisa sent her a cute play book. She liked it Hope everyone has a good Friday



 It is still cold here. I am so ready for some warmer weather. Work is going good. I made progress on my to do list so that is always nice. After I came home and worked on my paper some more. I also did laundry because I am almost out of clean socks. I got the research section written, but I still need to reread it. Pizza sounded good so I ordered summit inn pizza. I saw that they offered cauliflower crust so I got that and it tasted really good. I will have to do that again. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I was just wondering what the plan was this weekend for Oliver's baptism? Just wanted to know when I needed to be in Logan. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


 It snowed here and is cold.  I can't get any of my coats over my cast.  Casey was sweet and walked Tony this morning.  He is busy at work.  He came home for activity days tonight and then had to go back to work.  Me and Ruth cleaned up a bit and finished laundry.  Mom got her head bands and she will wear them at home but not at school so she looks homeless.  I didn't think anyone was coming to quilt group but two people came and it was fun.  Kids all made it to school and had a fun day.  Isaac had a sledding accident in December and a tooth was loose.  Then it has been fine but yesterday he said it was loose and hurting.  They were able to see him today and luckily it was a baby tooth that is ready to come out.  I was so grateful and happy about that.  I wasn't feeling as great in the evening so we took it slow.  I am feeling better in general and am so glad.  Love you guys.




 I went in to work today. It felt like Monday. That is good it means the week will go fast. Robin try feeding Luna a bedtime snack. That might help her stay asleep. I came home a little early because dad had a virtual doctor's appointment. It went well his kidney levels were bad when he was in the hospital so the doctor wants them rechecked. We will do that tomorrow when we got to the other doctor. It is so cold. I hope it warms up soon. Rachel I hope you did ok today. Everyone enjoy Thursday. Love mom


Today was good. Luna the past two nights has woken up at 3 and won't go bad to sleep till 4. I think she is growing and is hungry. I'm sorry your hand is sore Rachel. Recovery is the worst. It snowed off and on all day. Luna fell at daycare and got a bump. If she hits her head she has to have an accident report. Her file is going to be thick in a few weeks. She is wild. 



 It was a cold and snowy day. It didn't stick to the walks though so that was nice. Work is moving along. Nothing too wild and crazy. Then I came home and worked on my paper. I am almost done with the research section. I just have one more topic left and one week to do so I am doing good. Rachel I hope things are still going good with your broken hand. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


 We came home before the storm. I miss the noise and motion but it is nice to be home. Rachel if you don't get feeling better I can come up. Robin I hope you are starting to feel better. I am going into work tomorrow. Dad has a doctor's appointment tomorrow but it is virtual. Everyone stay safe I. The storm. Love mom


 This surgery hasn't been as easy as I was thinking but I am hanging in there.  It was nice of Mom and Dad to stay.  I rested all day they took care of the kids.  Isaac stayed home with a upset stomach.  Mom went to lunch with Oliver and he left ver that.  Das helped Isaac with his homework and they got a lot done.  Ruth had a new tumbling class this evening and she loves it.  Isaac went to young men's and they went bowling.  He has a fun time.  Casey and Oliver went to visit Randy and bring him the beef jerky.  I had a job interview this morning for a sales analyst and they offered it to me.  I just need to provide three references.  I don't think I am going to take it.  I am going to find one that is more flexible so I could work at home some times or a part time job.  I don't know.  I hope everyone is feeling better.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...